Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Texas State Sacred Harp Convention

College Station, Texas

February 25-26, 2006

Saturday, February 25

The Texas State Sacred Harp Convention was brought to order on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in February at 10:00 a.m. Chairman Billy Huckaby called the class together leading 565. The morning prayer was offered by Tom Owen.

Leaders: Billy Huckaby 56t; Diane Ross 150; Liz Owen 171; Sarah Huckaby 270; Bill Bailey 38b; Gaylon Powell 328; Doris Hanks 36b; Scott Curran 99; Larry Hall 117; Olivia Powell 236; Mike Moseley 338; Gary Rogan 34b; Amanda Owen 39t; Jo Pendleton and Jonathan Pendleton 354b; Don Barker 145b; Cissy Moseley 299; Sonny Huckaby 126; Tom Owen 250; Robert Vaughn 494.


The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Billy Huckaby; Vice Chairlady—Diane Ross; Secretary—Liz Owen; Memorial Committee—Jeb Owen and Cheryl Foreman; Arranging Committee—Kevin Powell and Tom Owen; Nominating Committee—Gary Rogan, Gaylon Powell, and Leon Ballinger.

Leaders: Chair Billy Huckaby 34t; Katie Moseley 134; Crystal Meadows 245; Justin Latimer 198; Beverly Coates 163b; Katie Mahoney 183; Rich Lee 448t; Donald Ross 391; Joseph Stang 480; Mike Hinton 434; Chris Adams 112; Cheryl Foreman 344; Reed Coates 448b; Leon Ballinger 327; Jeb Owen 472; Larry Hall 86; Mike Moseley 479. Don Ross offered the noon prayer.


Chairman Billy Huckaby called the class back to order with 76b. Leaders: Kevin Powell 535; Bruce Coates 39b; Vivian Rogan 387; Diane Ross 430; Katie Mahoney 111t; Mike Hinton 527; Katie Moseley 142; Joseph Stang 81t; Rich Lee 460; Crystal Meadows 181; Cissy Moseley 200; Jo Pendleton and Jonathan Pendleton 207; Sarah Huckaby 542; Bill Bailey 68b; Gaylon Powell 225b; Doris Hanks 218; Scott Curran 384; Olivia Powell 128; Gary Rogan 203; Amanda Owen 503; Don Barker 82t; Sonny Huckaby 186.


The class resumed singing with Chairman Billy Huckaby leading 313b. Leaders: Tom Owen 426b; Robert Vaughn 300; Justin Latimer 64; Beverly Coates 377; Chris Adams 84; Donald Ross 567; Cheryl Foreman 455; Reed Coates 475; Leon Ballinger 297; Jeb Owen 454; Kevin Powell and Garrett Powell 45t; Bruce Coates 178; Vivian Rogan 282; Liz Owen 273; Diane Ross 133.

Billy Huckaby led 208 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Elder Billy Moseley, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, February 26

Chairman Billy Huckaby called the class back together on Sunday morning by leading 67. The morning prayer was offered by Elder Sonny Huckaby.

Leaders: Billy Huckaby 77t; Diane Ross 350; Liz Owen 29t; Chris Adams 58; Donald Ross 368; Cheryl Foreman 53; Alexa Gilmore 68b; Barbara Newell 277; Scott Curran 73t; Sarah Huckaby 501; Tom Owen 500; Amanda Blevins 148; Bill Bailey 400; Reed Coates 52t; Leon Ballinger 490; Kevin Powell and Garrett Powell 383; Bruce Coates 36b; Jeb Owen 352; Gaylon Powell 380; Vivian Rogan 344; Doris Hanks 448b.


The class was brought back to order by Diane Ross leading 225t. Leaders: Olivia Powell and Garrett Powell 354b; Gary Rogan 209; Linda Booker 143; Amanda Owen 294; Karl Oswald 282; Sonny Huckaby 348b; Robert Vaughn 438; Justin Latimer 328; Beverly Coates 499.

The memorial lesson was conducted. Jeb Owen led 163b for the following deceased: Frances Daniels, Jimmie Lou Barker, Viola Jones, Sharon Smith Stephenson, and Kelly Beard—Texas; Frieda Economides—Illinois; Donnie McGraw—Georgia..

Cheryl Foreman led 129 in honor of the following sick and shut-ins: Curtis Owen, Edith Owen, Ophelia Mathews, Verna Powell, Myra Palmer, Teresa Hope, Nora Roberts, Harry Oswald, and Leland Owen. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer by Jeb Owen.

Leaders: Billy Huckaby 532; Alexa Gilmore 215; Linda Booker 147t; Amanda Blevins 358; Karl Oswald 47b; Barbara Newell 479; Joseph Stang 146; Chris Adams 61; Donald Ross 478; Cheryl Foreman 543; Scott Curran 196; Sarah Huckaby 33b; Tom Owen 549; Bill Bailey 87; Reed Coates 47t; Leon Ballinger 424; Bruce Coates 276. Gary Rogan offered prayer for the noon meal.


Chairman Billy Huckaby called the class back to order with 406. A business session was held. The Arranging Committee suggested that the singing be held at the same place again next year, Welborn Community Center. The following officers were suggested by the Nominating Committee: Chairlady—Diane Ross; Vice Chairman—Kevin Powell; and Secretary—Liz Owen. The financial report was read by Liz Owen and accepted by the convention.

Leaders: Kevin Powell 195; Jeb Owen 318; Gaylon Powell 302; Vivian Rogan 235; Doris Hanks 49t; Gary Rogan 319; Olivia Powell 168; Amanda Owen 101t; Sonny Huckaby 379; Robert Vaughn 296; Justin Latimer 518; Beverly Coates 362; Alexa Gilmore 535; Karl Oswald 201; Donald Ross 331; Joseph Stang 142; Cheryl Foreman 71; Mike Moseley 30b; Chris Adams 384; Barbara Newell 72b; Scott Curran 189; Sarah Huckaby 475; Billy Huckaby 217; Linda Booker 503; Bruce Coates 137; Kevin Powell 216; Jeb Owen 106; Gaylon Powell 107; Tom Owen 373; Mike Moseley 139.

The officers led 69 (t? b?) as the closing song. Gaylon Powell offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Billy Huckaby; Vice Chairlady—Diane Ross; Secretary/Treasurer—Liz Owen.