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Henagar-Union Convention

Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama

June 30 - July 1, 2007

Saturday, June 30

The 91st session of the Henagar-Union Convention was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Shane Wootten leading 32t. The morning prayer was offered by Elder J.L. Hopper. Laura Clawson and Michael Thompson were selected to serve as Arranging Committee for the day.

Leaders: David Ivey 272; Michael Thompson 176b; Henry Johnson 418; Lomax Ballinger 277; Paul Figura 77t; Scott Ivey 276; Don Clark 560; Blake Sisemore 168; Ted Brown 171; Ken Tate 389; Bill Beverly 546; Carolyn Thompson 215; Donna Bell 285t; Laura Clawson 362; Velton Chafin 463; Adrian Eldridge 317; Betty Wright 569b; Brenda Merritt 542; Justin Squizzero 216; Richard Ivey 432; Dennis George 460; Ron Harper 142; Steve Helwig 500; Ted Stokes 182; Linda Sides 335; John Merritt 511 (OSH).


Shane Wootten and Rodney Ivey brought the class back together leading 81t. Leaders: Ed Thacker 361; Karen Clark and Amanda Denson 234; Beth Todd 283; Joe Nall 193; Don Bowen and Blake Sisemore 59; Elene Stovall and John Etheridge 39t; Jesse Roberts 434; Brittany Lea and Jordan Taylor 99; J.L. Hopper 197; Joe Todd 102; Claire Singleton 270; Pam Nunn 220; Helen Brown 532; Sandra Wilkinson 127; Elsie Moon 394; John Carson 163t; James Eldridge 107.


The class was brought together by Richard Ivey leading 56t. Leaders: Richard DeLong 298; Mylene Marsa, Michael Thompson, Ryan Thigtin and Jean Thigtin 490; Bud Oliver 145t; Dana Borrelli and Allison Dodson 300; Aldo Ceresa 218; Matt Hinton and Bill Hinton 159; Eddie Mash 196; Owen Ross 228; Darrell Swarens 350; Jeff Sheppard 316; John Bahler 163b; Sonya Sipe 63; David Bahler 503; Geraldine Sharpton 299; Allison Dodson 145b; Louis Hughes 512; JoAnna Lampert 430; Karen Willard 367. The blessing for the noon meal was offered by Ron Harper.


The afternoon session was opened by David Ivey leading 313t. Leaders: Alexandra Makris and Norma Green 344; Kathy Williams 222; Wanda Capps 203; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 302; Shelbie Sheppard 211.

S.T. Reed counted the ballots and announced the following elected officers: Chairman—Shane Wootten; Vice Chairman—David Ivey; Secretary—Norma Green.

Leaders: Cassie Allen 273; Coy Ivey and Jessica Finley 384; Laura Borrelli 56b; Samuel Sommers 112; Jennifer Allred 411; Susan Harcrow 426b; Donald Ross 419; Drew Smith and Karen Ivey 328; Reba Windom 224; Harrison Creel, Cassie Allen, Cindy Tanner, and Ainslie Allen 498; Jeannette DePoy 318; Sharon DuPriest 189; Diane Ross 455; Lela Crowder 110; Carmel Wood 268; Nathan Rees 422; Henry Guthery 549; Joyce Walton 428; Margaret Gillanders 150.


The class resumed singing with Shane Wootten leading 170. Leaders: Katherine Eldridge and Jessica Massengale 117; Caleb Allred and Seth Allred 47t; Karen Rollins 489; Jeff Adcock and Syble Adams 448t; Beth Ann Clay and Delone Cobbs 274t; Bea Carnathan 205; Robert Kelley 348b; Kyle Massengale 29t; Racheal Speer and Dean Jens 567; Brad Bahler, Karen Bahler, and Robert Bahler 451; Martha Beverly, Kristie Harju, and Karen Swenson 504; Pleasance Crawford 540; Benjamin Bath 129; Scott Kennedy 347; Gary Gronau and Becky Browne 137 (for Charlie Derleth).

Following announcements, Shane Wootten, Rodney Ivey, Loyd Ivey, and David Ivey led 323t as the closing song. Owen Ross offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, July 1

The Sunday session was called to order by at 9:30 a.m. by Shane Wootten leading 82t. The morning prayer was offered by Henry Johnson. Joel Jenkins and Michael Thompson were appointed as Arranging Committee for the day.

Leaders: David Ivey 74b (in memory of Eulas Ivey and Helen Ivey); Norma Green 389; Michael Thompson and Joel Jenkins 176t; Wayne Wootten 39b; Loyd Ivey, Marian Biddle, and Ivey Biddle 34t; Marlon Wootten 48t; Bridgett Hill 396; Eloise Wootten 276; James M. Wagner 457; Judy Caudle 397; Connie Stanton 67; S.T. Reed 385t; Donna Wootten 314; Sandy Ivey and Megan Simmons 204; Bobby Watkins 146; William Shetter 474; Shirley Figura 565; Dewayne Wootten and Phil Summerlin 75; Hubert Nall 448b; Rebecca Eldridge 436; Tony Ivey 454; Gail Doss 506; Loretta Smith 348b; Barrett Patton 97.


Rodney Ivey and Shane Wootten brought the class back together leading 208. Leaders: Virginia Eldridge 180; Chris Holley 480; James S. Wagner 475; Jackson Harcrow, Drew Smith, and Blake Sisemore 270; Jerry Creason and Ann Sibole 147t; Jared Wootten, Hayden Wootten, and Jamey Wootten 171; Oliver Stokes 445; Benjamin Bath 30b; Beth Todd and Joe Todd 179; Jackie Tanner and Cindy Tanner 182; Daphene Causey and Sharon DuPriest 269; Jeannette DePoy 385b; Earl Ballinger 177; Marty Wootten 546; James Eldridge 383; Levon Wootten 49b; Dennis George and Jarrod George 198; Dana Borrelli 186; Linton Ballinger and Gravis Ballinger 112.

Tony Ivey and Reba Windom conducted the memorial lesson. Reba read the names of the sick and shut-ins: Charlie Derleth, Jeanette Lowry, Felton Denney, Josephine Denney, Roger Crabtree, Herby Bailey, Kelly Day, Violet Thomason, William Malloy, Bill Tanner, Mattie Townsel, Norma Sears, Edith Tate, Pauline Murphree, Ann Jett, Annie Grieshop, Pauline Childers, Raymond Hamrick, Sam Jones, Nancy McKerrick, Kathleen Robbins, Dan Greeson, Milton Oliver, Pauline Oliver, Laura Slowman, Lilly Brandon, Joan Aldridge, Carolyn Puckett, and Nancy Yeager. John Etheridge led 56b in their honor.

Tony Ivey read the words from page 405, and Reba Windom read the following names of the deceased: Bobby Jackson, Eldora Moody, Bill Thomas, Marcia Tucker, Agnus Bryant, Flarce Creel, Heath Jett, Opal Tanner, John Hyde, Helen Plunkett, Albert Bryson, Mary Hackney, Jim Ellis, Karl Schantz, Jim Singleton, Mary Ballinger, Andrew Lee, John Kratz, Florine Kratz, Sally Wiseman Dashow, J.J. Merrill, and Emma Smalley. Tony Ivey and Reba Windom led 108t in their memory. Samuel Sommers closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Cheyenne Ivey, Jessica Ivey, Katherine Eldridge, and April Watkins 282; Scott Ivey and Tiffany Travis 36b; Scott Kennedy 68b. The lunch blessing was offered by Phil Summerlin.


The afternoon session began with the class singing 96 (CB). Leaders: Larry Ballinger and Lisa Geist 540; Samuel Sommers 380; Betty Shepherd 216; Amanda Denson, Rodney Ivey, and Shane Wootten 376; Beth O’Dell 215; Kathy Robinson 192; David Light 200; Allison Ivey and Brittany Lea 472; Cassie Allen and Ken Tate 532 (for Edith Tate); Elene Stovall 564; Brad Bahler, Karen Bahler, John Bahler, David Bahler, and Rob Bahler 114; Martha Beverly and Bill Beverly 217; Reba Windom 442; Susan Harcrow and Sarah Jenkins 220; Laura Clawson and Laura Borrelli 300; Terry Wootten and Aaron Wootten 201; Joyce Walton 439; Henry Johnson and Ed Thacker 267; Coy Ivey and Rebecca Eldridge 486 (WB); David Carlton 528; Eddie Mash 178; Aldo Ceresa, Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, and Justin Squizzero 542; Karen Ivey 391; Harrison Creel and Rodney Ivey 530; Billy Williams 231; Anita Landess 135; Pleasance Crawford 466; Jennifer Allred 362; Tammy Heinsohn 155, Kristie Harju 274t; Karen Keller 47b; Gail Aagaard 503; Alex Makris and Jessica Finley 373; John Etheridge 76b; Linda Sides 85; Karen Swenson 456; Anna Mays 26; Barrett Patton and Rodney Ivey 128; Ted Stokes, Elizabeth Stokes, and JoAnna Lampert 111b; Joe Nall, Claire Singleton, and Matt Hinton 106; Amanda Denson and Steve Helwig 332; Arlon Gardner 168; Becky Browne and Darrell Swarens 335; Paul Figura and Gary Gronau 142; the Church members 505 (CB).

Following announcements, Shane Wootten, Norma Green, Coy Ivey, Tony Ivey, and Marlon Wootten led 62, and those who wished took the parting hand. Tony Ivey offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Shane Wootten; Vice Chairman—David Ivey; Secretary—Norma Green