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Texas State Sacred Harp Convention

Coker United Methodist Church, San Antonio, Texas

February 22-23, 2014

Saturday, February 22

The 22nd annual Texas State Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at Coker United Methodist Church in San Antonio, Texas. Gaylon Powell called the class to order leading 49t. Mike Hinton offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Gaylon Powell 198; Mike Hinton 456; Rick Foreman 34b; Tammy Powell 142; Don Ross 504; Vickie Cook 171; Dave Collette 45t; Sonny Erwin 493; Shane Wootten 29t; Ben Copenhaver 88t; Ted Mercer 187; Harry Scott 315; Janie Short 373; Rene Greene 200; Richard Ivey 202; Cheryl Foreman 472; Judy Whiting 212; John Berendzen 480; Kristie Powell 498; Morris Nelms 479; Susie Mathewson 145b; Ron Ryan 156; Jonathan Pendleton 97.


Mike Hinton called the class back to order by leading 40. Leaders: Robert Vaughn 240; Lori Rodgers 139; Pete Mathewson 354t; J.T. Harechmak 286; Jo Pendleton 49b; Janet Morgan 77t; Olivia Powell 148; Micah Rodgers and Cheyenne Ivey 542; Chris Brown 211; Leon Ballinger 120; Julie Vea 392; Lamar Matthew 35; Diane Ross 209; Jesse Karlsberg 317; John Seaton 47t; Cassie Allen 292; Anne Drexler 87; Lauren Bock 349; Baron Powers 81t; Kevin Powell 163b; Carter Cook 300; Joy Spreadborough 268; Karen Rollins 327; Kelsey Ivey 214; Becky Hendricks 454.

The following committees were appointed: Memorial Committee—Don Ross, Karen Rollins, and Judy Whiting; Nominating Committee—Kevin Powell, Janie Short, and Sonny Erwin. Dave Collette offered the noon prayer.


Gaylon Powell brought the afternoon session to order by leading 287. Leaders: Jessica Beer 422; Linda Booker 452; Roberta Strauss 269; Amy Peveto 51; Rodney Ivey 426b; Becca Short 159; Tamara Harris 398; Terry Hogg 43; Alex Hawk 228; Susie Mathewson 68b; Robert Vaughn 387; Janet Morgan 314; Jonathan Pendleton 59; Pete Mathewson 565; J.T. Harechmak 384; Lori Rodgers 503; Jo Pendleton 24b; Shane Wootten 110; Ted Mercer 468. Announcements were made.


Gaylon Powell led 47b to bring the class back together. Leaders: Sonny Erwin and Cassie Allen 111b; Harry Scott 260; Rene Greene 208; Don Ross 225t; Richard Ivey and Kelsey Ivey 389; Judy Whiting 222; Cheryl Foreman 183; John Berendzen 74b; Chris Brown 28b; Julie Vea 39t; Lamar Matthew 344; Diane Ross 350; Jesse Karlsberg and Lauren Bock 345b; John Seaton 48t; Leon Ballinger 280; Anne Drexler and Roberta Strauss 282; Joy Spreadborough 354b; Scott Curran and Michelle Curran 566.

Gaylon Powell led 94 as the closing song. Pete Mathewson offered the closing prayer.

Sunday, February 23

The Sunday session of the Texas State Convention was called to order by Gaylon Powell leading 100. Tom Owen offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Gaylon Powell 411; Mike Hinton 475; Rick Foreman 33b; Tammy Powell 178; Carter Cook 168; Karen Rollins 297; Amy Peveto 326; Jessica Beer 107; Bill Bailey 451; Terry Hogg 523; Janie Short 312b; Bruce Coates 313b; Rodney Ivey 267; Vivian Rogan 163b; Chloe Webb 106; Olivia Powell 82t; Jackson Fleder 177; Beverly Coates 33t; Ben Copenhaver 174; Tom Owen 283; Baron Powers 79; Gary Rogan 299.


Mike Hinton led 145t to bring the class back together. Leaders: Scott Curran 269; Vickie Cook 365; Linda Booker 490; Zach Rogan 203; Kevin Powell 298; Michele Curran 481; Tamara Harris 399t; Ted Mercer 195; Joy Spreadborough 154; Richard Ivey 217; Anne Drexler 335; Roberta Strauss 441; Lamar Matthew 569b; Lauren Bock and Sonny Erwin 309; Chris Brown 447.

A memorial lesson was held at this time. Judy Whiting led 464 for the following sick and shut-ins: Curtis Owen, Edith Owen, Doris Hanks, Myrl Jones, Jonathan Dale, Jane Goforth, Dorothy Williams, Margaret Steel, Elsie Moon, Evelyn Harris, S.T. Reed, Betty Wright, and Hobert Ivey.

Don Ross read the following list of names of the deceased: A.A. Smith Jr., Lawson Smith, Bobby Evans, and Anthony Blevins-Texas; Bea Gilmore-United Kingdom; Jim Hearne-Missouri; Carroll Lunsford-California; Eva Padgett-Florida; Don Buswell-Arkansas; Evelyn Steinruck and Fran Accetta-Pennsylvania; Clayton Ezell-Tennessee; Hugh Bill McGuire-Mississippi; Teenie Moody and Carlene Griffin-Georgia; Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Bud Oliver, Lessie Reed, Josie Hyde, Mary Kitchens Gardner, Lou Cotney, Wendell Wakefield, Tat Bailey, and C.T. Williams-Alabama. Karen Rollins gave the eulogy. Don Ross led 347 in memory of the deceased, and closed the memorial service with prayer.

Leaders: Cheryl Foreman and Rick Foreman 546; Julie Vea 368; Rene Greene 528; John Seaton 150; Kelsey Ivey 192; Harry Scott 276. Gaylon Powell led 448t for the cooks. Baron Powers offered the noon prayer.


Gaylon Powell began the afternoon session by leading 107. Leaders: Shane Wootten 426t; Cassie Allen 434; Jesse Karlsberg 396; Diane Ross 543; John Berendzen 95; Becca Short 162; Judy Whiting 208; Leon Ballenger 424; Don Ross 328; Becky Hendricks 479; Kristie Powell 196; Vickie Cook and Carter Cook 430; Amy Peveto 494; Jackson Fleder 170; Bill Bailey and Ben Copenhaver 551; Bruce Coates and Beverly Coates 176b; Ted Mercer and Baron Powers 85; Kevin Powell, Olivia Powell, and Joy Spreadborough 457; Rodney Ivey, Zach Rogan, Cheyenne Ivey, and Micah Rodgers 56t; Roberta Strauss and Anne Drexler 496; Gary Rogan and Vivian Rogan 319; Tom Owen and John Seaton 147t; Lamar Matthew and Harry Scott 117; Chris Brown and Judy Whiting 323t; Julie Vea and Tamara Harris 288; Jessica Beer and John Berendzen 499; Richard Ivey, Kelsey Ivey, Jesse Karlsberg, and Lauren Bock 111t; Shane Wootten and Rene Greene 224; Scott Curran, Michele Curran, and Cassie Allen 30b; Don Ross and Diane Ross 30t; Janie Short and Becca Short 146; Linda Booker and Becky Hendricks 34t; Leon Ballinger and Kristie Powell 273.

A business meeting was held. The following officers were elected to serve for next year: Chairman—Mike Hinton; Vice Chairman—Cassie Allen; Secretary—Tammy Powell; Co-Treasurers—Rick and Cheryl Foreman.

Gaylon Powell, Mike Hinton, and Tammy Powell led 69t as the closing song. Shane Wootten offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Gaylon Powell; Vice Chairman—Mike Hinton; Secretary—Tammy Powell