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National Sacred Harp Convention

First Christian Church, Birmingham, Alabama

June12-14, 2008

Thursday, June 12

The 29th session of the National Sacred Harp Convention was called to order by Mark Davis leading 37b. The opening prayer was offered by Elder Jesse Roberts.

Leaders: Gaston White 99; Hubert Nall 47t; Buell Cobb 77b; Kathy Williams 107; Jim Helke 378t; James Watson 480; Sandie Scott 472; John Redman 236; Cheryl Foreman 492; Leon Ballinger 490; Ginnie Ely 228; Marlin Beasley 336; Elene Stovall 436; Robert Stoddard 171; Henry Guthery 549; Ruth Wyers 87; Jesse Roberts 260.


Sharona Nelson brought the class back together leading 40. Leaders: Mike Hinton 527; Earl Ballinger 80b; Bea Carnathan 568; Natalie Davis 345t; Micah Roberts 119; Connie Stanton 441; Michael Walker 377; Uel Freeman 388; Floy Wilder 293; Susan Zurcher 163b; David Ivey 329; Anne Chalker 146; Philip Denney 84; Vernell Amason 143; Lou Cotney 218.


Kathy Williams reconvened the class leading 108t. Leaders: Steve Helwig 168; Julietta Haynes 192; J.L. Hopper 187; Helen Brown 411; Eugene Forbes 299; Rexanna Lester 155; Larry Ballinger 540; Emily Jones 82t.

A business session was called with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Mark Davis; Vice Chairmen—Gaston White, Hubert Nall, and Buell Cobb; Secretaries—Kathy Williams and Cheryl Foreman; Chaplain—Jesse Roberts; Arranging Committee—Sandie Scott, Helen Brown, Ian West, and Elizabeth Stoddard; Memorial Committee—Mike Hinton and Sharona Nelson.

Leaders: Morgan Bunch 419; Karen Rollins 327; Bufrey Dean 47b; Randy Webber 38b; Rosalind Oldham 503. The blessing for the noon meal was offered by Elder Bufrey Dean.


The afternoon session was called to order by Henry Guthery leading 101t. Leaders: Carroll Lunsford 75; Karen Roberts 496; John Plunkett 69b; Sue Bunch 448t; Margaret Gillanders 142; Gene Pinion 565; Pat Temple 72b; Lena Keeton 88t; Mike McNeil 282; Sharona Nelson 36b; Ted Brown 339; Richard Mauldin 358; Mary Wright 35; Charles McCravy 204; Coy Ivey 222; Rindy Jones 68b; Nancy Van Den Akker 394; Ian West 182; Jean Gray 63; Bobette Olson 102; Judy Chambless 28t.


Ginnie Ely brought the class back together leading 313t. Leaders: Kevin Dyess 45t; Tom Gray 159; Elizabeth Stoddard 481; Lewis Oswalt 178; Kathryn Eastburn 128; Steve Lazicki 74b.

Mark Davis, Gaston White, and Hubert Nall led 570 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Elder J. L. Hopper.

Friday, June 13

Friday’s session of the Convention was called to order by Mark Davis leading 30t. The opening prayer was offered by Elder Jesse Roberts.

Leaders: Gaston White 186; Hubert Nall 412; Kathy Williams 437; Cheryl Foreman 475; Cricket Campbell 376; Ila Ingle 436; Richard DeLong 271t; Daphene Causey 222; Caleb Dillehay 298; Beth Branscome 228; Julie McNeil 319; Warren Steel 296; Laura Lee Earles 277; Amber Davis 142; Bobby Watkins 383; Joyce Walton 269; Arlon Gardner 448t; Nell Estes 560.


Buell Cobb reconvened the class leading 409. Leaders: Becky Briggs 145t; Micah Roberts 354b; Henry Johnson 230; Carolyn Bonifay 234; Judy Caudle 522; Nathan Rees 227; Louis Hughes 138t; Nathan Zweig 445; Sarah Smith 340; Eric Tweedy 327; Rodney Ivey 411; Richard Schmeidler 254; Lee Rogers 352; Kathy Folsom 218; Kathy Robinson 192; Benjamin Bath 428.


Ted Brown and Helen Brown brought the class back to order leading 111b. Leaders: Robert Chambless 225t; Philippa Stoddard 474; Mary Whitehurst 66; Jonathan Smith 500; Lee Bradley 40; Satya Stark-Bejnar 128; Gary Smith 565; Frank Strickland 480; John Etheridge 426 (t? b?); Judy Mincey 464. Prayer was offered by Pastor Ed Spencer.


Jesse Roberts brought the afternoon session to order leading 73t. Leaders: Nate Green and Norma Green 438; Walter S. Hartley 92; Edna Phillips 236; Russ Brand 406; Lela Crowder 138t; Tor Bejnar 551; Tim Reynolds 547; Bridgett Hill 168; Sheila Cotney 358; Matt Hinton 29b; Malik Williams 37b; Linda Thomas 391; Dorothea McCowan 442; David Carlton 504; Sonya Sipe and Anna Grace Sipe 274t; Ann Ballard 512; Louise Holland 139.


The class was brought together by Robert Stoddard leading 29t. Leaders: David Ivey 272; Don Keeton 454; Julietta Haynes 200; Eugene Forbes 457; Uel Freeman 64; Ellen Gwynn and Beverly Dayton 347; Morgan Bunch 456; John Plunkett 458, 137; Randy Webber 523; Gene Pinion 375; Sue Bunch 68b; Lena Keeton 546; Mike Hinton and Anne Chalker 434; Marlon Beasley 498.

The officers led 46 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Chaplain Elder Jesse Roberts.

Saturday, June 14

Saturday’s session opened with Mark Davis leading 297. The morning prayer was offered by Pastor Ed Spencer.

Leaders: Gaston White 485; Hubert Nall 84; Buell Cobb 207; Kathy Williams 455; Cheryl Foreman 344; Jesse Roberts 306; Robert DuPree 569b; Joan Aldridge 228; Jo Dell Albi 375; Phil Summerlin 112; Bill Hogan 448t; Rosalind Oldham 127; Harry Eskew 128; Patty Davis 117; Tim Reynolds 50t; Walter Hartley 300; Helen Brown 430; Julietta Haynes 216; Carroll Lunsford 556; Robert Stoddard and Elizabeth Stoddard 318.


Sandie Scott and Jim Helke reconvened the group leading 282. Leaders: Daryl Chesney 283; John Redman 507; Seth Holloway 388; Margaret Gillanders 73b; Toney Smith 475; Daphene Causey 304; Mike McNeil 384; Joyce Walton 434; Karen Clark 464; Philippa Stoddard 203; Cate Gray and Madelyn Freeman 354b; Micah Roberts 389; Natalie Davis 79; Cheyenne Ivey 101t.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Mike Hinton and Sharona Nelson. Sharona Nelson led 378b for the sick and shut-ins.

Mike Hinton spoke, then read the list of deceased as follows: Brenda Beckett Dean, M.B. Forbes, Dick Mauldin, Bill Price, LaRue Allen, Edith Tate, Ruth Seaman, Mamie Harper Noles, Amanda Denson Brady, William O. Nall, Elder Garnsey McGough, Delores Cobb Beasley, Keith Blayney, Milton Oliver, Wilton Donaldson, Sam Jones, Herby Bailey—Alabama; Theodore Kang Eastburn—Colorado; Ed Nelson—Delaware; Felton Denney, Loy Garrison, Gladys McGraw, Reby Stanford, Elder Homer Benefield, Joe Gore, Wayne Faircloth, Myrtle Smith—Georgia; LaQuita Keeton—Illinois; Hugh McElrath—Kentucky; Bonnie Rogers—Massachusetts; Phyllis Bath, Rosie Shinos—Maine; Jeannette Lowry—Missouri; Madeleine Steel—Mississippi; Alex Menella, Dorthy VonArx Mount—New York; James Imms—Pennsylvania; Marsh Williams, Howard Frost—Tennessee; Theodore Albert Waterman, Kimberly Carpenter—Texas; Roy West, Peter Hampson—United Kingdom. Ginnie Ely led 122 in memory of those who have passed away in the last year. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer by Elder Jesse Roberts.

Leaders: Ted Brown 74b; Rindy Jones 59; Duane Chesney 155; Tor Bejnar and Alice Bejnar 39b; Ian West 270; Mary Whitehurst 32t; Michael Walker 31t; Charles McCravy 145t; Nancy Van Den Akker 50b; Jean Gray 268; Judy Chambless 159; Ross Brand 179; Tom Gray 136; Kathryn Eastburn 99. The blessing for lunch was returned by Henry Johnson.


James Wagner brought the class together leading 504. Leaders: Caleb Dillehay 280; Steve Lazicki 34b; Connie Stanton 479; Nathan Rees 373; Richard Schmeidler 543; Lee Rogers 196; Benjamin Bath 542; Susan Zurcher 313b; Junie McNeil 176t; Jonathon Smith 224; Bobette Olson 410t; Robert Chambless 523; Laura Lee Earles 278t; Randy Webber 107; Louise Holland 273; Arlon Gardner 201; Eric Tweedy 86; Warren Steel 214.

The Convention was called into business session to hear committee reports. The Finance Committee thanked the Convention for donations sufficient to cover expenses.

The Resolutions Committee thanked everyone who worked to make the Convention a success, including a special thanks to the pastors of First Christian Church, Ed Spencer and Mary Pat Spencer, for their enthusiastic reception of the National Convention.

The secretary reported that 623 people from 23 states and the United Kingdom registered during the Convention. The number of people registered by state or country follows: Alabama—486; Georgia—29; Tennessee—19; Mississippi—16; Florida—12; Massachusetts—8; Texas—6; United Kingdom—6; Illinois—5; South Carolina—5; North Carolina—4; California—4; Ohio—3; Oregon—2; Louisiana—2; Virginia—2; Colorado—2; Arkansas—2; Kentucky—2; Indiana—2; New Jersey—1; Pennsylvania—1; New York—1; Maryland—1; Missouri—1. Over the three days, 150 leaders led 244 songs. A motion was made and carried to accept the reports, and the business session adjourned.

Leaders: Beth Branscome 47t; Carolyn Thompson 183; Mary Wright 312t; Henry Johnson 176b; Pat Temple 566; Linda Thomas 217; Mark Davis 388; Richard DeLong 395; Ila Ingle 530; Elene Stovall 440; Bea Carnathan 100; Judy Caudle and Bridgett Hill 411; Bobby Watkins 376; The Beasley Family 274t.

Mark Davis, Buell Cobb, Hubert Nall, Gaston White, Jesse Roberts, Cheryl Foreman, and Kathy Williams led 62 as the traditional closing song, and those who wished took the parting hand. The closing prayer was offered by Elder Jesse Roberts, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Mark Davis; Vice Chairmen—Buell Cobb, Hubert Nall, and Gaston White; Secretaries—Cheryl Foreman and Kathy Williams