Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Rocky Mountain Sacred Harp Convention

Tijeras, New Mexico

September 26-27, 1998

Saturday, September 26

The ninth Rocky Mountain Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at the Pinon Canyon YWCA Camp in Tijeras, New Mexico (near Albuquerque). The convention was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Chairman John Schaffer leading song on page 34b. The morning prayer was led by Everette Denney. Sandy Hill led song on page 222.

A business meeting was called for the purpose of electing officers. Officers elected or appointed to serve were: Chairman—David McPherson; Vice Chair—Juliette Cunico; Secretary—Harlan Van Camp; Arranging Committee—Lissa Callirhoe; Finance Committee—Audrie Haskell; Locating Committee—John Schaffer; Memorial Committee—Ruth Brown; Resolution Committee—Rodney Willard. Leaders: Mary Lou VanLaanen 155; Ed Stevens 84; Sally Gwylan 85; Allan Stavely 148; Juliette Cunico 312b; Harlan Van Camp 362; Anita Landis 184; Jean Schaffer 117; Carol Selleck 159; Liz Bryant 475; Jerry Schreiber 269; Marilyn Burchett 335; Mike Hinton 146; Louise Nelson 350; Leon Ballinger 217; Mary Oruc 383; Everette Denney 405; Carla Smith 404.


The class was called back to order by David McPherson leading song on page 430. Leaders: Daniel Davis “Madrid” (his own composition); Anita Sanders 66; Donna Hand Sewell 171; Clarence Pope 36b; Lori Hand Rodgers 400; Janet Hand Morgan 282; B.J. Harris 503; Pearl Guier 127; David Hough 440; Lou Cotney 212; Jeff Shepard 176t; Mary Bachman 361; Katharine Hough 442; B.M. Smith 441; Hilda Morrison 566; Roy Nelson 436; Evelyn Harris 47t; Shelbie Sheppard 216; Jerry Schreiber 298; Gerald Hand 89; Liz Bryant 270; Leon Ballinger 490; Sandy Hill 497; Mike Hinton 373; John Schaffer 150. The blessing for the noon day meal was given by Leon Ballinger.


The afternoon session was called together by Sandy Hill leading song on page 274t. Leaders: Ed Stevens 288; Laura Shearin 504; Sally Gwylan 385b; Everette Denney 489b; Carla Smith 172; Shelbie Sheppard and Nancy Allen 332; Evelyn Harris 30t; David McPherson 214; Donna Hand Sewell 31t; Allan Stavely 58; Mike Hinton 340; Louise Nelson 145t; Lissa Callirhoe 56b; Leon Ballinger 137; Juliette Cunico 278t; John Schaffer 515; Anita Landess 479; Carol Hand Sellek 145b; Sandy Hill 198; Lori Hand Rogers 143; Jerry Schreiber 550; Pearl Guier 59; Liz Bryant 368.


The class was called to order by David McPherson leading song on page 452b. Leaders: Jeanne Schaffer 344; Daniel Davis “Bosque del Apache” (his own composition); B.J. Harris 303b; Mary Oruc 318; Marilyn Burchett 29t; Lou Cotney 300; David Hough 371; Jeff Sheppard 448t; Mary Bachman 280; Katherine Hough 378b.

Daniel Davis dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, September 27

The Sunday morning session began with David McPherson leading song on page 128. The morning prayer was lead by Gerald Hand. Leaders: Anita Sanders 84; Harlan Van Camp 313b; John Schaffer 299; Ed Stevens 551; B.M. Smith 475; Janet Hand Morgan 35; Laura Shearin 334; Hilda Morrison 276; Roy Nelson 283; Connie Hilgefort 236; Clarence Pope 82t; Kay Sirco 49b; Allan Stavely 61; June Mathews 269; Gerald Hand 38b; Anita Landis 523; Everette Denney 381; Donna Hand Sewell 460; Mike Hinton 543.


The class was called to order by Sandy Hill leading song on page 300. Leaders: Juliette Cunico 68b; Carol Hand Selleck 235b; Daniel Davis “Sangre de Cristo” (his own composition); Lou Cotney 218; Lori Hand Rodgers 401; Carla Smith 426b.

A memorial service was led by Ruth Brown. The names of the deceased were read as the class hummed 285t. Among the deceased were: Willie Mae McClendon, Gertrude Bateman, Beatrice Ezell, Vernice Calvert, Ila McGhee, Mamie Creel, Hadyn Creel, Keterina Sanders, Kim Cagle, Ozetta Gilliland, Clifford Wakefield, Mae Seymour, Jerry Sheppard, Herbert Leopard, Janet Borman, Ada Godsey, Barry Sullivan, Catherine Cessna, Shirley Holland, Louie Smith, Eric Hand, and Merwin Hand. Mike Hinton led song on page 373 for those deceased.

The list of sick and shut-ins included: Jap Walton, Joyce Walton, Lonnie Rogers, Vivian Rogers, Felton Denney, Josephine Denney, Elsie Brock, Katherine Benefield, Revy Williamson, Virgil Phillips, Ruby Phillips, Essie Calvert, Arlie Prokop, Deborah Johnson, Dodge Wiggins, Al Halliday, Johnny Jeans, Virginia Redman, Mae Shearin, and Caroline Inscoe. Shelbie Sheppard led song on page 28b for the shut-ins.

Moena Denney, Ruth Brown, Mike Hinton, and Shelbie Sheppard led song on page 45t, and Moena Denney closed the memorial with prayer.

Leaders: David McPherson 183; Jeanne Schaffer 168; Mike Hinton and Gerald Hand 328; Leon Ballinger 196; Pearl Guier 448b; Liz Bryant 542; Evelyn Harris 155; Jerry Schreiber 510; Katharine Hough 377; Mary Bachman 546. Gerald Hand led the prayer before lunch.


The afternoon session was called together by Daniel Davis leading song on page 107. Leaders: Allan Stavely 122; Laura Shearin 547; Jeff Sheppard 186; David Hough 330b; Leon Ballinger 120; Marilyn Burchett 81t; Mary Oruc 47b; June Mathews 198; Shelbie Sheppard 142; B.J. Harris 452; Louise Nelson 87; B.M. Smith 273; Hilda Morrison 39b; Roy Nelson 434; Clarence Pope 159; Carla Smith 202; Jeanne Schaffer 535; Anita Sanders 528.


The class was called back to order by Harlan Van Camp leading song on page 63. Leaders: Pearl Guier 303b; Liz Bryant 384; Evelyn Harris and Ruth Daniels 378 (t? b?); Everette Denney 161; Mary Bachman 502; Carol Selleck 339.

A business session was held to hear various reports.

Leaders: Katharine Hough 114; Jeff Sheppard 378 (t? b?); Marilyn Burchett 154; Jerry Schreiber 532; Shelbie Sheppard, Nancy Allen, and Margie Smith 106; John Schaffer 174; Mike Hinton 480.

David McPherson led song on page 62 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer by Roy Nelson.

Chairman—David McPherson; Vice Chairwoman—Juliette Cunico; Secretary—Harlan Van Camp.