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Quebec Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Lennoxville, Quebec and Ways Mills, Quebec

July 11-12, 2014

Friday, July 11

The Friday evening session of the Quebec Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at Bishops College School Chapel, Lennoxville, Quebec, on Friday night before the second Sunday in July. The class was brought to order by Scott Luscombe leading 34b.

Leaders: Elizabeth Stoddard 32b; Howard Katz 30b; Paul Gauthier 39t; Bob Parr 27; Ezra Halleck 481; Joanne Fuller 460; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 454; Susan Jaster 297; Phil Dutton 86; Jesse Polhemus 486; Chris Coughlin 318; Cathy Brochet 163b; Michele Briand 335. Chuck Neville led 49b, made announcements, and offered the opening prayer.

Leader: Claire Steiner 457; Ginny Landgraf 547; Mary Neville 178; Scott Luscombe 181; Elizabeth Stoddard 423; Howard Katz 347; Paul Gauthier 182; Bob Parr 171.


Trod Richmond led 168 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Christopher Wesolowski 143; Ezra Halleck 296; Joanne Fuller 439; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 569b (in memory of Somen Goodman); Susan Jaster 540; Phil Dutton 198; Jesse Polhemus 344; Chris Coughlin 384; Michele Briand 107; Cathy Brochet 503; Chuck Neville 68b; Claire Steiner 113; Ginny Landgraf 125; Mary Neville 142; Scott Luscombe 385b; Elizabeth Stoddard 564; Howard Katz 565. Chuck Neville closed the Friday evening session with prayer.

Saturday, July 12

The Saturday session of the Quebec Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held in Ways Mills, Quebec. Trod Richmond and Susan Jaster brought the class to order by leading 47t.

Leaders: Elizabeth Stoddard 36b; Ines Luttgen 129; Scott Luscombe 192; Ginny Landgraf 447; Chris Coughlin 556; Jesse Polhemus 134; Phil Dutton 344; Susan Jaster 326; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 532; Joanne Fuller 121; Ezra Halleck 48b; Bob Parr 492; Claire Steiner 288; Chris Holley 123b. Chuck Neville led 86, and offered the opening prayer.


Michele Briand called the class back to order by leading 49t. Leaders: Pat Callahan 145b; Christopher Wesolowski 300; Leonard Spencer 299; Howard Katz 59; Leonard Spencer 250; Elka Schumann “Gratitude”; Alexander Gillet and Al McCready 269; Cathy Brochet 163b; Sue Dwelle 503; Mary Neville 91; Elizabeth Stoddard 411; Ines Luttgen 400; Scott Luscombe 203; Ginny Landgraf 419; Chris Coughlin 270.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Scott Luscombe, who led 48t for the following sick and shut-ins: Barb Ames, Liz Cantrell, Cathryn Bearov, Sr., Daniel Katz, Thomas Shaw, Rev. Terry Burke, and John Bloch.

The class then sang 50t in memory of the following deceased: Jeff Sheppard and Shelbie Sheppard—Alabama; Zolman Schachter Schlomi—Colorado; John Van Sorosin and Bess Honaker—Maine; Rose Finkelston—Massachusetts; Diane Mennella—New York; Elaine Katz—Ohio; Paul Steiner—Pennsylvania; Somen Goodman and Cheryl Stroud—Quebec; Kasha Carrington, and John Ceraso.

Leaders: Jesse Polhemus 186; Susan Jaster 489; Ishmael Stefanov—Wagner 377; Joanne Fuller 39b.


Following dinner on the ground, the class relocated to the Ways Mills Anglican Church of the Epiphany for a memorial service for Somen Goodman, a beloved Quebec singer. Scott Luscombe presided at the organ. Singers were invited to share memories of Somen, and lead songs in his memory. Speakers and Leaders: Scott Luscombe 47b; Pat Callahan 472; Chuck Neville 569b; Joanne Fuller 278t; Al McCready 339; Michael Grayson spoke about Somen’s dream of restoring the church; Phil Dutton 198; Elizabeth Stoddard 312t; Masti-Denise Mayrand 82t.

The class then returned to the singing hall across the river in Ways Mills. Jesse Polhemus called the class back to order by leading 35.

Leaders: Ezra Halleck 180; Bob Parr 528; Claire Steiner 312b; Chris Holley and Kathe Pilibosian 229; Chuck Neville and Mary Neville 162; Pat Callahan 454; Chris Wean 268; Leonard Spencer 260; Elka Schumann 222; Al McCready 146; Cathy Brochet 452; Mary Neville 497; Sue Dwelle 410t; Elizabeth Stoddard 124; Ines Luttgen 42; Scott Luscombe 254; Ginny Landgraf 285t; Chris Coughlin 32t; Jesse Polhemus 228; Phil Dutton 504.


The class was called back to order by Christopher Wesolowski leading 117.

Leaders: Susan Jaster 71; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 474; Joanne Fuller 542; Ezra Halleck 84; Bob Parr 480; Claire Steiner 110; Chris Holley 201; Chuck Neville 68b; Pat Callahan 274t; Howard Katz 362; Leonard Spencer 245; Elka Schumann 38t; Al McCready 155; Cathy Brochet 31t; Mary Neville 442; Elizabeth Stoddard 505; Ines Luttgen 328; Scott Luscombe 506; Ginny Landgraf 290; Chris Coughlin 112; Jesse Polhemus 523; Phil Dutton 53; Susan Jaster 485; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 189.

Trod Richmond led 62 as the closing song. Chuck Neville offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Trod Richmond; Secretary—Elizabeth Stoddard