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Calhoun County Convention

Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church,
Between Anniston and Jacksonville, Alabama

September 20-21, 2003

Saturday, September 20

The eighty-ninth session of the Calhoun County Sacred Harp Convention met at Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church in the Four Mile Community between Anniston and Jacksonville, Alabama on the third Sunday and Saturday before in September.

B.J. Harris brought the class to order leading 32t. Lonnie Rogers offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: B.J. Harris 503; Pearl Guier 127, 87; Jeff Sheppard 123t, 99; Dennis George 77b, 288; Charlene Wallace 85, 135; Bud Oliver 30t, 145b; Henry Johnson 68b, 81t.

The class was organized with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—B.J. Harris; Vice Chairman—Henry Johnson; Secretary—Charlene Wallace; Arranging Committee—Pearl Guier; Memorial Committee—Mary Lambert Smith.

There was a discussion on the merits of cutting this convention from two-days to a one-day singing. The class decided to vote on Sunday.

Leaders: Billy Joe Harris 303; Nate Green and Norma Green 441, 278b.


The class resumed singing with Henry Johnson leading 539. Leaders: S.T. Reed 102, 103; Ruth Daniel 335, 378t; Felton Denney 235, 535; Eunice Webb 283, 208; Stanley Edwards 282, 290; Lou Cotney 384, 497; Milton Oliver 270, 314; Lonnie Rogers 101t, 318; Tommy George 300, 155; Amber Springfield 448t, 276; Jimmie Denney 313t, 46.


Henry Johnson brought the afternoon session to order with 225b. Leaders: Jim Carnes 432, 89; Karleen Williams 124, 40; Robert Walker 143, 452; Cassie Franklin 332, 399b; Hershell King 285t, 176b; Kenneith Calvert 490, 543; Dennis George 142, 358; Eunice Webb 460; Bud Oliver 39b; Charlene Wallace 129; Nate Green 60; Lonnie Rogers 225t; Lou Cotney 172; S.T. Reed 385t; Stanley Edwards 103; Amber Springfield 373; Felton Denney 385b; Cassie Franklin 167; Jimmie Denney 480; Jeff Sheppard 436; Milton Oliver 430; Kenneith Calvert 493; Robert Walker 63; Jim Carnes 207; Hershell King 97; Bud Oliver 47t; Pearl Guier 45t; Carolyn McCarreth 294.

Announcements were made. B.J. Harris and Henry Johnson led 146 as the closing song. Hershell King offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, September 21

Billy Joe Harris brought the Sunday morning session to order with 82t. Bud Oliver offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Billy Joe Harris 37b; B.M. Smith 32t, 59; Charlene Wallace 77t, 517 (Don Bowen requested this in memory of his father, E.C. Bowen); Mary Lambert Smith 43, 123t; Pearl Guier 127, 40; Jeff Sheppard 113, 121; Daphene Causey and Sharon DuPriest 212, 460; Milton Oliver 75, 325; Oliver Hill 99, 39t; Richard Mauldin 282, 299; Teenie Moody 87, 30t.


Billy Joe Harris brought the class to order with 225t.

A business session was held. B.M. Smith was elected to act as Vice Chairman in the absence of Henry Johnson who could not be here this day. The class voted to keep this convention as a two-day convention. The business session was concluded.

Leaders: Billy Joe Harris 303; Stanley Edwards 97, 217; Bethanne Hill 33b, 159; Earlis McGraw 425, 435; Linda Thomas 103, 47t; S.T. Reed 27, 28b; Mattie Townsel 68b, 112.

Mary Lambert Smith conducted the memorial. Bud Oliver led 142 and 122 in memory of: Ruth Brown, Lavaughn Ballinger, Harvey Austin, Leola Smith, Beulah Reese, Lamar Smith, Floy Driskell, and Leon Murphy.

  • Alabama; Revy Williamson, Vivian Rogers, and Everette Denney—Georgia.

Richard Mauldin led 146 in honor of the sick and shut-ins: Estelle Flowers, Lois Stanson, Dick Mauldin, Lebron Hinton, Alice Edwards, Mozelle Sheppard, I.V. McWhorter, Dennis Beasley, Elsie Beasley, Shelbie Sheppard, and the Roy Nelson family. Mary Lambert Smith closed the memorial with prayer.


The afternoon session was brought to order by B.M. Smith leading 335. Leaders: Ed Thacker 337, 400; Sarah Smith 129, 73t; Robert Walker 480, 63; LaRue Allen 120, 432; Bud Oliver 170, 42; Lou Cotney 200, 222; Gary Smith 403, 565; Carlene Griffin 70t, 155; Eunice Webb 392, 436; Mary L. Smith 271b, 313t; Jeff Sheppard 273 (for Rene Greene), 440 (for Shelbie Sheppard); Charlene Wallace and Hester Edwards 73b, 104 (for Alice Edwards); Pearl Guier 358 (for her sister); Oliver Hill 101t, 274t; Richard Mauldin 133; Stanley Edwards 340; Mattie Townsel 137; B.M. Smith 393 (for Margie Smith); Bethanne Hill 76b; Sarah Smith and Gary Smith 384; Evelyn Harris 270; class 192, 186, 441.

Announcements were made. Billy Joe Harris and B.M. Smith led 46 as the closing song. Richard Mauldin offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Billy Joe Harris; Vice Chairmen—Henry Johnson and B.M. Smith; Secretary—Charlene Wallace.