Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota;
Town Hall, Murphy’s Landing, Shakopee, Minnesota

September 25-26, 2004

Saturday, September 25

The fifteenth Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at the Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Saturday; and the Sunday sessions were held in the Town Hall at Murphy’s Landing in Shakopee, Minnesota.

The class was called to order on Saturday by Co-Chairs Paul Wyatt and Stacey Berkheimer leading 276. Rev. Elli Elliot offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Cathy Lutz 441; Denise Kania 291; Eleanor Haase 352; Mark Ellenberger 107; Johanna Fabke 52t; Jim Goetz 312b; Lisa Grayson 411; Kathy Kaiser 203; Lou Kujawinski 28t; Bill Waddington 362; Jeanette Nelson 143; Paul Figura 183; Anita Buswell 479; Ted Johnson 142; Paul Landskroener 523; Jeff Bell 30t.


Steven Levine brought the class back to order leading 87. Leaders: Jim Parsons 100; Steve Warner 86; Laura Densmore 384; Claudia Englehoff 77b; Robin Fox 535; Allison Dodson 89; Jenna Strizak 460; Francis Gurtz 313b; Meg Parsons 217; Chris Brown 128; Martha Henderson 448t; Charlie Obert 430; Stephanie Fida 547; Mirjana Lausevic 274t; Steve Luttinen 67; Laura Clawson 542; Gordon Olsen 503; James Page 538.


Midge Olsen brought the class back to order leading 171. Leaders: Bob Dixon 163b; Matt Wells 106; Steven Schmidgall 496; Kim Bahmer 99; Jim Helke 532.

A business meeting was held for the purpose of electing the Chair for our February, 2005 Cooper Book Convention. Steven Schmidgall was elected. Co-chairs for next year’s convention were then nominated and elected: Donna Gunderson-Rogers and Paul Wilson.

Michael Moore offered prayer for the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Cathy Lutz leading 52t. Leaders: Julie Vea 216; Cheryl Foreman 328; Anne Heider 528; Louis Hughes 76b; Judy Whiting 318; Penny Kujawinski 102; Reba Windom 192; Midge Olsen 269; Darlene Dalton 77t; Paul Wyatt 284; Carol Crawford 495; Stephen Parker 454; Val Eng 280; Steven Levine 350; Aubrey Hemminger 84; Carol Buche 504; Tim Eriksen 229; Christine Stevens 159.


The class resumed singing with Matt Wells leading 40. Leaders: John Seaton 178; Michael Moore 187; Judy Hauff 442; Jenny Willard 349; Jenn Blaire 186; Shirley Figura 385b; Paul Wilson 565; Doug Donley 424; Kathy Wallace 315; Collette Miller 436; Louis Hughes 270; Judy Whiting 474; Reba Windham 222; Laura Densmore 157; Cheryl Foreman 475; Laura Clawson 81t; Anita Buswell 515; Darlene Dalton 277; Lisa Grayson 201.

After announcements were made, Stacey Berkheimer and Paul Wyatt led 323t as the closing song. Gordon Olsen offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, September 26

The singing on Sunday was held in the Town Hall at Murphy’s Landing, Shakopee, Minnesota. Co-Chairs Stacey Berkheimer and Paul Wyatt brought the class to order leading 171. The opening prayer was offered by Darlene Dalton.

Leaders: Matt Wells 39t; Martha Henderson 455; Gordon Olsen 497; Michael Moore 464; Steve Luttinen 271t; Jim Helke 29b; Chris Brown 38b; Meg Parsons 209; Joan Yeatman 373; Cathy Lutz 344; Laura Densmore 542; Julie Vea 377; Louis Hughes 181; Ted Mercer 93.


The class resumed singing with Jim Pfau leading 36b. Leaders: Midge Olsen, “Minnesota” (by Stanley Smith); Kim Bahmer 37b; John Seaton 47t; Scott Schroeder 40; Val Eng 528; Penny Kujawinski 473; John Pearson 368; Ann Heider 268; Christine Stevens 277; Shirley Figura 145b; Lisa Grayson 383; Walt Graff 49b; Carol Buche 143; Allison Dodson 335; James Page 273; Jenny Willard 426b; Paul Wilson 388.


Denise Kania reconvened the class with 34b.

Kim Bahmer and Cheryl Foreman conducted the memorial lesson. Kim Bahmer spoke of coming to the singing for musical reasons four years ago and being captured by the sense of connection and remembrance she found in the memorial lesson she heard at her first convention in this building. The list of those who have died included: Willie Carolyn Denson—Alabama; Bill Burke—Arizona; Betty Haase—Arkansas; Nick Pender and Mozelle Sheppard—Georgia; Sharon Rogers—Illinois; Barbara Taylor—Indiana; Roland Kirk, Waldo Bunge, Irene Wobschall Austin, Hilmer Iverson, and Verna Carr—Minnesota; Doug Anthony—Montana; Allen Fannin, Abraham Kaufman, and Tomislav Podreka—New York; Betty Rudolph, Cindy McKee, and Robert Langston—Pennsylvania; Sue Ann Cowen—Virginia; Christine Lipo and Dave Egelhoff—Wisconsin; Dick Haase—Texas; Roberta George Seaton—United Kingdom; the victims of hurricanes in the Southeastern United States; the victims of war; and the people killed in the school seizure at Beslan, Russia. Kim Bahmer and Cheryl Foreman led 235 in memory of those deceased.

The list of the sick or shut-ins included: Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Joyce Walton, Jap Walton, Ronnie Meadows and his caretakers (his mother and sister)—Alabama; Mary Ellen Wilkinson and Beau Caldwell—Arkansas; Marilyn Darch—California; Margaret Peckman—Florida; Nick Griffin—Georgia; Suzanne Checchia, Vi Stark, and Cathryn Baker—Illinois; Max Figura—Iowa; David Rice Gardner—Maryland; Liz Spolyar, Deidre Druk, Regina Kania, Helen Stevens, John Warden, and Tom Kreck—Minnesota; Jim Wood—Nebraska; Marjorie Parker Burke—North Dakota; Kelly Beard and Ernestine Pipkin—Texas; Bob Scorgie, Bob Anderson, and Mary Agee—Wisconsin; Bonnie Brasser and Lewis Wilson—Canada; Mary Kellaway—United Kingdom. Cheryl Foreman and Kim Bahmer led 70t in honor of the sick and shut-ins. Walter Graff closed the memorial with prayer.

Leaders: Darlene Dalton 312t; Jeanette Nelson 472.

Louis Hughes offered grace for the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Steven Levine leading 270. Leaders: Jim Parsons 189; Felicia Stevens 142; Johanna Fabke 236; Minja Lausevic 68b; Stephanie Fida 65; Ted Johnson 419; Steve Schmidgall 154; Judy Hauff 392; Reba Windom 216; Steve Warner 475; Laura Clawson 556; Keith Willard 112; Lou Kujawinski 477; Shelley Robbins 299; Kathy Kaiser 485; Jim Pfau 218; Carol Crawford 569t; Robin Fox and Mary Rose O’Reilly 203; Tim Eriksen 204; Claudia Egelhoff 210.

The afghan crocheted by Eloise Jerome was raffled, and won by Steve Schmidgall.


Judy Hauff reconvened the class leading 290. Leaders: Paul Figura 543; Jeff Bell 337; Denise Kana 217; Judy Whiting 480; Eleanor Haase 300; Kit Pfau 159; Stephen Parker 32t; Steven Levine 200; Cheryl Foreman 546; Ted Mercer 202; Paul Wyatt 176t; Anne Heider 501; Christine Stevens 352; Penny Kujawinski 146; Matt Wells 282.

A business was held to hear reports from various committees.

The Resolutions Committee, Jeanette Nelson and Kathy Kaiser, offered an eloquent and gracious resolution of thanks for glorious weather, wonderful food, and to all those who had a hand in organizing this year’s convention. Jeanette spoke from her heart in appreciation of all those who come from so far to enrich the square.

The Treasurer reported that we met our expenses.

The Arranging Committee reported that all leaders were called and that we had 82 leaders on Saturday and 74 (t? b?) on Sunday. The roll of states was taken, showing singers from 13 states: Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin; one Canadian province (Manitoba); and the United Kingdom.

Jeanette Nelson and Kathy Kaiser led 212. Co-Chairs Stacey Berkheimer and Paul Wyatt led 62 as the closing song while singers took the parting hand. Keith Willard offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-Chairs—Stacey Berkheimer and Paul Wyatt; Corresponding Secretary—Jim Pfau; Recording Secretary—Stephen Parker; Treasurer—Matt Wells.