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Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing Association

Mars Hill Primitive Baptist Church, Hoboken, Georgia

September 28, 2013

The 33rd session of the Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing Association met on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in September at Mars Hill Primitive Baptist Church, Hoboken, Georgia. The class was called to order by Anna Pfau leading 171. Bryant Lee offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Karen Willard 139; Erin Johnson-Hill 48t; Laura Densmore 370; David Lee 178t.

On an orderly motion, the class went into a business session for the purpose of electing officers. The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Riley Lee; Vice Chairman—Bryant Lee; Secretaries—Dinah East and Kendra Strickland; Chaplain—Shane O’Neal; Treasurer—James Eldridge; Finance Committee—Robyn Crawford and Rebecca Eldridge; Arranging Committee—Jessica Altman and Mary O’Neal; Resolutions Committee—Elise delMas, Trevor East, and Becky Wright.

Leaders: Bryant Lee and Riley Lee 182, 300; Judy Whiting 222; Louis Hughes 303; Clarissa Fetrow 200; Judy Chambless 72b; Sharon Kermiet 375; Melissa Kelly 114; Pat Morse 117; Eamonn O’Neill 500; Sue Bunch 497; Chris Brown 541.


Riley Lee called the class to order leading 124. Leaders: Nicole Bowman 542; Bryan Seale 475; Allison Steel 345t; Robyn Crawford and Macy Crawford 159, 178; Bob Schinske 97; Gene Pinion 515; Kendra Strickland 448t; Pattie Wareh and Ingrid Strickland 282; Daire O’Sullivan 344; Ryan Bowman 163b; Elise delMas 216; Cora Wareh 58; David Wright 75; Susan Cherones 173; Sarah Kahre 137.


Mary Elizabeth O’Neal called the class to order leading 106. Leaders: Henry Johnson 289; Faiz Wareh 450; Carol Huang 440; Fallon Cook 192; Lela Crowder 442; Ellen Lueck 170; Tarik Wareh 348t; Trevor East 47b; Judith Parker 56b; Becky Wright 426b; Darrell Swarens 324; Adrian Eldridge 336; Kevin Barrans 164; James Eldridge 325. Shane O’Neal offered prayer before the noon meal.


Bryant Lee called the afternoon session to order leading 99. Leaders: Morgan Bunch 492; Katherine Eldridge 166; Jesse Roberts, Jessica Altman, and Ashley Thompson 498; Stephanie Carter 63; Cassie Allen 419; Ingrid Strickland 49t; Ashley Thompson 434; Rebecca Eldridge 349; Clarke Lee 556; Cindy Tanner 220; Bryant Lee, Audrey Lee, Bailey Lee, Rachel Baxley, Gavin Baxley, and Zane Baxley 354t; Jesse Karlsberg 392; Jessica Altman 203; Shane O’Neal 319; Lauren Bock 511; Kathy Lee 107; Clarissa Fetrow 297; Daire O’Sullivan 432; David Wright 543; Fallon Cook 269; Lela Crowder 29t; Judy Chambless 142.


Bryant Lee called the class to order leading 472. Leaders: Gene Pinion 565; Cassie Allen 374; Mary Elizabeth O’Neal 551; Anna Pfau 328; Erin Johnson-Hill 512.

On an orderly motion, the class went into a business session for the purpose of hearing reports from committees.

The Locating Committee reported there were two requests to host the 2014 Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing Association. The first request came from delegate Timothy (not present) from Louisville, Kentucky. The second request came from delegate Cassie Allen from Austin, Texas. The requests were presented to the class for a vote. It was announced that the 34th session of the Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing Association will be held in Austin, Texas, in 2014.

The Treasurer and Finance Committee reported that expenses were met, and the excess monies were given to Cassie Allen.

The Resolutions Committee reported the following: We, the members of the Resolutions Committee, would first and foremost like to thank our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, for the opportunity to meet here today to sing praises to His worthy and matchless name. We want to thank everyone for their prayers and support, and thank the officers and other individuals who made this singing possible. We would like to thank Mars Hill Primitive Baptist Church for graciously allowing us to use their facilities. We thank those older singers, who have passed down this tradition and inspired us with their voices and hearts. We resolve, as young people, to strive to be worthy in following their examples, and seek the old paths. Be it resolved, that we meet again in 2014 on the 30th of August in Austin, Texas, for the 34th annual Young People’s Sacred Harp Singing Association. The business session was closed.

Leaders: Judy Whiting 208; Eamonn O’Neill 290; Chris Brown 288; Bryan Seale 89.

The Secretary reported the class sang 82 songs led by 64 leaders representing 11 states, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. Announcements were made.

Bryant Lee and Riley Lee led 347, as everyone who wished took the parting hand. Shane O’Neal offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Riley Lee; Vice Chairman—Bryant Lee; Secretaries—Dinah East and Kendra Strickland