Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Lacy Memorial Singing

Lacy’s Chapel, Henagar, Alabama

July 29, 2001

The annual Sacred Harp singing held at Lacy’s Chapel on the first fifth Sunday following July 4th was called to order with David Ivey leading songs on pages 144 and 110. The morning prayer was led by Louis Hughes.

Leaders: Reba Dell Windom 159; Rodney Ivey 208; Ruth Brown 101t; S.T. Reed 409; Milton Oliver 224; Lamar Smith 76b; Loyd Ivey 97; Norma Green 225t; Wilton Donaldson 285t; Margie Smith 569b; Jackie Tanner and Cindy Tanner 222; Betty Wright 347; Lavaughn Ballinger 401; Eloise Wootten 318; Tommy McGraw and Teenie Moody 283; Jeannette DePoy 277; Shane Wootten and Reba Windom 172; Karen Freund 171; Linton Ballinger 299; Katharine Manning 298; B.M. Smith 28b; Jo Dell Albi 143; Jerry Enright 77t; Kshama Ananthapura 196; Richard DeLong 193; Becky Browne 269; Larry Ballinger, Lisa Geist, and Chris Ballinger 327; Alexa Gilmore 457; Peter Irvine 319; Allison Schofield 324; John Plunkett 517.


Wayne Wootten brought the class back together leading song on page 108t. Leaders: Louis Hughes 496; Gary Smith and Sarah Smith 354b; Andrew Magee 73t; Kelsey Wessels 270; Henry Johnson 138b; Barbara Swetman 417; Sam Sommers 422; Diane Mennella 32b; Matthew Wojcik 59; Rachel Adelstein 362; George Seiler 84; LaRue Allen 291; Nick Edwards 442; Mirjana Lausevic 131b; Jacob Affolter 34b; Mary Wright 421; Floy Wilder 142; Bud Oliver 343; Linda Shea 448b; Jeanette Lowry 475; Glenn Keeton, Ashley Keeton, and Amber Springfield 192; Beth Odell and Earl Ballinger 546; Dennis George 198; Eliza Cavanaugh 163 (t? b?); Phill Wisor 300; Sarah Harcrow 155; Coy Ivey and Karen Ivey 532; Pat Temple 566; Charles Franklin 288; Kristen Dugan 81t; Dana Welch 162; Rosie Wojcik 29t; Randall Smith and Rodney Ivey 137; Donna Wootten 274t; Tim Eriksen 419; Susan Harcrow 436; Lynne deBenedette 542; Lela Crowder 282; Richard Ivey and Allison Ivey 567; Laura Clawson 112; Stuart Ivey 182; Jarrod George 145b; Judith Green and Rachel Ivey 117; Sandy Ivey, Amy Smith, and Loretta Smith 47t; Jackson Harcrow 63; Kim Bahmer 47b; Hobert Ivey and Loyd Ivey 426 (t? b?); Betty Shepherd 216; Max Berueffy and Elene Stovall 99; Linda Sides 454; Andrew Dewar and Tim Eriksen 499.

Announcements were made. David Ivey led song on page 56t, and the class was dismissed by Joe Owens. Because of rain, the lunch fellowship was held at Liberty Church.

The 2002 session of the Lacy Memorial Singing will be held at Fuller Church in Ider, Alabama.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairmen—Shane Wootten and Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Norma Latham Green.