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Georgia State Sacred Harp Convention

Big Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Alpharetta, Georgia

March 26-27, 2016

Saturday, March 26

The 55th session of the Georgia State Sacred Harp Convention was held on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in March at Big Creek Primitive Baptist Church in Alpharetta, Georgia. Philip Denney called the class together leading 47t. Jim Neal offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Matt Hinton 32t; Wyatt Denney 163t; Lela Crowder 217; David Brodeur 495; Faye Holbrook 475; Helen Bryson 522; Andy Ditzler 173; David Smead 214; Anna Hinton 209; Karen Rollins 74b; Phillip Langley 222; Erica Hinton and Lottie Hinton 314; Jason Stanford 491; Donna Bell 208; Don Bowen 99; Michael Spencer 382; Winfred Kerr 282; Virginia Dyer 454; Lisa Bennett 83t.


Richard DeLong brought the class back to order leading 322. Leaders: Jeannette DePoy 65; Dalton Lewis 472; Jim Neal 388; Judy Chambless 549.

A business session was held with the following officers and committee members elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Matt Hinton; Vice Chairman—Phillip Langley; Co-Vice Chairman—Wyatt Denney; Chaplains—Jim Neal and Clarke Lee; Secretary—Lela Crowder; Assistant Secretary—Donna Bell; Arranging Committee—Jeannette DePoy, Scott DePoy, Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg, and Andy Ditzler; Memorial Committee—Judy Caudle and Bridgett Hill Kennedy; Finance Committee—John Kelso and Isaac Green; Locating Committee—John Plunkett; Resolutions Committee—David Smead and Sasha Hsuczyk.

Leaders: Isaac Green 133; Debora Grosse and Anne Grosse 178; Scott DePoy 106; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg and Andrew Thompson 275b; Robert Chambless 480; John Kelso and John Hale 426t; Daniel Lee 565; Oscar McGuire 573; Mary Brownlee 556; Louis Hughes 408; B.M. Smith 340; Ellen Ray 89.


Ellen Culpepper and Sam Culpepper called the class back together by leading 31t. Leaders: John Hollingsworth 44; Michael Thompson 411; Fred Eady 236; Mary Wright 71; Bill Beverly and Joan Miller 547; Rachel Carlisle 145t; Pam Nunn 507; Robert Kelley 439; Leanne Carter 56b; Shane O’Neal and Kellen O’Neal “Jesus Loves Me,” 30b.


Lauren Bock called the class back to order by leading 40. Leaders: Laura Hodges 426b; Alex Forsyth 302; Gwen Gethner 430; Ann Jett 546; Reba Windom 216; Martha Beverly 504; Lindy Groening 396; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 142; Philippa Stoddard 392; Nathan Rees 447; Judy Caudle 310; Sasha Hsuczyk 177; Stanley Smith and Syd Caldwell 383; Danny Creel 498; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 564; Rachel Hall 377; Keillor Mose 455; Erica Martinez 27; Corinne Ducey 29t; Mike Richards 446; Clarke Lee 28t; Nancy Price 48b; Charles Woods and Charlene Wallace 283.

Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg recognized Charlene Wallace for fifty years of service as the secretary to the Georgia State Convention.

Leaders: Richard Ivey 371; Betsy Jeronen 422.


Tony Hammock brought the class back together leading 465. Leaders: Pat Temple 59; Janice Paulk 518; Bill Hollingsworth 365; Elizabeth Stoddard 423; Pleasance Crawford 488; Kyle Johnston 270; Ellie Snyder 228; Edmund Richardson 492; Abby Beavin 116; Brian Harris 500; Julie Lee 128; Jesse Vear 172; Joanne Fuller 73t; Ateven Snderson 321; Jonathon Smith 125; Matthew Bell 176b; William Price 441; Ben Fink 159; Syd Caldwell and Reba Windom 137; Jesse Roberts 171; Jerusha Wheeler 218; Karen Edwards 277.

Announcements were made. Matt Hinton and B.M. Smith led 46 as the closing song. Clarke Lee dismissed the class with prayer.

Sunday, March 27

The Sunday session of the Georgia State Sacred Harp Convention was brought to order by Matt Hinton leading 277. Jim Neal offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Phillip Langley 385b; Lela Crowder 34b; Donna Bell 276; Jim Neal 77t; Faye Holbrook 380; Andy Ditzler and Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 212; Jeannette DePoy, Scott Depoy, and David Stevens 349; Ellen Ray 335; David Smead 426b; David Brodeur and Andrew Thompson 496; Daniel Lee 36b; J.R. Hardman 99; Richard DeLong 36t; Michael Spencer 166; Erica Hinton 309; Ellen Culpepper 432; Oscar McGuire 485; Virginia Dyer 63; Samuel Williams 163t; Martha Beverly 197; Eli Hinton 146.


Helen Bryson brought the class back to order leading 176t. Leaders: Jerusha Wheeler 304; Bobby Watkins 406; Nancy Price 35; Ateven Snderson 450; Dalton Lewis 354b; B.M. Smith 138t; Abby Beavin 104; Syd Caldwell 151; Lauren Bock 415; Ben Fink 240; Henry Johnson 271t; Susan Cherones 300; Jesse Flynn 481.


Rodney Ivey led 111b to bring the class back together. Leaders: Keillor Mose 156; April Watkins and Taylor Watkins 425; Pat Temple 373; Corinne Ducey 60; Mike Richards 511; Rachel Hall 355; Erica Martinez 532.

Judy Caudle and Bridgett Hill Kennedy conducted the memorial lesson. Judy Caudle quoted words about blooming youth and reminded us to honor the sick and shut-ins who included: Nate Green, Norma Green, Susan Harcrow, Elsie Moon, Jack Paulk, Betty Shepherd, Jewell Wootten, Andy Worthington, Earlis McGraw, Geneva Prichard, Faith Riley, Janelle Davis, Gary Gronau, Charlie Derleth, Josephine Lefthand, Laura Densmore, and Joseph Rowe. Judy led 389 in their honor.

Bridgett Hill Kennedy reminded the class of the many different names of God and that He provides an escape from present dangers and provides for daily needs. Bridgett read the following list of names of the deceased: Robert DuPree, Evelyn Harris, Elder Neal Pritchard, Bennett Green, Gib Amason, Vernelle Amason, Jane Lindsley—Alabama; Robert Teichner, Caroline Bonnet—California; Dan Adams—Connecticut; Robert DePoy, Lucile Gunnells, George Garner, C.W. Garner, Bonnie Kiddle, James Jordan—Georgia; Francis Bliss—Maine; David Strother—Maine and Maryland; Ann Henry, Mike Taylor—New York; Prennis Page—North Carolina; Loraine Bayer—Ohio; Sarah Hauser—Oregon; Oliver Kindig-Stokes—Pennsylvania; Terry Snyder—Virginia; Paul Christopher Maven—Washington. Bridgett led 82t. Henry Johnson closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Nathan Rees 435; Alex Forsyth 404; Sarah Brinson and Kyle Johnston 38b.


Isaac Green called the class back to order leading 85. Leaders: Mary Wright 477; Jonathon Smith 165; Lindy Groening 562; Rick Hoffman 135; David Ivey 572; Sasha Hsuczyk 411; Patrick Frieson 328; Pam Nunn and Reba Windom 269; Philippa Stoddard 419; Richard Ivey 330t; Kathy Williams 227; Betsy Jeronen 440; William Price 299; Laura Hodges 336; Elizabeth Stoddard 312t; Pleasance Crawford 548; Gwen Gethner 333; Eli Snyder 456; Edmund Richardson 351; Brian Harris 101b; Bridgett Hill Kennedy 330b; Jesse Vear 434; Nicholas Tuff and Joanne Fuller 47b; Chuck Crawford 107; Amy Wells 112; Kyle Johnston 569b; Judy Caudle and Lisa Bennett 451; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 500.


Seth Langer and Rob Dunn brought the class back together leading 37b. Leaders: Anders Wells 76b; Miriam Delirium and Keillor Mose 155; Tony Hammock 494; Hayden Arp 384; John Plunkett 236; Karen Edwards 472; Malinda Snow 460; Mike Richards, Brian Harris, Patrick Friesen, and Laura Hodges 189; Nancy Price, William Price, Betsy Jeronen, and Syd Caldwell 288; Rachel Hall, Sasha Hsuczyk, Alex Forsyth, Andrew Thompson, and Miriam Delirium 436; Rodney Ivey, Richard Ivey, and David Ivey 273; Elizabeth Stoddard, Philippa Stoddard, Jesse Vear, and Jesse Flynn 192; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher, Gwen Gethner, Corinne Ducey, and Amy Wells 318; Reba Windom, Bridgett Hill Kennedy, Judy Caudle, and Pam Nunn 196.

The convention went into a business session to hear reports from the various committees. The Locating Committee reported that a petition was received from Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church in Carrollton, Georgia, to host the 56th session of the Georgia State Sacred Harp Convention in March, 2017. On a motion, second, and vote, the petition was approved. Lela Crowder presented the Finance Report. Sasha Hsuczyk and David Smead presented the Resolutions. All reports were approved, and the business session was closed. Announcements were made.

Matt Hinton and Rodney Ivey led 56t as the closing song. Jim Neal dismissed the convention with prayer.

Chairman—Matt Hinton; Vice Chairmen—Phillip Langley and Wyatt Denney; Secretary—Lela Crowder; Assistant Secretary—Donna Bell