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Lookout Mountain Convention

Pine Grove Church, near Collinsville, Alabama

August 23-24, 2008

Saturday, August 23

The 105th session of the Lookout Mountain Sacred Harp Singing Convention held on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in August was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by S.T. Reed leading 82t. The opening prayer was offered by Wayne Reed.

Leaders: Bud Oliver 32t; Judy Caudle 138b; Cassie Allen 202; Rodney Ivey 492; Donna Bell 191; Robert Walker 350; Boyd Scott 58; Shirley Figura 235; Judy Chambless 34t; Gaston White 99; Kristi Harju 101b; Bea Carnathan 568; Wayne Dell 277; Mary Whitehurst, Rodney Ivey, and Judy Caudle 498 (for John Etheridge); Harrison Creel 512; Pat Temple 312b; Virginia Eldridge 133; Louis Hughes 166; Larry Ballinger 146 (for Kim Jenkins); Roberta Strauss 276; Doug Conn and Linda Thomas 546; Syble Adams 171. Ricky Harcrow, DeKalb County Commission, presented a plaque of appreciation to the 105th session of the Lookout Mountain Convention and the families who have supported the convention.


The class was brought back to order by Ricky Harcrow leading 123b. Leaders: David Carlton 417; Lomax Ballinger 300.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—S.T. Reed; Vice Chairman—Scot Oliver; Secretary—Judy Caudle; Arranging Committee—Cassie Allen; Chaplain—Wayne Reed; Finance Committee—Rodney Ivey and Scott Ivey; Memorial Committee—Henry Johnson and Linda Thomas.

Leaders: Scot Oliver 100; Lindsey Wiggins 542; Phil Summerlin, Gary Wilkes, and Paul Rebelo 270; Darrell Swarens 72b (in memory of Amanda Denson); Charlene Wallace 186; J.L. Hopper 140; Jonathan Smith 215; Eddie Mash 518; Judy Mincey 468; Tim Reynolds 228; Alex Craig 421; B.M. Smith 418; Bob Meek 424; Gail Aagaard 45t (for Juanita); James Eldridge 434.


S.T. Reed brought the class together leading 48t. Leaders: Matt Hinton, Ben McKay, and Melissa Marquardt 365; Scott Ivey and Loyd Ivey 426t (for Bud Oliver); Nate Green and Norma Green 328; Wanda Capps 203; David Kaeser 39t; Henry Johnson 409; Nathan Rees 227; Joan Aldridge 309; Adrian Eldridge 35; Sandra Wilkinson 332; Jerry Enright 383 (in memory of Lawrence and Lula Underwood); Zach Craig 117; Sandie Scott 340; Linton Ballinger 145b; Mary Wright 121; Stephanie Fida 344. Wayne Reed offered the blessing for the noon meal.


The afternoon session was called to order by Scot Oliver leading 176b. Leaders: Michael Thompson 532; Reba Windom 192 (for Joyce Walton and Daphene Causey); Ron Harper 442; Carolyn Thompson 48b; Richard Ivey 411; Becky Browne 142; Gravis Ballinger 182; Emily Creel 217; Betty Shepherd 216; Rebecca Eldridge 504; Elene Stovall 392; David Ivey 224; Lynne deBenedette 536; Shane Wootten and Marlon Wootten 97; Cindy Tanner 269; Karen Freund 42; Julietta Haynes 200; Dennis George 183; Mike Spencer 499; Buell Cobb 26; Dave Lloyd 201; Lou Cotney 218; Lois Badey 84.


Paula Oliver and Scot Oliver brought the class together leading 354b. Leaders: Jane Spencer 380; Alana Blanks 405; Paul Figura 339; Ed Thacker 423; Wayne Kendrick 446; Bob Watkins and Mercy Watkins 348b; Mary Ruth Stiefel and Cassie Allen 361; Earl Aagaard 503; Eloise Wootten and Rodney Ivey 384; Betty Wright and Anzlea Maxwell 30b; Anita Landess 297; Gail Doss 400; Katherine Eldridge 335; Rick Fretter 107.

S.T. Reed led 46 as the closing song. Wayne Reed offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, August 24

The Sunday session of the convention was brought to order at 9:30 a.m. by S.T. Reed leading 135. Bud Oliver addressed the class and led 39b. The morning prayer was offered by Bob Meek.

Leaders: Cassie Allen 129; Judy Caudle 472; John Plunkett 416; Adrian Eldridge 314; Bob Meek 32t; Scott DePoy 179; Shirley Figura 36b; Robert Kelley 263; Cheyenne Ivey, Jessica Ivey, and April Watkins 128; Richard Mauldin 358 (in memory of Dick Mauldin); Earl Ballinger 177; Ian Ludders 163b; Linda Thomas 391; Max Berueffy 392.


Rodney Ivey brought the class back to order leading 283 (for Don Bowen). Leaders: Roberta Strauss 496; Elene Stovall and Gresham Davis 99; Darrell Swarens 198 (for Joyce Walton and Henry Guthery); Mary Wright 154; Wayne Dell 159; Rebecca Eldridge 507; Nate Green and Norma Green 389; Mark Miller 176t; Lynne deBenedette 220; Anita Landess 170; Paula Oliver 117; Jeannette DePoy 411; Richard Ivey 500 (for John Etheridge); Eddie Mash 340; David Kaeser 282; Stephanie Fida 383; Chris Ballinger 178; Pat Temple 373.


The class was brought together by Scot Oliver leading 313t. Leaders: Robert Walker 480; Carolyn Thompson 53; Bridgett Hill 396; Lois Badey 148; Loyd Ivey 73t; Jackie Tanner 47t; Donna Wootten 74b; Tony Ivey and Scott Ivey 528; James Eldridge 186; Karen Freund 385b; Reba Windom 172; David Ivey 120. The blessing for the noon meal was offered by Wayne Reed.


The afternoon session was called to order by S.T. Reed leading 388. Leaders: Hobert Ivey 426t; Virginia Eldridge 455; Jennifer Lee 362; Dennis George and Ernestine Parker 325.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Henry Johnson and Linda Thomas. Henry Johnson spoke from II Kings 20:1. He led 288 in memory of the following deceased: Amanda Denson Brady, Milton Oliver, Dale Harris, Dick Mauldin, Brenda Dean, Edith Tate, Elder W.G. McGough, Furn Kitchens, M.B. Forbes, Delores Beasley, Corene Laminack, Lear McGough, Gavin Harris, Chester Lacy, and Fred Killingsworth, Jr.—Alabama; Elder Homer Benefield, Gladys McGraw, Felton Denney, Reby Stanford—Georgia; Jeanette Lowry—Missouri; Russ Shea, Rudy Baldacci, Kat Kinkaid—Virginia; Marsha Williams, Ruby Lee Reed McWilliams—Tennessee; Stuart Lloyd—New Jersey.

Linda Thomas spoke in honor of the following sick and shut-ins: Joyce Walton, John Etheridge, Bill Elason, Lee Rogers, Henry Guthery, Genny Whitworth, Renea Garner Campbell, George Garner, Lucy Garner, Daphene Causey, Charlotte McCarn, Violet Thomason, Frank Block, Kim Jenkins, Bev Brooks, Bill Tanner, Clinton Ivey, Loy Oliver, Mary Smith, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Jimmie Gilmore, and Pam Gilmore. Rodney Ivey, Richard Ivey, and Shane Wootten led 278t. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer offered by Ed Thacker.

Leaders: Jerry Enright 77t; Lisa Geist 377; Lela Crowder 272; Karen Ivey 217; David Lloyd 122; Cindy Tanner 436; Coy Ivey 222; Paul Figura 490; S.T. Reed and his sisters 278b; Becky Browne 474; Emily Creel 475; Katherine Eldridge 354b; Gail Doss 191; Bea Carnathan 145t; Larry Ballinger 151; Allison Davis and Gresham Davis 440; Ed Thacker 539 (in memory of Milton Oliver); Kristi Harju 110; Bob Watkins 376; Henry Johnson 70b; Wayne Reed 108b; Mary Ruth Stiefel 438; Cecil Roberts 229; Shane Wootten and Eloise Wootten 456; Verlon Stiefel and Tony Ivey 505 (CB); Alana Blanks 79; Boyd Scott 318.

S.T. Reed, Bud Oliver, and Scot Oliver led 146 as the closing song. Wayne Reed offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—S.T. Reed; Vice Chairman—Scot Oliver; Secretary—Judy Caudle