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National Sacred Harp Convention

Birmingham Square Dance Association Friendship Hall,
Fultondale, Alabama

June 13-15, 2019

Thursday, June 13

The 40th session of the National Sacred Harp Convention was called to order by Mark Davis leading 448t. The opening prayer was offered by Elder Jesse Roberts. Leaders: Glenn Keeton 178; Buell Cobb 439; Kathy Williams 315; Jesse Roberts 40; Helen Brown 492; Dorothea Maynard 383; Ted Brown 391; Ginnie Ely 454; Mike Hinton 475; Susan Cherones 349; Marlin Beasley 336; Hubert Nall 129; Robert Chambless 34b; Ann Riley 186; Jim Aaron 47b; Rebekah Gilmore 411; Henry Guthery 49t; Vella Dailey 47t; Lucas Jordan 133; Judy Chambless 527; Bea Aaron 456; Richard Mauldin 43.


The class was brought together by Henry Guthery leading 76b. The convention went into business session and the following officers were elected: Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Vice Chairmen—Mark Davis and Buell Cobb; Honorary Vice Chairmen—Hubert Nall and Gaston White; Secretary—Kathy Williams; Chaplain—Elder Jesse Roberts.

Leaders: Jack Nelson 560; Cyprian Stevens 339; Sarah Beasley 340; Tom Booth 309; Daniel Bearden 211; Wendy Anderson 36b; Daniel Lee 489; Carolyn Thompson 442; Philip Denney 101t; Deborah Taube 31t; Derek Buckland 52b; Alanna Goodman 430; Tim Gregg 99; Syd Caldwell 284; Lizzie Sanders 131t; Sue Bunch 102; Nathaniel Brown 377; Mary Wright 180; Ethan Hardy 326; Pamela Minor 121; Linda Booth 196; David Brodeur 214; Lomax Ballinger 168; Sharona Nelson 203; David Smead 227; John Plunkett 394. The blessing was asked by Elder Jesse Roberts.


Helen Brown brought the class together leading 57. Leaders: Samuel Wright 465; Emily Stutzman 472; Jonathon Smith 36t; Inga Huebner 124; Brenda Dunlap 460; Alec Williams 42; Lauren Bock 423; Larry Ballinger 68b; Karen Rollins 153; Dan Brittain 193; Ewa Lichnerowicz 33t; Andy Ditzler 224; Sharon DuPriest 434; Samuel Sommers 386; Reba Windom 269; Lisa Bennett 474 (for Judy Mincey); David Ivey 50t; Kathy Manning 380; Jacob Lindler 32b; Lisa Geist 273; Jesse Karlsberg 422; Stanley Smith 328; Lena Strayhorn 27; Aldo Ceresa 112; Robert Kelley 461; Kate Fine 532; Paul Robinson 457; Pat Temple 373; Nathan Rees 313t; Becky Briggs 318; Warren Steel 173; Morgan Bunch 282. Henry Guthery and Glenn Keeton led 267 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Elder Jesse Roberts.

Friday, June 14

The Friday session of the National Convention was called to order by Glenn Keeton leading 37b. The opening prayer was offered by Elder Jesse Roberts. Leaders: Mark Davis 460; Buell Cobb 52t; Kathy Williams 352; Jesse Roberts 498; Helen Brown 426b; Lisa Geist 269; Donna Carlson 274t; Philip Denney 120; Linda Thomas 72b; Lizzie Sanders 33b; Derek Buckland 68t; Marcia Willsie and Pamela Minor 159; Kathy Manning 119; Jacob Lindler 150; Karen Rollins 297; Mike Hinton 534; Ewa Lichnerowicz 81t; Dan Brittain 333; Pat Temple 59; Marlin Beasley 111b; Inga Huebner 344.


Helen Brown called the class back together by leading 142. Leaders: Kate Fine 227; Alec Williams 388; Stanley Smith and Syd Caldwell 177; Dorothea Maynard and Lisa Geist 304; Christopher Mann 547; David Carlton 228; Robert Kelley 463; Lena Strayhorn 176b; Arlon Gardner 481; Blake Sisemore 192; Paul Robinson 84; Ginnie Ely 196; Jim Carnes 179; Carolyn Thompson 280; Morgan Bunch 503; Richard Mauldin 446; Reba Windom 216; Ted Brown 113 (for Sonny Erwin); Larry Brown 99; Charles McCravy 213t; Justin Bowen 212; Sharona Nelson 66; Nathaniel Brown 128; Delone Cobbs 106; Mary Wright 148; Ethan Hardy 270; David Jackson 108t; Stefani Priskos 430; Tom Booth 480; Judy Chambless and Robert Chambless 82t; Larry Ballinger and Earl Ballinger 496. Elder Jesse Roberts returned thanks before the noon meal.


The class was called back to order by Charles McCravy leading 145t. Leaders: Warren Steel 285t; Robert Chambless 163b; Lucas Jordan 117; Evelyn Lamb 215; Aldo Ceresa 522; Becky Briggs 319; Jonathon Smith 428; Nicholas Thompson 200; Pamela Minor 30t; Nathan Rees 306; Bea Aaron 568; Hubert Nall 176t; Linda Booth 198; Jack Nelson 95; Samantha Gardner, Sophia Gardner, and J.D. Gardner 347; Ann Riley 155; Jim Aaron 68b; Sue Bunch 497; Rebekah Gilmore 440; Wanda Capps and Ann Jett 546; Lizzie Sanders 38b; Ewa Lichnerowicz 162; Alec Williams 136; Lena Strayhorn 500; Mark Davis 236. Glenn Keeton, Mark Davis, and Buell Cobb led 278t as the closing song. Elder Jesse Roberts dismissed the class with prayer.

Saturday, June 15

The Saturday session of the National Convention began with Glenn Keeton leading 144. Elder Jesse Roberts offered the morning prayer. Leaders: Mark Davis 495; Henry Guthery 225t; Buell Cobb 138t; Kathy Williams 88t; Jesse Roberts 149; Helen Brown 30b; Mike Hinton 400; Richard Mauldin 274t, 43; Dorothea Maynard 421 (in memory of Ann Beasley); Pat Temple 34b; Ted Brown 33b; Jim Aaron 29t; Mary Wright 146, 477; Hubert Nall 448b, 64; Warren Steel 82b, 396; Ginnie Ely 564, 228.


The session was called to order by Elder Jesse Roberts leading 135. Leaders: Helen Brown and Carol Richards 282 (in memory of Jane Mullins); Ashley Sellers 196, 143; Sarah Beasley 129, 354b; Paul Robinson 276, 189; Morgan Bunch 148, 277; Alvin Beasley 72b, 81t; Evelyn Lamb 441, 297; Ethan Hardy 351, 333; Sharona Nelson and Kathy Williams 37b, 273; David Carlton 183, 538.

The memorial lesson was held at this time. Richard Mauldin spoke for the sick and shut-ins, and led 340. Mike Hinton spoke and led 527 in memory of the following deceased: Eugene Forbes, Charlie Ballard, Mike Jones, Adrian Nall, Ronald Gilmore, Milton Lee, Hazel Gilmore, Willodean Barton, Jane Mullins—Alabama; Rodney Willard and Barbara Willard—Arizona; Freddie Briggs and Ann Blake—Florida; Susan Roberts and Ann Blake—Georgia; Michael Appert—Illinois; Dan Clawson—Massachusetts; Mark Aaron—Michigan; Paul Luther Wilson—Minnesota; Marlene Spector Levine and Richard Levine—New Jersey; Mary Ellen Schrock and Michael Kaye—New York; Concetta Branson—Oregon; Doug Webb and Adelaide Vaughn—Texas; Barbara Losse, Gary “Doc” Taylor—Utah; Karl Walbrecht—Virginia; John Hayto—United Kingdom. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Elder Jesse Roberts.

Sue Bunch led 501 and 330b. Elder Jesse Roberts asked a blessing before the noon meal.


Helen Brown led 89 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Marlin Beasley 61, 318; Jesse Latimer 319, 547; Ateven Snderson 315, 313b; Bea Aaron 438, 475; Aldo Ceresa 498, 431; Pamela Minor and Gill Minor 229, 312b; Becky Briggs 530; Nathaniel Brown 178, 373; Seth Holloway 388, 236; Jesse Roberts, Jesse Latimer, and Leanne Carter 328; Paul Robinson 254; Mary Wright 546; Evelyn Lamb 45t; Ateven Snderson 127; Pat Temple 473; Warren Steel 195; Nathaniel Brown 35; Pamela Minor 30t; Sara Lenox 523; David Carlton 77t; Aldo Ceresa 278b; Ted Brown 313t.

The Convention then went into business session to hear committee reports. Buell Cobb reported that all expenses of the Convention had been met. The Resolutions Committee made the following report: We thank the officers of the 40th annual National Convention for their efforts, as well as everyone who brought food, served drinks, set up tables, and cleaned. We especially thank those who traveled near and far to sing songs of praise. We thank BSDA Friendship Hall and the city of Fultondale. Without all of you, this Convention would not have been possible. We also recognize and honor Mark Davis for ten years of service as chairman of this Convention. Respectfully submitted, Marlin Beasley and Dorothea Maynard. The Secretary reported that 251 people registered over the three days of the Convention: 115 leaders led 243 songs. Twenty-four states and three countries were represented: Alabama—=169; Florida—=14; Georgia—=13; Kentucky—5; Oregon—5; Mississippi—3; Virginia—3; California—3; New York—3; Arkansas—2; South Carolina—2; Vermont—2; Massachusetts—2; Louisiana—2; Texas—1; Indiana—1; District of Columbia—1; Kansas—1; Colorado—1; Illinois—1; Michigan—1; Utah—1; United Kingdom—4; Germany—2; Ireland—1. Respectfully submitted, Kathy Williams, Secretary. The business session was closed.

Glenn Keeton led 365. The officers led 62 as the traditional closing song, and those who wished took the parting hand. Elder Jesse Roberts offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Glenn Keeton; Vice Chairmen—Mark Davis, Buell Cobb, Gaston White, and Hubert Nall; Secretary—Kathy Williams