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The United Sacred Harp Musical Association

Trevecca University, Nashville, Tennessee

September 10 - 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10

The 108th session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Association met at Trevecca University, Nashville, Tennessee, on the second Sunday and Saturday before in September. The class was called to order by Henry Johnson leading 32t. The morning prayer was offered by Blake Sisemore.

Leaders: Eddie Mash 47t; Nora Parker 36b; Cindy Tanner 123t; Karen Rollins 227; Richard Ivey 228; John Plunkett 52t; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 135; David Ivey 349; Rodney Ivey 432; Roy Turrentine 99; Leigh Cooper 42; Karl Dise 411; Adrian Eldridge 445; Erica Hinton 73b; Dan Brittain 125; Virginia Eldridge 108t; Andrew Beauchamp 56b; Elizabeth Stoddard 330t; Warren Steel 423; Ruth Dolby 503; Matt Bell 315; Rebecca Eldridge 110; Barrett Patton 401; Roberta Strauss 542.


Henry Johnson led 70b to bring the class back to order. A business session was held with the following officers and committee elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Eddie Mash; Vice Chairman—Tim Reynolds; Secretary—Nora Parker; Chaplain-Matt Bell; Arranging Officer—Cindy Tanner; Memorial Committee—Dan Brittain, Karen Ivey, and Michele Cull; Resolutions Committee—David Carlton, Ann Strange, and Elizabeth Stoddard; Locating Officer—David Ivey; Finance Committee—Rodney Ivey and John Plunkett.

Leaders: Tim Reynolds 148; Blake Sisemore 436; Stephen Shearon 155; Katherine Eldridge 410t; Scott Ivey 201; Mark Godfrey 448t; Linda Thomas 345b; Rick Fretter 178; Pat Temple 373; David Carlton 442; Beth Branscome 276; Judy Chambless 501; Claudia Dean 64; Cody Hunter 479; Ray Rechenberg 565; Karen Ivey 446; Molly Ellis 141; Logan Green 547.


The class was brought back to order by Eddie Mash leading 111b. Leaders: Darrell Swarens and Jo Apple 267 (in memory of Travis Keeton); Annaliza Cull 268; Kay Huener 269; Angela Myers 278t; Rick Hoffman 72b; Bob Simmons 66; Cliff Hall 47b; Reba Windom 472 (for Louis Hughes); Jonathan Smith 189; Gail Doss 196; Joe Thompson 142; Heidi Nolen 312b; John Kelso 461; Catherine Grisso 74b; Shane Wootten and Donna Wootten 314; Scott Kennedy 551; Judy Mincey 475; Laurens Blankers 334; Sarah Beasley 129. The blessing before the noon meal was offered by Matt Bell.


The afternoon session was called to order by Tim Reynolds and David Carlton leading 128. Leaders: Caleb Dillehay 234; James Eldridge 344; Susan Cherones 40; Rachel Rudi 564; Robert Stoddard 383; Ron Harper 284; Jackie Tanner 298; Kelly Kennedy 455; Jonathan Wood and Coy Ivey 384; Robert Chambless 480; Daphene Causey 222; Cheyenne Ivey 182; Matt Hinton 300; Riley Lee 285t; Byron Burchett 108b; Mary Wright 290; Judy Caudle 530.


Eddie Mash and John Kelso led 460 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Bob Cull 569b; Mary Ellen Schrock 171; Michael Jones 365; Marilyn Burchett 29t; Michele Cull 76b; Sharon DuPriest 208; Gary Smith 270; Stephanie Beauchamp 163b; Sandie Scott and Rodney Ivey 113; Seth Holloway 179; Jeff Corbett 146.

Eddie Mash and Tim Reynolds led 323t as the closing song. Matt Bell offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, September 11

The Sunday session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Association was called to order by Eddie Mash leading 101t. The opening prayer was offered by Jackson Harcrow.

Leaders: Tim Reynolds 173; Blake Sisemore 172; Dan Brittain 543; Karen Ivey 440; David Carlton 332; Elizabeth Stoddard 191; Michele Cull 549; Rodney Ivey 34t; John Plunkett 353; David Ivey 540; Cindy Tanner 220; Mary Wright 546; Sandi Scott 472; Seth Holloway 183; Robert Chambless 84; Kelly Kennedy 447; Virginia Douglas 313b; Robert Stoddard 545; Phil Summerlin 278t.


Tim Reynolds led 85 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Nathan Rees 230; Sharon DuPriest 313t; Dennis George 412; Laurens Blankers 311; Susan Harcrow 426b; Scott Kennedy 287; Judy Mincey 481; Vella Dailey and Russ Pope 117; John Kelso and Molly Ellis 210; Tina Becker 168; Matt Hinton and Zachary Sullivan 436; Scott Ivey 354t.


The class was brought back to order by Eddie Mash leading 105. Leaders: Byron Burchett 379; Roberta Strauss 498.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Dan Brittain, Karen Ivey, and Michele Cull. Karen Ivey spoke about what it means to a grieving family when others remember to send cards or make phone calls. Michele Cull read the following list of names of the deceased: Clarence McCool, Travis Keeton, Marie Ivey, Wayne Morgan, Corene Lacy, Ruby Freeman, Ricky Lester—Alabama; Sara Mansfield—California; Lady Corrine Meyer Lewis—Tennessee; Tom Barker—Virginia; Bob Meek—Kentucky; Joanne Bowman—Massachusetts; Barbara Stoddard and Henry Bizzell—North Carolina; Virginia Cowart—Arkansas. Karen Ivey and Michele Cull led 68b in their memory.

The following list of names of the sick and shut-ins was read: Julietta Haynes, Marlin Beasley, Sandra Wilkinson, Dale Bruner, Lonnie Rogers, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Melvin Stiefel, Bud Oliver, Sammie Oliver, S.T. Reed, Lessie Reed, John Merritt, Emily Baswell, Bill Tanner, and Harrison Creel. Michele Cull and Dan Brittain led 176t and 341. Dan Brittain spoke about the tenth anniversary of the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001, and then led 465. Blake Sisemore offered prayer to close the memorial lesson.

Leaders: Riley Lee 49b; Barrett Patton 112; Daphene Causey 200; Molly Ellis and Jonathan Wood 326; Judy Caudle 499; Jackson Harcrow 229.


The afternoon session was called to order by David Carlton leading 501. Leaders: Rachel Rudi, Reba Windom, and Blake Sisemore 192; Tom George 422; Rick Fretter 350; John Wendt 359; Judy Chambless 527; Richard Ivey 399b; Beth Branscome 120; Henry Johnson 521; Pat Temple 473; Darrell Swarens and Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 208; Kay Huener 159; Jonathan Smith 186; Ann Strange 211; Susan Cherones 107; Cheyenne Ivey 203; Bob Simmons 299; Angela Myers 500; Gail Doss 99.


The class was bought back to order. Leaders: Marilyn Burchett 294; Erica Hinton and Sally Connelly 157; Gary Smith 66; Leigh Cooper and Mark Godfrey 277; Claudia Dean 91; Ruth Dolby 81t; Sarah Beasley 145b; Bob Cull 82t; Ron Harper 209; Tammy Heinsohn 178; Anna Hinton, Annaliza Cull, and Eli Hinton 268; Rick Hoffman 225t.

A business session was held for the purpose of hearing committee reports. Nora Parker reported that donations were sufficient to cover expenses, and the balance would be carried forward for future use.

The Resolutions Committee submitted the following report: We, the Resolutions Committee, offer the following resolutions for adoption by the class. We give thanks to the Almighty, who has brought us together safely, has provided us with fine weather, and has blessed us with voices and a tradition of singing that enables us to show our love for each other and sing praises to our God. We thank Trevecca University, and especially Professor David Deehl, for their hospitality and support. We thank those who provided valuable time and material support to this convention. We thank those who prepared and served the food, frequently sacrificing their time around the square to attend to our nourishment. We thank the singers who have come from far and wide, providing the class with strong parts all around and maintaining the tradition of powerful singing. We thank all the officers and committee members who made the singing run smoothly. We resolve to return again next year for the 109th session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Association, expressing our continued desire to seek the old paths, and walk therein.

The Locating Officers recommended that the 109th session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Association meet at Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama, in September, 2012. All reports were approved, and the business session was closed.

Eddie Mash and Tim Reynolds led 62 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Blake Sisemore, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Eddie Mash; Vice Chairman—Tim Reynolds; Secretary—Nora Parker