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All-California Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Angels Gate Cultural Center, San Pedro, California

January 15-16, 2011

Saturday, January 15

The 23rd annual All-California Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at Angels Gate Cultural Center in San Pedro, California, on the third Sunday in January and Saturday before. The class was called to order by last year’s chairman, Pat Keating, leading 128. Steve Lazicki offered the opening prayer.

A business meeting was held and the following officers were elected: Chairman—Bruce Hayes; Co-Vice Chairpersons—Carolyn Deacy and Rebecca Edwards; Secretary—Jeff Begley. The following committees were appointed: Chaplains—Steve Lazicki and David Fetcho; Arranging Committee—Rick Russell, Jeri Segal, and Betty Herman; Finance Committee—Duncan MacLeod and Marilyn Murata; Resolutions Committee—Mike Hinton and Juanita Heyerman.

Leaders: Bruce Hayes 34b; Rebecca Edwards 34t; Carolyn Deacy 300; Jeff Begley 385t; Al Grindon 84; Polly Henninger 186; John Marr and Thom Phan 72b; Duncan MacLeod 112; Juanita Heyerman 495; Steve Lazicki 74t; Cassandra Auerbach 268; Carroll Lunsford 489; Jon Rand 523; Bob Brylawski 122; Rick Russell 536; Jeannette Ralston 475; Pat Keating 442; Ron Huss 351; Jennifer Obeidin 196; Mary Rose O’Leary 217; David Fetcho 188; Lauren Stewart and Amanda Jacques 448t.


Steve Helwig called the class back to order leading 445. Leaders: Laura Boyd Russell 270; Kathryn Knecht 146; Marilyn Murata 105; Betty Marvin 220; Linda Booth 198; Catherine Rogan 454; Janet Herman 383; Paula Picton 411; Leland Kusmer 95; Hal Eisen 68t; Mary Ditson 532; Cornelia Stanton 99; Thom Fahrbach 283; Susan Fetcho 222; Karen Stingle 421; Scott DePoy 179; Rafer Dannenhauer 106; Steve Cackley 572; Vivian Rogan 163b; Erik Schwab 296.


Scott DePoy called the afternoon session to order leading 277. Leaders: Steve Helwig 204; Bill Waddington 218; Jerry Schreiber 538; Anne Heider 236; Scott Curran 472; Deidra Montgomery 456; Chloe Webb 142; Gary Rogan 47b; Carmen Doerge 76b; Ted Mercer 344; Michele Rogan 39t; Paul Lindholm 50t; Dan Thoma 350; Mike Hinton 434; Catie Van Duzer 280; Steve Warner 86; Tamara Harris 189; Vivian Rogan 282; Erik Mason 479; Corrie Van Duzer 515; Betsy Jeronen 546; Judy Van Duzer 151.


Scott Curran called the class back to order leading 32t. Leaders: Laura Boyd Russell 297; Betty Herman 430; Linda Selph 121; Stephen Rogers and Nicoletta Rogers 436; Shelby Sampson 63; Nicoletta Rogers, Robert Willkomm, and Monica Willkomm 178; Jim Friedrich 361; Rebecca Edwards 558; Judy Getrich 124; Stephen O’Leary 340; Susanna Ball 148; Terry Barber 500; Carla Smith and Susan Willis-Powers 123b; Julian Damashek 318; Jeri Segal and Lyndia Lowy 539; Lucy O’Leary 203; Karen Huss 535; Leah Dagan 183; Porter Lontz-Underhill 324; Maggie Dougher and Colleen Dougher 38b; Midge Harder 410b.

Bruce Hayes led 276 as the final song for the day. Steve Lazicki closed the day with a prayer.

Sunday, January 16

The Sunday session of the All-California Sacred Harp Singing Convention was brought to order by Bruce Hayes leading 107. David Fetcho offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Juanita Heyerman 510; Ron Huss 157; Lucy O’Leary 101t; Duncan MacLeod 61; Bruce Hayes 254; Maggie Dougher 66; Jon Rand 398; Karen Huss 91; Cassandra Auerbach 94; John Marr 319; Lauren Stewart 39b; Devin McCutchen 496; Mary Rose O’Leary 224; Jennifer Obeidin 215; Lauren Stoebel 410t; Rick Russell 228; Bruce Hayes 49b; Laura Boyd Russell 543.


Tamara Harris called the class back to order leading 82t. Leaders: Julian Damashek 73t; Midge Harder 168; Steve Warner 475; Susan Fetcho 564; Jerry Schreiber 362; Anne Heider 528; Rafer Dannenhauer 117; Deidra Montgomery 102; Leland Kusmer 245; Linda Selph 372; Thom Fahrbach 460; Catherine Rogan 441; Carroll Lunsford 420; Steve Cackley 45t; Jeannette Ralston 506; Bill Waddington 474; Carolyn Deacy 72b; Susanna Ball 551.

A memorial lesson was held at this time. Scott DePoy spoke and he and Lucy O’Leary led 550 in honor of sick and shut-ins Maria Mothersbaugh, Ben Cooper, Gene Coughran, Juli Lydum, Anitra Kaye, Violet Thomason, Fumie Murata, Shisue Sugimoto, Jan Lewis, John Shaffer, Jean Shaffer, David Olson, Michael McKernan, Pauline Stewart, Catherine Callahan, and Richard DeLong.

Mary Rose O’Leary spoke and led 329 in memory of the following deceased: H. Japeth Jackson—Alabama; Florence Berg, Edward M. Cansino III, Mary Chamberlain, Gail Dolgin, Rene Duke, Herbert Enderton, Matthew Fierce Foster, Elaine Friedrich, Mary Jannard, Paula Ogren, Sandee Gardebring Ogren, David Porter, Jose Rosas, Mary Tominaga, Bettine Wallin—California; Julia Aller, Sharon Hill—Connecticut; Robert Hansen—Florida; Mary Florence Smith—Georgia; Katherine L. Barnes, John Heider—Kansas; Bob Meek—Kentucky; George McGray—Massachusetts; Marguerite Bowen, George Seiler—New York; Koby Black—Ohio; Gerhard Forstner—Oregon; Kit Stearns—Virginia.


Erik Schwab called the afternoon session to order leading 47t. Leaders: Gary Rogan 384; Betsy Jeronen 440; Erik Mason 332; Carmen Doerge 38t; Dan Thoma 56b; Paul Lindholm 522; Leland Kusmer 504; Amber Smith 455; Scott Curran 192; Ted Mercer 202; Michele Rogan 480; Scott DePoy 448t; Cornelia Stanton 466; Chloe Webb 512; Paula Picton 216; Stephen Rogers 70t; Dorothy Robinson 180; Vivian Rogan 56t; Mike Hinton 456; Erik Schwab 208; Nicoletta Rogers 492; Tamara Harris 556; Steve Helwig 183.


Deidra Montgomery called the class back to order leading 81t. Leaders: Leah Dagan 312b; Corrie Van Duzer 497; Pat Keating 181; Mary Ditson 274t; Karen Stingle 378b; Tom McTighe 383; Catie Van Duzer 354t; Jim Friedrich 481; Linda Booth 28b; Betty Marvin 540; David Fetcho 77t; Shelby Sampson 30b; Rebecca Edwards 230; Hal Eisen 242; Mimi Wright 159; Carla Smith 214; Terry Barber 182; Bob Brylawski 86; Jessica Catron 178; Tom Ostwald 268; Stephen O’Leary, Ted Mercer, Mary Rose O’Leary, and Lucy O’Leary 501; Jeff Begley 288; Joelle Barnett 442; Christine Tavares 217.

A business meeting was held for the purpose of hearing reports from each committee. The Finance Committee announced that expenses had been met, and thanked everyone for their generosity. The Secretary announced that during the weekend there were 171 singers, 179 songs sung, and 108 leaders. Locations represented were California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the province of Ontario, Canada.

The Resolutions Committee expressed thankfulness and appreciation for the administration of Angels Gate Cultural Center, for all the singers and the various officers and committees, for the loving hands that prepared the food, and for the tradition of Sacred Harp, and the long line of inspired lovers of this music who taught us to love these songs. It was also resolved to meet again at the All-California Convention in January 2012 in the Bay Area. The business meeting was closed.

Following announcements, Bruce Hayes, Carolyn Deacy, and Rebecca Edwards led 347, while those who wished took the parting hand. David Fetcho offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—Bruce Hayes; Co-Vice Chairpersons—Carolyn Deacy and Rebecca Edwards; Secretaries—Jeff Begley and Juanita Heyerman