Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
Song use statistics are also available.
Henagar-Union Convention
Liberty Baptist Church, Henagar, Alabama
July 1-2, 2023
Saturday, July 1
The Henagar-Union Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held on the first Sunday and Saturday before in July. The class was called to order by Scott Ivey leading 82t. Gary Rogan offered the opening prayer. Scott Ivey welcomed the class, made a few announcements, and then led 171.
Leaders: Shane Wootten 59 (in memory of Coy Ivey); Nicholas Thompson and Garrett Morton 216 (for Betty Shepherd); David Ballinger and Jimmie Ballinger 84; Jessica Bellaire 276; Lily Hammond 47b; Tarik Wareh 300; Tom Owen 442; Midge Harder 137; Tim Morton and Ivy Morton 445; Esther Morgan-Ellis 48b; David Brodeur 377; Sarah George 228; Jonathan Wood and Emily Wood 142; Emmaleigh Calhoun 472; Blake Sisemore 34t; David Smead 36t; Molly Claire Gillett 39t; Jackson Owen 236; Wayne Wootten 155.
The class was brought back to order by Shane Wootten and Loyd Ivey leading 101t. Leaders: Barrett Patton 470; Scott Curran 532; David Killingsworth and Brenda Armstrong 49b; Jerry Turlington 68b; Kathy Manning 426b; Tom Booth 480; Vivian Ivey, Meredith Ivey, and Stuart Ivey 146; Hoss Curran 319; Everett Ivey 421; Ellee Curran 196; Meredith Ivey, Vivian Ivey, and Lucey Rose Karlsberg 186; Abi Curran 75.
Scott Ivey led 129 to bring the class together. Leaders: Martha Beverly 504; Larry Brasher and Louise Brasher 385b; Bill DuPre 440; Kerry Cullinan 270; Marian Mitchell 299; Buell Cobb 439; Leigh Cooper 212; Kevin Dyess 209; Samuel Sommers 534; Will Fitzgerald and Farell Stearns 569b; Linda Booth 350; Hollie Long 170; Anne Evers 510; Louis Hughes and Allison Thompson 73t; Alex Forsyth and Rodney Ivey 217. Tom Owen asked a blessing before the noon meal.
The afternoon session began with Scott Ivey and Richard Ivey leading 399b. Leaders: Lisa Bennett 358 (in memory of Boyd Scott); Jim Carnes 162; Judy Caudle 336; Indigo Micciche 86; Ainslie Allen 546; Gillian Inksetter 411; Gary Rogan 168; Anna Hinton 383; Pat Temple 373; Yuka Oiwa 42; Stuart Ivey and Vivian Ivey 456; Andy Ditzler 527 (for Jennifer Jones); Derek Buckland 70b; Allison Thompson 335; Reba Windom 192; Tom Evers 448t; Susan Lee and Mairye Bates 349; Shawn Taylor 283; David Wright 222; Inga Buckland 88b; Cecelia Kramer 71.
The class was brought together by Cindy Tanner leading 76b. Leaders: Mark Godfrey 564; Kathy Williams 273; Calvin Rowe and Sierra Carvalho 448b; Matt Hinton and Emily Fink 503; Jaidyn Stump 282.
The results of the annual election of officers were announced by Tom George as follows: Chairman—Scott Ivey; Secretary—Nicholas Thompson.
Leaders: Jesse P. Karlsberg 88t; Michele Curran 269; Julius Pasay 351; Abigail Cannon 87; Lauren Mason 455; Vivian Rogan 163b; Jeannette DePoy 89; Daniel Lee 302; Sadhbh O’Flynn 394; John Plunkett 105; Garrett Morton and Alex Forsyth 30b; Marlin Beasley 460; Paula Oliver 540; Tom George 224; Donna Wootten and Anna Oliver 99; Rodney Ivey, Loyd Ivey, and James George 97. Announcements were made.
Scott Ivey and Richard Ivey led 128 as the closing song. Matt Hinton dismissed the class with prayer.
Sunday, July 2
The Sunday session of the Henagar-Union Convention was brought to order by Scott Ivey leading 144. The opening prayer was offered by Dennis George. Leaders: Richard Ivey 371; Nicholas Thompson 189; Cindy Tanner 436; Karen Ivey and Vivian Ivey 182; Deborah Taube 99; Robert Chambless and Judy Chambless 282; Brenda Dunlap 478; Becky Briggs 179; Lauren Bock 234; Cole Wootten and Aaron Wootten 30b; Tom George and Dennis George 375; Rachel Speer 229; Chris Ballinger and Lisa Geist 120 (in memory of Gravis Ballinger); Cheyenne Ivey 172; Hayden Wootten and Brooke Wootten 399b; Adrian Eldridge 434; Jackie Tanner 73t (in memory of Bud Oliver); Beth Todd 89; Karen Rollins and Denney Rogers 222; Larry Ballinger, Linton Ballinger, and Earl Ballinger 460; Nathan Rees 464; David Carlton 538; Prisca Rice, Emmaleigh Calhoun, Jessica Bellaire, Ainslie Allen, and Jayden Hunt 430; Emily Stutzman, Mark Jones, and Thomas Link 361; Jamey Wootten 448t; Isaac Green and Sharon DuPriest 242 (in memory of Daphene Causey); Winfred Kerr 36b; Scott Curran and Michele Curran 200.
Scott Ivey and Annie Grace Wootten led 138t to bring the class together. Leaders: Gary Rogan and Vivian Rogan 48t; Lori Rogers 162; David Light 112; Idy Kiser and Gillian Inksetter 392; Dean Jens 429; David Ivey 418 (in memory of Norma Green).
The memorial lesson was held at this time. Judy Caudle spoke on behalf of the sick and shut-ins. She read aloud the following list of names: Ed Thacker, Margaret Thacker, Jennifer Jones, Corrone Bryant, Ruth Bryant, Betty Shepherd, Jerry Kitchens, Richard Mauldin, Wanda Capps, Estes Jackson, Ercell Jackson, Ramona Light, Sandra Light; Sophie Sokolov, Rosie Sokolov, Tim Gregg, Brenda Waters, Rachael Geary, Jean Toole, Eva Striebeck, and Henry Guthery.
Judy read aloud the following list of names of the deceased: Marlon Wootten, Norma Green, Renae Makris, Doug Ivey, Claudene Townson, Elder J.L. Hopper, Hubert Nall, Boyd Scott, Juanita Beasley, Edna Graves, Rick West, and Wayne Culver-Alabama; Cathy White, Philip Denney, George Burnette—Georgia; James Harder, Jack Leslie—California; Réidín O’Flynn, Lila Anne Mitchell—New York; Samuel Tannenbaum—Connecticut; Pete Sutherland—Vermont; Lydia Lewallen, Lara Nguyen—North Carolina; Mary Wright, Graham DeZarn—Virginia; Cheryl Foreman—Texas; Solomon Ossa—Washington; Laura Weber, Kenneth Russell—Ohio; Ted Mercer—Illinois; Karen Walker—New Mexico; Philomena Henderson—Ireland. Hayden Wootten read the scripture found in Hebrews 9:27, and then read the words to the song on page 445 (Passing Away). He spoke, reflecting on the power and significance of those words. Hayden and Judy led 348b.
Shane Wootten spoke in memory of the deceased from Liberty Baptist Church (Marlon Wootten, Norma Green, Doug Ivey, Renae Makris, and Boyd Scott). Shane asked Loyd Ivey, Marian Biddle, Lily Underwood, Scott Ivey, Anna Oliver, Donna Wootten, and Wayne Wootten to join him in the square. They led 159. Tom Owen closed the memorial service with prayer.
Leaders: Hoss Curran 388; Jackson Owen 34b; Abi Curran and Michele Curran 274t; Louis Hughes and Allison Thompson 565; Ellee Curran 142; Linda Thomas 131b; Lily Underwood 39t; Brenda Carroll and Rodney Ivey 384 (in memory of Coy Ivey); Blake Sisemore and Alex Forsyth 507; Cassie Allen 512; Jared Wootten, Annie Grace Wootten, and Chelsea Wootten 313t. Jared Wootten asked a blessing before the noon meal.
The afternoon session began with Scott Ivey leading 111t. Leaders: Deborah Morton, Angie Collier, Josh Collier, and Garrett Morton 299; Butch White 313b; Lily Hammond 63; Maddie Mullaney 402; Rodney Ivey and Shane Wootten 398 (CB) (for Jack Ivey); Leigh Cooper and Mark Godfrey 318; Clarke Williams 204; Jerry Turlington 288; Pam Nunn 362; Shawn Taylor, Andy Ditzler, and David Brodeur 528; Stefani Priskos 203; Richard Ivey, Stuart Ivey, Everett Ivey, Vivian Ivey, and Meredith Ivey 111b; Matt Hinton and Anna Hinton 212; Anne Evers and Tom Evers 86 (in memory of Bill Beverly); Lisa Bennett and David Smead 110; Vella Dailey 452; Judy Caudle and Barrett Patton 428; Ann Jett and Barrett Patton 327; Shane Brown 260; Kathy Manning and Pat Temple 33t; Loyd Ivey and Marian Biddle 283; Cecelia Kramer, Martha Beverly, and Marian Mitchell 210.
Scott Ivey led 56t. Leaders: Judy Mincey 504; Sarah George, Tom George, and Cindy Tanner 198; Sierra Saylors, Tullaia Powell, David Saylors, and Teresa Saylors 209; Molly Claire Gillett, Kevin Dyess, Indigo Micciche, Chloe Somers, Kerry Cullinan, and Yuka Oiwa 369; Reba Windom, Abigail Cannon, and Shelby Castillo 542; Inga Buckland and Derek Buckland 102; Syble Adams and Marty Wootten 472; Julius Pasay, Sadhbh O’Flynn, and David Wright 390 (for Rosie Sokolov); Midge Harder and Darlene Dalton 67; Will Fitzgerald, Tarik Wareh, and Samuel Sommers 176t; Tim Morton and Jonathan Wood 228; Jeannette DePoy, Kathy Williams, and Jesse P. Karlsberg 147t; Daniel Lee and Susan Lee 278t; Paula Oliver and Connie Des Marais 270; Jaidyn Stump and Sierra Carvalho 268; Esther Morgan-Ellis 113; Marlin Beasley and Rodney Ivey 61 (in memory of Juanita Beasley); Cheyenne Ivey and Rodney Ivey 465 (CB) (in memory of Coy Ivey); Shane Wootten, Sandy Ivey, and Scott Ivey 201; Hayden Wootten, Jared Wootten, Jamey Wootten, and Scott Ivey 47t (in memory of Hobert Ivey).
Scott Ivey and Richard Ivey led 62 as the closing song. Shane Wootten offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Scott Ivey; Secretary—Nicholas Thompson