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Henagar-Union Convention

Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama

July 3-4, 2004

Saturday, July 3

The eighty-eighth session of the Henagar-Union Convention was called to order with Chairman David Ivey leading 82t. The morning prayer was offered by Louis Hughes.

Leaders: Vice Chairman Rodney Ivey 142; Secretary Norma Green 473; Loyd Ivey 61. Laura Clawson was appointed to the Arranging Committee and led 107. Leaders: Henry Johnson 131t; Mary L. Smith 441; Milton Oliver 176t; Tony Ivey 88t; Gaston White 40; Linton Ballinger 81t; Daryl Chesney and Mike McClellan 67; Teenie Moody 37b; Don Bowen 283; Louis Hughes 448t; Cathryn Baker 222; Stephen Metcalf-Conte 72b; Scott DePoy 179 (for his grandmother, Lois DePoy); Sarah Smith 290; Bill Beverly 171; Louis Hughes, Jr. 440; Annie Grieshop, Mary Peterson, and Joel Linderman 84; Karen Willard 303.


Richard Ivey and B.J. Schnorenberg brought the class back together leading 354b. Leaders: Hershell King 176b; Dana Borrelli 569b; Daphene Causey 327; Stephen Shearon 58; Alan Pritchett 47b; Floyd Peters 282; John Plunkett 280; Richard Schmeidler 474; Velton Chafin 487; Paul Figura 543; Elsie Moon and Ann Jett 336; Cheryl Foreman 159; Pat Temple 232; Sandie Scott 408; Martha Beverly 284; Wilton Donaldson 229; Cathy Vlach 143.


The class was brought together with Wayne Wootten leading 48t. Leaders: Cindy Tanner, Ann Jett, Wanda Capps, and Danny Creel 198; Tim Eriksen, Minja Lausevic, Cheryl White, Sharon White Skaggs, Molly Skaggs, and Rachel White 39t; Jo Pendleton and Jonathan Taft 24b; Alexandra Makris 358; Rachel Ivey, Rachel Shavers, Katie Moore, and Liz Kiser 59; Lauren Hall 186; Duncan Vinson 345t; Scott Ivey 424; Allison Dodson 335; Rachel Baker 155; Jackson Harcrow 35; Felicia Stevens 33t; J.T. Shavers 354b; Brooks Berueffy, Dan Heyerman, and Andrew Kiser 146; Aaron Wootten 480; Katie Moseley 56b; Drew Smith 414; Lauren Hall and Tony Kiser 87; Gary Smith 565; Phil Summerlin 270. The lunch blessing was asked by Keith Willard.


The afternoon session was opened with Rodney Ivey leading 166. Leaders: Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Pam Nunn, and Rene Greene 556; Tom Owen 528; Lisa Geist 273; Richard DeLong 542; Cassie Franklin and Dennis George 442; Reba Windom 216; Lynne deBenedette 192; Karen Ivey, Coy Ivey, and Allison Ivey 475, 384; Larry Ballinger and Lomax Ballinger 224; LaRue Allen 302; Jenny Willard and Keith Willard 434; Karen Freund 383; Samuel Sommers 426b; Bud Oliver 145t; Jeannette DePoy 394; John Etheridge 272; Becky Browne 362; Lela Crowder 29t; Jerry Enright 168; Bridgett Hill 276; Charles Derleth 348b; Syble Adams 49b.


Tony Ivey, Scott Ivey, and Drew Smith brought the class back together leading 203. Leaders: Claire Singleton 299; Michelle Cull 454; Sandra Wilkinson 400; Mary Wright 121; Christine Stevens 352 (for her mother-in-law, Helen Stevens); Jeanette Lowery 444; Kathy Manning 202; James Moseley 178; John Hollingsworth 36t; Shirley Figura 68b; Terre Schill 218; Gary Gronau 137; Cissy Moseley 532; Daniel Davis 300; Brad Oglesby 503; Linda Sides and Brittany Hanson 225t; Ed Thacker 402; Michael Thompson 436; Elene Stovall 215.

Following announcements, David Ivey led 46 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed in prayer led by Phil Summerlin.

Sunday, July 4

The Sunday session was called to order with Chairman David Ivey leading 32t. The morning prayer was given by Joel Jenkins.

Jackie Tanner was appointed to the Arranging Committee. Leaders: Vice Chairman Rodney Ivey 75; Secretary Norma Green 276; Shane Wootten 138t; Sandra Wilkinson 100; Max Berueffy and Coleman Berueffy 84; Pat Temple 481; Mike Dunn 186; John Hollingsworth 236; Kathy Manning 177; Linda Sides 178; Matt Hinton 99; Joan Aldridge 228; Tim Cook 457; Lela Crowder 421; Daniel Davis 148; Cissy Moseley 235; Michael Thompson 384; Christine Stevens, John Stevens, Felicia Stevens, and Emma Stevens 288; Brad Oglesby 192.


David Ivey called the class together leading 42. Leaders: Phillip Ballinger and Jimmy Ballinger 340; Mary Wright 312t; Joel Jenkins 282 (for his mother, Vereda Jenkins); Gary Gronau 163t; Bridgett Hill 383; James Moseley 137; Ivalene Donaldson and Wilton Donaldson 274t; Charles Franklin 496; Katie Moseley 39t; Stuart Ivey 328; Judy Caudle 460; Drew Smith 30b; Pam Wilkerson 203; Jackson Harcrow and Blake Sisemore 155.


Rodney Ivey brought the class together leading 88t. Leaders: Beth O’Dell 189; Charles Derleth 36b; Dan Heyerman and Juanita Heyerman 70b; Sarah Jenkins 208; Richard Ivey and Brittany Lea 81t.

The Memorial Committee, Henry Johnson and Ed Thacker, presented the memorial lesson. Henry Johnson gave an inspiring talk about exercising faith and led page 338 for the deceased.

Ed Thacker led 323b for the sick and shut-ins, and the memorial was closed.

Leaders: David Carlton 298; Becky Browne 217; Larry Ballinger 220; Jeannette DePoy 67; Dennis George 101b. Charles Derleth asked the blessing for the noon meal.


Shane Wootten brought the afternoon session together leading 278b. Leaders: Samuel Sommers 380; Laura Clawson 269; John Etheridge 73t; Mako Cook 503; Jerry Enright 77t; Allison Ivey and Richard Ivey 209; Henry Johnson 425; Reba Windom and Kathy James 542; Loyd Ivey, Teresa Bethune, Marian Biddle, Martha Underwood, and Lillie Underwood 501 (CB); Susan Harcrow 430; Scott DePoy 133 (in memory of his mother, Barbara DePoy); Karen Freund 205; Tim Eriksen 379; Ruby Wyers 480; Hershell King 389; Lynne deBenedette 182; Bud Oliver 358; Martha Johnson, Johnny Johnson, and Annette Johnson 270; Earl Ballinger 283; Elene Stovall 216; Jeffery Wootten 441; Lisa Geist 120; Karen Ivey, Coy Ivey, and Allison Ivey 559 (CB).


The class resumed singing with Henry Johnson and Drew Smith leading 414. Leaders: Lauren Hall 455; Dana Borrelli 339; Paul Figura 242; Claire Singleton 124; Cindy Tanner and Jackie Tanner 546; Jeanette Lowery 445; Minja Lausevic 29t; Felicia Stevens 213b; Hobert Ivey, Tony Ivey, and Scott Ivey 528; Kathy Vlach 350; Hayden Wootten, Jamey Wootten, and Jared Wootten 45t; Darlene Dalton 484 (CB); Shirley Figura 385b; Syble Adams and Shane Wootten 492 (WB); Coy Ivey 486 (WB).

Chairman David Ivey thanked the Arranging Committee of both days for a job well done. Following announcements, David Ivey, Shane Wootten, Rodney Ivey, Tim Eriksen, and Tony Ivey led 62, and those who wished took the parting hand. The convention was dismissed in prayer led by Pastor Tony Ivey.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Norma Latham Green.