A heart in ev’ry thought renewed | 328 Praise God |
A home in heav’n as the suff’rer lies | 41 Home in Heaven |
A home in heav’n! What a joyful thought | 41 Home in Heaven |
A home in heav’n when our friends are fled | 41 Home in Heaven |
A home in heav’n when the faint heart bleeds | 41 Home in Heaven |
Agonizing in the garden | 81t Beach Spring |
Although they’re drowned in vice | 67 Columbus |
Although we part, perhaps in tears | 521 Parting Friends |
I’m drinking endless pleasure in | 373 Homeward Bound |
I’m fettered and chained up in clay | 384 Panting For Heaven |
I’m trusting in His Holy Word | 206 Christian’s Hope |
’Mid storms of doubt, in grief or woe | 367 Consolation |
Among them clothed in white. | 562 Infinite Delight |
An int’rest in your prayers I crave | 62 Parting Hand 516 DeLong |
And answer in that day | 445 Passing Away |
And corn in valleys grow. | 200 Edom 301 Greenland 304 Morgan 528 Showers of Blessings |
And dwell in peace at home? | 390 New Prospect |
And dwell with Him in light. | 101b Holy City |
And faith in lively exercise | 329 Vain World Adieu |
And feel in the presence of Jesus at home. | 161 Sweet Home |
And God grant we may meet together in that world above | 260 Farewell Anthem |
And greet me first in heav’n. | 312t Sing to Me of Heaven |
And I must go, and die down in the cold and silent grave | 260 Farewell Anthem |
And I soon shall sing in eternity. | 548 Wootten |
And I’d praise God in His bright abode. | 106 Ecstasy |
And in full glory shine! | 292 Behold the Savior |
And in His arms resign my breath | 170 Exhilaration |
And in His arms resigned to death | 544 Praise Him |
And in His bosom rest? | 378t Heavenly Port |
And in me let each virtue shine | 205 Pleasant Hill |
And in peace e’ermore abide. | 494 Big Creek |
And in that light of life I’ll walk | 75 I Would See Jesus |
And in the act of dying gave up the ghost | 355 Anthem on the Savior |
And in the new Jerusalem | 74t The Enquirer 483 Eternal Light |
And in the paths of righteousness | 330t Horton |
And in the victories of Thy death | 44 The Converted Thief |
And in Thy dear image arise from the tomb | 119 Heaven’s My Home |
And join the anthems in the skies | 378b Never Turn Back |
And joined in thy innocent glee. | 413 The Loved Ones |
And lead me in the narrow way | 531 Dura |
And leave you ever in the dark. | 204 Mission 404 Youth Will Soon Be Gone 436 Morning Sun |
And me in that number will Jesus receive | 369 Send A Blessing |
And meet you in the promised land. | 549 Phillips Farewell |
And mould’ring, lie buried in dust | 240 Christian Song |
And now I live in Him. | 75 I Would See Jesus |
And now in thine eye shines the fond, parting tear. | 231 Thou Art Passing Away |
And on in the way of obedience to move. | 179 The Christian Warfare |
And possess, in sweet communion | 56t Columbiana |
And poured out my soul to my Savior in prayer. | 100 The Bower of Prayer |
And praise Him in that holy place. | 544 Praise Him |
And rejoicing in Thy love. | 80t Shouting Song 323t Mullins |
And saints arrayed in white | 101b Holy City |
And saints will rise to meet Him in the air. | 498 The Resurrection Day |
And shall He bleed in vain? | 124 Lover of the Lord |
And shall hear the trumpet sound in the morning? | 85 The Morning Trumpet |
And sink in deep despair? | 67 Columbus 462 Faith and Hope |
And sink in gaping graves. | 222 Ocean |
And starve in a foreign land | 113 The Prodigal Son |
And the light shineth in darkness | 553 Anthem on the Beginning |
And there’s union in my soul | 424 Sweet Union |
And they had palms in their hands | 250 Heavenly Vision |
And thus, in dying anguish said: | 37t Ester |
And triumph in my God | 492 Invocation |
And waft me in peace to the shore. | 449 Fatherland |
And was cradled in a manger. | 355 Anthem on the Savior |
And we’ll all shout together in that morning. | 421 Sweet Morning |
And we’ll shout and praise the Lamb in glory! | 343 Happy Home |
And welt’ring in Thy blood. | 44 The Converted Thief |
And when I close my eyes in death | 58 Pisgah |
And worship in Thy fear. | 173 Phoebus |
Angels in shining order stand | 196 Alabama |
Are oft in mercy sent: | 113 The Prodigal Son |
Are waving in the air | 438 The Marriage in the Skies |
Arrayed in robes of light | 120 Chambers |
As in the ages past | 534 New Georgia |
As in the days of old | 141 Complainer |
As in Thy sight to live | 502 A Charge to Keep |
As the Lord cometh down in the pomp of His ire! | 149 The Trumpet |
As the poor man toils in his weary lot: | 41 Home in Heaven |
Ask, and receive in Jesus’ name. | 429 Christian’s Delight |
Awake, my soul, in joyful lays | 275t Loving Kindness |
Be acceptable in Thy sight, Oh Lord | 518 Heavenly Anthem |
Be joyful in your King | 456 Sacred Mount |
Before the hills in order stood | 543 Thou Art God |
Beheld my soul in ruin lie | 484 Heavenly Union |
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord: | 320 Funeral Anthem |
Blessed are the pure in heart | 507 Sermon on the Mount |
Blest Jesus while in mortal flesh | 39b Sharpsburg |
Blow the trumpet in Mount Zion | 117 Babylon Is Fallen |
Bright in that happy land beams ev’ry eye | 354b Happy Land |
Buried in sorrow and in sin | 47t Primrose |
Burst forth in strains of joyfulness | 312t Sing to Me of Heaven |
But all in silence mourn | 49b Mear |
But in Christ sweet consolation. | 326 Weary Pilgrim |
But in my hopes, pure and refining | 332 Sons of Sorrow |
But in the worship of my God | 203 Florida |
But in Thy life the law appears | 515 Federal Street |
But march on in the way | 157 Essay |
But my hope in God is strong | 410t The Dying Californian |
But we shall still be joined in heart | 330b Fellowship |
But when depressed and lost in sin | 484 Heavenly Union |
But when I am happy in Him | 127 Green Fields |
Cleansed in life’s flowing fountain | 175 Highlands of Heaven |
Come, humble sinner, in whose breast | 29t Fairfield 94 Never Part |
Come join in and help me to sing | 376 Help Me to Sing |
Come, join the angels in the sky | 412 New Hosanna |
Come, join us in our holy aim | 334 Oh Come Away |
Come to Jesus in your prime | 144 Jubilee |
Creation rose in form complete. | 394 The Messiah’s Praise |
Crosses in number, measure, weight | 379 Span of Life 407 Charlton |
Cry in reverential tone | 139 Elysian |
Cut down and withered in an hour. | 50t Mortality 181 Exit |
Dead, perhaps, laid in the tomb! | 332 Sons of Sorrow |
Described in the Bible that lay on the stand. | 165 Family Bible |
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness | 310 Weeping Savior |
Does the hope inspire of its home in heav’n. | 41 Home in Heaven |
Drawn out in living characters. | 515 Federal Street |
Drink endless pleasures in? | 82t Bound For Canaan 85 The Morning Trumpet 319 Religion Is a Fortune 410b Mutual Love |
Dwell in my own eternity | 174 Petersburg |
Each in his proper station move | 212 Sharon |
Fainting souls in peril’s hour | 497 Natick |
Far in distant lands to dwell? | 385b Can I Leave You? |
Farewell, dear brethren in the Lord | 185 Pilgrim’s Farewell |
Farewell, my brethren in the Lord | 72t The Weary Soul |
Fear shall in me no more have place | 270 Confidence |
Fix in us Thy humble dwelling | 30t Love Divine |
Flying in the air. | 225b Christmas Anthem |
Followed Jesus in the way. | 56b Villulia |
For in every sense of duty | 115 Edmonds |
For Thou art all in all. | 147t Boylston |
For when I was sinking in dreadful despair | 125 Expression |
From his home below to his home in heav’n. | 41 Home in Heaven |
From the blessed thought of his home in heav’n. | 41 Home in Heaven |
Glorious in His works and ways. | 405 The Marcellas |
God moves in a mysterious way | 478 My Rising Sun |
God, while in their troubles, found them | 133 Hebrew Children |
Goodness and wrath in vain combine | 93 Frozen Heart |
Groping on in darkness drear | 510 Corley |
I’ve much to do in little space | 482 Mulberry Grove |
I’ve sought for bliss in glitt’ring toys | 204 Mission |
We’ve found peace and pardon in Jesus’ blood.” | 360 The Royal Band |
He arose, and ascended in a cloud. | 408 Weeping Mary |
He dwelt in Eden’s shade | 115 Edmonds |
He in His mercy doth restore | 558 Living Streams |
He leadeth me in the paths | 524 The Twenty-Third Psalm |
He plants His footsteps in the sea | 478 My Rising Sun |
He saw me ruined in the fall | 275t Loving Kindness |
He saw me sinking in distress | 527 My Life and Breath |
He’ll embrace me in His arms | 312b Restoration |
He’ll not live in glory and leave me behind | 369 Send A Blessing |
Hear, lest in His wrath awaking | 263 Doddridge |
Here in this vale confined? | 308 Parting Friends |
How often we’ve met Him in sweet heav’nly union | 116 Union |
I am bound to die in the army. | 80b Service of the Lord |
I am bound to live in the service of the Lord | 80b Service of the Lord |
I bear thee in my arms | 489 The Savior’s Call |
I feel I’m in His favor | 109 Carnsville |
I find myself placed in a state of probation | 179 The Christian Warfare |
I first found in the blood of the Lamb | 399b Happy Christian |
I forward go in duty’s way | 67 Columbus |
I have a crown in view. | 330t Horton 426t Kelley |
I hear, but seem to hear in vain | 287 Cambridge |
I hope in Christ you’ll still go on | 62 Parting Hand 516 DeLong |
I in gems and roses gleaming | 359 The Bride’s Farewell |
I know His courts, I’ll enter in | 29t Fairfield |
I leave you in God’s care | 235 Long Sought Home |
I long, dearest Lord, in Thy beauties to shine | 119 Heaven’s My Home |
I long to dwell and eternally join in the song | 496 The Rock That is Higher Than I |
I read my duty in Thy Word | 515 Federal Street |
I see Thee bathed in sweat and tears | 44 The Converted Thief |
I seek a place in heav’n. | 77t The Child of Grace |
I shall live in endless day. | 166 Still Better |
I travel on in pain | 83t Vale of Sorrow |
I want a seat in Paradise | 324 North Port |
I’ll see my Savior in that land | 465 Where There’s No Trouble and Sorrow |
I’ll travel in the sacred way | 381 Sing On |
In a believer’s ear! | 68b Ortonville |
In a land beyond the sky | 560 My Home |
In all my afflictions to Thee would I come | 119 Heaven’s My Home |
In all my fears, in all my straits | 26 Samaria 107 Russia |
In all the cares of life and love. | 212 Sharon |
In and through God’s only Son. | 144 Jubilee |
In azure sky and beauteous earth | 374 Oh, Sing With Me! |
In brighter flames arrayed | 112 The Last Words of Copernicus |
In compassion new descend | 70t Gainsville |
In concert with the blood-washed band. | 457 Wayfaring Stranger |
In darkest night when he appears | 478 My Rising Sun |
In darkest shades if He appears | 546 My Brightest Days |
In darkest shades if Thou appear | 550 Blissful Dawning |
In each event of life, how clear | 143 Pleyel’s Hymn |
In earnest for the heav’nly land | 89 The Church’s Desolation |
In equal friendship join. | 98 Dull Care |
In everlasting day. | 37b Liverpool 215 New Topia |
In ev’ry joy that crowns my days | 143 Pleyel’s Hymn |
In ev’ry pain I bear | 143 Pleyel’s Hymn |
In every thing that’s lawful | 115 Edmonds |
In far distant regions they dwell. | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
In glory, with celestial arts | 225b Christmas Anthem |
In God, the life of all my joys | 386 Christ Our Song |
In grateful anthems in the skies | 539 Supplication |
In green pastures | 524 The Twenty-Third Psalm |
In health made us to rise. | 411 Morning Prayer |
In heav’n above, where all is love | 426b Jasper |
In heav’n alone no sin is found | 33t Weeping Savior |
In heav’n and earth are one. | 285t Arnold |
In Him my star, my sun | 75 I Would See Jesus |
In Him was life; and the life was the light of men | 553 Anthem on the Beginning |
In hope of the eternal days | 549 Phillips Farewell |
In humble notes our faith adores | 351 Pittsford |
In hymns around the throne | 283 Sabbath Morning |
In hymns of joyful praise. | 568 I Want to Go to Heaven |
In icy fetters bound. | 38t Winter |
In Jesus’ ways go on | 64 Nashville |
In Jesus’ word go on | 284 Garden Hymn |
In living armies rise. | 131t Messiah 534 New Georgia |
In love’s unbounded sea: | 61 Sweet Rivers |
In mansions of eternal bliss | 72t The Weary Soul |
In mercy stoops to hear thy cry. | 429 Christian’s Delight |
In my Redeemer’s breast. | 103 Animation 146 Hallelujah |
In my Redeemer’s praise. | 123b Cross of Christ 197 Georgia 330t Horton |
In nature’s smiling bloom | 176b Blooming Youth |
In notes almost divine. | 396 Notes Almost Divine |
In paradise live | 369 Send A Blessing |
In pastures green He leads me on | 437 Sidney |
In pastures green he makes me lie | 558 Living Streams |
In paths of right I’ll stay. | 490 My Shepherd Guides |
In pride and robes of honor shine. | 183 Greenwich 193 Huntington |
In pris’n I saw him next, condemned | 164 Duane Street |
In rebellion blindly bold | 74b King of Peace |
In Satan’s bondage held | 441 Raymond |
In seas of heav’nly rest | 36b Ninety-Fifth 43 Primrose Hill 114 Saint’s Delight 293 Akers 392 Manchester |
In solemn darkness ’round your head. | 404 Youth Will Soon Be Gone 522 Ye Heedless Ones |
In spite of all your tow’rs | 162 Plenary |
In spite of env’ous Jews. | 78 Stafford |
In springs of water may abound | 64 Nashville |
In sweet submission, all as one | 62 Parting Hand |
In that bright world to which I go. | 457 Wayfaring Stranger |
In that eternal day. | 146 Hallelujah 383 Eternal Day |
In that eternal world of joy. | 48t Devotion 556 Portland |
In that last sad hour, ’mid friends so dear | 494 Big Creek |
In that sweet home above. | 389 Fredericksburg |
In the arms of my dear Savior | 312b Restoration |
In the beginning was the Word | 553 Anthem on the Beginning |
In the bright season of my youth | 176b Blooming Youth |
In the cross of Christ I glory | 532 Peace and Joy |
In the floods of tribulation | 145b Sweet Affliction |
In the house of the Lord forever. | 524 The Twenty-Third Psalm |
In the Lord’s avenging day? | 523 Pleyel’s Hymn |
In the presence of my enemies | 524 The Twenty-Third Psalm |
In the service of my Lord. | 166 Still Better |
In the world I’ve tribulation | 326 Weary Pilgrim |
In these cold hearts of ours. | 371 Heavenly Dove |
In Thine own appointed way | 50b Humility 70t Gainsville |
In this accepted day | 96 Few Happy Matches |
In those days came John the Baptist | 232 Baptismal Anthem 572 The Lamb of God |
In Thy atoning blood | 569t Emmaus |
In Thy name and Thy strength shall soon put to flight. | 179 The Christian Warfare |
In time no more I shall you see | 83b The Dying Minister 348t Ainslie |
In triumph Thou shalt rise | 44 The Converted Thief |
In vain Thou strugglest to get free | 95 Vernon |
In vain to heav’n she lifts her eyes | 29b Tribulation 419 Melancholy Day |
In vain we lavish out our lives | 180 Vermont |
In ways of righteousness! | 77b Holcombe |
Is labor that’s all spent in vain | 116 Union |
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word | 72b Bellevue |
It lays in heav’n the topmost stone | 31t Ninety-Third Psalm |
It tells me in a small still voice | 471 The Savior’s Name |
Jehovah shut them in | 506 The Ark |
Join in a song with sweet accord | 31b Webster 52t Albion 481 Novakoski |
Joy and peace in Christ I find | 326 Weary Pilgrim |
Leads me in paths of righteousness. | 558 Living Streams |
Let’s live so in youth that we blush not in age. | 136 Morality |
Let us all rejoice in Thee. | 50b Humility 70t Gainsville |
Lies low and mould’ring in the dust. | 110 Mount Vernon |
Lies silent in the grave. | 397 The Fountain |
Like soldiers in the good old way. | 213t The Good Old Way |
Lives eternal in the sky | 332 Sons of Sorrow |
Long in silence I have waited | 263 Doddridge |
Long thy guilt in secret grown | 263 Doddridge |
Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear | 77b Holcombe 171 Exhortation 173 Phoebus |
Lord, we ask in Jesus’ name | 230 Converting Grace |
March on in your Redeemer’s strength | 456 Sacred Mount |
May not a sinner trust in Thee? | 73t Cusseta |
May our justified souls find a welcome in heav’n. | 149 The Trumpet |
My Christian friends, in bonds of love | 62 Parting Hand |
My comfort by day and my song in the night | 571 Penitence |
My dear Redeemer took me in | 484 Heavenly Union |
My glittering crown appears in view | 122 All Is Well |
My heart shall find delight in praise | 143 Pleyel’s Hymn |
My home in heav’n above. | 235 Long Sought Home |
My home, it is in the promised land | 51 My Home |
My hope is in the Lord | 542 I’ll Seek His Blessings |
My parents, though dear, are safe landed in glory | 342 The Old-Fashioned Bible |
My soul should stretch her wings in haste | 111b To Die No More 444 All Saints New |
My soul when sinking in distress | 558 Living Streams |
My soul would stretch her wings in haste | 30b Prospect 275b Roll On 380 Lawrenceburg |
My tongue broke out in unknown strains | 297 Conversion |
My youthful friends, in Christian ties | 62 Parting Hand |
No, He will put His strength in me | 67 Columbus 462 Faith and Hope |
No, in the strength of Jesus, no! | 270 Confidence |
No more as an exile in sorrow to pine | 119 Heaven’s My Home |
Nor let me in my sins expire! | 48b Kedron |
Nor stay in all their course | 84 Amsterdam |
Now in the bowels of Thy love | 58 Pisgah |
Now, in the heat of youthful blood | 272 Exhortation |
Of a soul in its earliest love. | 399b Happy Christian |
Of love which in Jesus is made known to me. | 360 The Royal Band |
Oh Jesus, be with me in every battle | 179 The Christian Warfare |
Oh, may I never read in vain | 391 Sounding Joy |
Oh, may my heart in tune be found | 48t Devotion 435 Sacred Rest 556 Portland |
Oh may we in Thy bosom rest | 302 Logan |
Oh! May we meet in heav’n | 498 The Resurrection Day |
Oh, sinner, where will you stand in that day? | 567 The Great Day |
Oh! then what bliss in that heart forgiv’n | 41 Home in Heaven |
Oh Thou, in whose presence my soul takes delight | 571 Penitence |
Oh, ’tis not in grief to harm me | 370 Monroe |
Oh trust His grace — in Canaan’s land | 62 Parting Hand 516 DeLong |
Oh ’twere not in joy to charm me | 370 Monroe |
On whom in affliction I call | 571 Penitence |
One family, we dwell in Him | 285t Arnold |
Or cry in the desert for bread? | 571 Penitence |
Or hast Thou made mankind in vain? | 547 Granville |
Or heav’n and earth in order stood | 431 New Bethany |
Or seek relief in prayer. | 143 Pleyel’s Hymn |
Or sing in endless night. | 266 Kingwood |
Our God, our help in ages past | 336 Eternal Home |
Our life in Christ concealed | 77t The Child of Grace |
O’er lands which long in darkness lay: | 242 Ode on Science |
Peaceful in the grave so low | 118 Stockwood |
Pilgrims in a barren land | 510 Corley |
Preaching in the wilderness | 572 The Lamb of God |
Preaching in the wilderness of Judea | 232 Baptismal Anthem |
Read in nature, Nature’s God. | 332 Sons of Sorrow |
Rejoice in glorious hope! | 473 Carmarthen |
Rejoicing in hope of my glorious home. | 119 Heaven’s My Home |
Rest in future life and light. | 332 Sons of Sorrow |
Rise, brethren, rise, your home is in the skies. | 167 Pray, Brethren, Pray |
Ris’n with healing in His wings. | 81b Cookham |
Safe in the promised land. | 133 Hebrew Children |
Save in the death of Christ, my God | 447 Wondrous Cross |
Say, if in your tents my beloved has been | 571 Penitence |
Say why in the valley of death should I weep | 571 Penitence |
Seek ye not in palaces | 461 Shining Star |
Shall we seek Thee, Lord, in vain? | 50b Humility 70t Gainsville |
Soon ’twill set in dismal night | 332 Sons of Sorrow |
Soon you’ll miss me in your berth | 410t The Dying Californian |
Stand dressed in living green | 66 Jordan 289 Greensborough 446 Infinite Day |
Stand fast with sword in hand | 201 Pilgrim |
Storm is gathering in the west | 108b The Traveler |
Strong in faith, in love and hope. | 70t Gainsville |
Sweet fields arrayed in living green | 51 My Home 65 Sweet Prospect 128 The Promised Land 433 McKay 439 Jordan 442 New Jordan |
Sweet music in Zion’s beginning to roll | 424 Sweet Union |
That dwelt in my bow’r I observed as my bell | 100 The Bower of Prayer |
That fountain in his day | 397 The Fountain |
That in His love is found | 373 Homeward Bound |
That its foot was on earth and its top in the sky. | 551 Jacob’s Vision |
That man is blessed who stands in awe | 486 Beneficence |
That One in all His grace I need | 93 Frozen Heart |
That saints enjoy in heav’n. | 283 Sabbath Morning |
That the earth will be burning in that day. | 567 The Great Day |
That the sun will be darkened in that day. | 567 The Great Day |
That there will be a judgment in that day. | 567 The Great Day |
That walk in yonder narrow way | 229 Irwinton |
That we’ll meet up there in our home in heav’n. | 41 Home in Heaven |
The angels in glory repeat the glad story | 360 The Royal Band |
The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll in fire | 149 The Trumpet |
The fields strive in vain to look gay | 127 Green Fields |
The Lord has shut them in. | 506 The Ark |
The marriage in the skies | 438 The Marriage in the Skies |
The saints in full prosperity | 170 Exhilaration |
The same was in the beginning with God. | 553 Anthem on the Beginning |
The Son of God in tears | 33t Weeping Savior |
The tears of joy in all your eyes | 152 Shepherds Rejoice |
The temple’s veil in sunder breaks | 292 Behold the Savior |
The tokens in His hands I knew — | 164 Duane Street |
The tomahawk, buried, shall rest in the ground | 160t War Department |
The voice of one crying in the wilderness | 232 Baptismal Anthem |
The world and flesh in vain may rise | 326 Weary Pilgrim |
Then I shall live in heav’n above | 560 My Home |
Then in a moment to my view | 164 Duane Street |
Then in a nobler, sweeter song | 397 The Fountain |
Then in heav’n with joy to greet thee | 118 Stockwood |
Then let us in His name sing on | 283 Sabbath Morning |
There all flesh is at once in the sight of the Lord | 149 The Trumpet |
There he saw in a vision a ladder so high | 551 Jacob’s Vision |
There’s union in heav’n | 424 Sweet Union |
They all are robed in spotless white | 383 Eternal Day |
They’re ’round my bed, they’re in my room | 122 All Is Well |
This work that’s in my soul begun | 337 Mercy’s Free |
Thou art my all in all. | 393 Alexander |
Thou bear me in thy breast. | 489 The Savior’s Call |
Though in the paths of death I tread | 402 Protection |
Though oft from Thy presence in sadness I roam | 161 Sweet Home |
Though we are few in number. | 90 Look Out |
Though we part here in body, we’re bound for one glory | 116 Union |
Thousands sleeping in their sins | 495 The Midnight Cry |
Thrust in our sickles at Thy word | 573 Harpeth Valley |
Thus may we abide in union | 56t Columbiana |
’Tis heav’n to rest in Thine embrace | 147t Boylston 503 Lloyd |
’Tis music in the sinner’s ears | 88b Mount Zion 395 New Bethel |
To dwell forever in Thy sight? | 316 New Hope |
To follow in their train. | 123b Cross of Christ |
To glorious mansions in the skies | 62 Parting Hand 516 DeLong |
To knock, but could not enter in. | 60 Day of Worship |
To mansions in the skies | 36b Ninety-Fifth 43 Primrose Hill 114 Saint’s Delight 293 Akers 462 Faith and Hope |
To rest in His embrace. | 84 Amsterdam |
To save us rebels dead in sin | 296 Sardinia |
To see the saints in glory | 92 Burk |
To sing God’s praise in endless day | 80b Service of the Lord 176t Ragan 274t The Golden Harp 278b Traveling Pilgrim 282 I’m Going Home |
To triumph in His sight. | 279 The Shepherd’s Flock |
To usher in the glorious day. | 412 New Hosanna |
Triumphant in His grace. | 396 Notes Almost Divine |
Triumphant in the skies. | 131b Invocation |
Trust Him ye saints in all your ways | 26 Samaria 107 Russia |
Unto our God be glory in the highest | 223 Portuguese Hymn |
Was flowing in my soul | 141 Complainer |
Was urged upon our necks in vain | 242 Ode on Science |
We’re fettered and chained up in clay | 206 Christian’s Hope |
We have met in sweet accord | 477 Lord, We Adore Thee |
We’ll praise the Lord in heav’n above | 274b Roll Jordan |
We’ll sing around the throne in sweet accord | 454 The Better Land |
We to their labors ent’ring in | 573 Harpeth Valley |
We wait in hope on the promise giv’n | 41 Home in Heaven |
What a haven in Jesus’ sweet name. | 399b Happy Christian |
What impious numbers, bold in sin | 354t Lebanon |
What’s this that in my soul is rising? | 337 Mercy’s Free |
What wraps the land in sorrow’s shade? | 110 Mount Vernon |
When we’ve this in store | 98 Dull Care |
When heated in the chase | 230 Converting Grace |
When I appear in yonder cloud | 386 Christ Our Song |
When I hear the trumpet sound in the morning. | 85 The Morning Trumpet |
When I shall unite in your song? | 384 Panting For Heaven |
When in a low whisper I heard something say | 341 The Lone Pilgrim |
When sinking in despair. | 187 Protection |
When Zion in purity the world shall behold. | 130 Millennium |
Where breathes in kindness mutual love | 374 Oh, Sing With Me! |
Where nature all in ruin lies | 300 Calvary |
Where saints in glory stand, bright, bright as day. | 354b Happy Land |
Where the saints robed in white | 175 Highlands of Heaven |
Which in my Savior shine. | 396 Notes Almost Divine |
While beauty and youth are in their full prime | 136 Morality |
While here in the valley of conflict I stay | 119 Heaven’s My Home |
While I address you in God’s name. | 204 Mission |
While in the army I remain | 487 Soldier’s Delight |
While in this body here we stay | 206 Christian’s Hope |
While in this land of sorrow I remain. | 416 The Christian’s Nightly Song |
While in this vale of sorrow | 83t Vale of Sorrow |
Whilst I’m engaged in praising | 109 Carnsville |
Who seek for mansions in the skies | 62 Parting Hand |
Whose hearts in sweetest union join | 62 Parting Hand |
Why should our tears in sorrow flow | 541 Home of the Blest |
With me in paradise.” | 44 The Converted Thief |
With such as saints in glory love | 180 Vermont |
With tears of joy in all your eyes | 306 Oxford |
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. | 234 Reverential Anthem |
Would make any change in my mind. | 127 Green Fields |
Wrapped in sweet vision’s airy dream. | 140 Sweet Solitude |
Yes when my eyes are closed in death | 387 Penick |
Yet there was something in his eye | 164 Duane Street |
Yielded in Thy presence bow | 477 Lord, We Adore Thee |
You that in wicked pleasures live | 37t Ester |
You who in sin and folly live | 204 Mission |
You will find Christ in the way. | 108b The Traveler |
Your flesh in dust be laid. | 37b Liverpool 215 New Topia |