Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Henagar-Union Convention

Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama

June 30-July 1, 2001

Saturday, June 30

The eighty-fifth session of the Henagar-Union Sacred Harp Convention was called to order with Chairman David Ivey leading song on page 32t. The morning prayer was led by Louis Hughes.

Leaders: Vice Chairman Rodney Ivey 101t; Vice Chairman Shane Wootten 37t; Secretary Norma Latham Green 408; Loyd Ivey 438; Marlon Wootten 68b; Donna Wootten 56t; Mattie Townsel 317; Tony Ivey 448t; Betty Wright 84; Lamar Smith and Randall Smith 36b, 76b; Tommy George 354b; Laura Clawson 318; Eloise Wootten 234; Jarrod George 300; Margie Smith 501; Hershell King 176b; Louis Hughes 176t; Wayne Wootten 48t.


The singing resumed with David Ivey leading song on page 177.

Leaders: B.M. Smith 475; Allison Dodson 378t; Bob Meek 454; Dr. Bill Stewart 145b; Jerry Enright 100; Carla Smith 410b; Chip Ward 101b; William Shetter 505 (CB); Travis Keeton 129; Wilton Donaldson 565; Jerry Schreiber 421; Nate Green and Norma Green 229; Michelle Cull 235; John Plunkett 564; Tom Owen 528; Dewayne Hawthorne 285t; Velton Chafin 488; Sandie Scott 335.


Wayne Wootten brought the class back together leading song on page 108t. Leaders: Milton Oliver 206; Joan Aldridge 228; Jenny Wootten Mann 198; Thomas Willard 106; Gordon Olsen 277; S.T. Reed 568; Syble Adams 515; Ricky Harcrow 571 (CB); Mel Kersey 354t; Ivalene Donaldson 146; Scott Ivey 186; Sandra Jordan and Lydia Jordan 572 (CB); Sally House 503; Jeb Owen 163b; Vernice Phillips 112; Katie Moseley 222; Marilyn Burchett 29t; Aaron Wootten 270; Bob Cull 148. The lunch blessing was asked by Phil Summerlin.


The afternoon session opened with Rodney Ivey leading song on page 276. Leaders: Coy Ivey 384; Betty Shepherd 216; Ted Johnson 377; Jackie Tanner 172; Flora Skinner 294; Tommy McGraw 383; David Lee 63; Jenny Willard 434; Phil Summerlin 99; Melanie Hauff 168; Louis Hughes, Jr. 208; Max Berueffy 542; Liz Owen 442; Bud Oliver 426 (t? b?); John Etheridge 39t; Midge Olsen 218; LaRue Allen 301; Karen Freund 428; Amanda Owen 344.

The results of the election were announced at this time: Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairmen—Shane Wootten and Rodney Ivey; Secretary- Norma Latham Green.


Vice Chairman Shane Wootten called the class together leading song on page 155. Leaders: Cassie Franklin 411; Sarah Harcrow 350; Marcia Johnson 485; Reba Windom 142; Elene Stovall 215; Henry Johnson 56b; Dennis George 224; Lynne deBenedette 437; Allison Ivey 196; Teenie Moody 28b; Cindy Tanner 217; Mary Ruth Stiefel 220; Richard DeLong 439; Hobert Ivey and Rodney Ivey 47t; Jimmy Williams 77t; Coy Ivey and Elene Stovall 559 (CB) (for Don Bowen).

Following announcements, David Ivey led song on page 46, and the Saturday session was dismissed by Tom Owen.

Sunday, July 1

The Sunday session was called to order with Chairman David Ivey leading song on page 82t. The morning prayer was given by Lavaughn Ballinger.

Leaders: Vice Chairman Rodney Ivey 81t; Vice Chairman Shane Wootten 42; Secretary Norma Green 489; Jackie Tanner 47t; Tony Ivey 31b; Lamar Smith and Randall Smith 36b; Mattie Townsel and Coy Ivey 59; William Shetter 195; Henry Johnson 74b; Eloise Wootten 39b; Johnny Humber 268; Leola Smith 340; Jarrod George 358; Betty Wright 410t; Dewayne Hawthorne 104; Joan Aldridge 475; S.T. Reed 477.


Shane Wootten brought the class together leading song on page 388. Leaders: Dennis George 430; Lynne deBenedette 376; Boyd Scott 58; Judith Green and Rodney Ivey 117; Jimmy Ballinger 565; Amanda Owen 535; Terry Hullett 222; Amanda Ballinger 384; Nate Green and Norma Green 139; Michelle Cull 496; Linton Ballinger 306; Midge Olsen 66; Mel Kersey 47b; Lisa Geist 269; Tommy McGraw 33b; Liz Owen 273; Bob Meek and Pat Meek 457; Alexandra Makris 312b.


The singing resumed with David Ivey leading song on page 72b. Leaders: Lavaughn Ballinger and Loyd Ivey 424; Mary Ruth Stiefel 408; Bob Cull 99; Sally House 171 (in memory of her daughter, Karen House); L.O. Harper and Coy Ivey 45t; Katie Moseley 448t; Jeb Owen 480.

The memorial committee, Eloise Wootten and Tony Ivey, presented the memorial lesson. Tony Ivey quoted from the 150th chapter of Psalms, “Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord, praise ye the Lord,” and read the names of the deceased: Woodie Walker, Eloise Watkins, Grady Price, Ercell Ott, Alcie Craig, J.T. Blalock, Ruby Phillips, Winston Jones, Barbara Weigold, Clyde Windom, Tim Craven, Mrs. Rupert Yarbrough, William Mosley, and Sheila Moon. Tony Ivey and Eloise Wootten led song on page 46.

Eloise Wootten read the names of the sick and shut-ins on the list: Ruby Wilks, Paul Greeson, Nelda Tolbert, Jap Walton, Joyce Walton, Jeff Sheppard, Mary Stiefel, John Henry Busby, Thurman Nall, Lawrence Underwood, Lula Underwood, Lavert Howell, Martha Howell, Pete Baker, Curtis Owen, Gladys McGraw, Mozelle Sheppard, Jeannette DePoy, Nellie Miller, Mrs. Mims, and Mr. Mason. Dewayne Wootten led song on page 213t. The class sung the last verse of 47b, and Elder Tony Ivey closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Singing resumed with leaders: Tom Owen 532; Teresa Ballinger and Jimmy Ballinger 361; J.A. Mosley 282; Stuart Ivey and Richard Ivey 567, 182. The lunch blessing was asked by Dennis George.


The afternoon session was opened with Rodney Ivey leading song on page 225t. Leaders: Don Polaski 454; Laura Clawson 29t; David Killingsworth 277; Sandy Ivey and Trish McClain 201, 128; Wayne Wootten, Andrew Wootten, and Anna Wootten 486t (WB); Linda Thomas 303; Gordon Olsen 497; Susan Harcrow 218; Max Berueffy 455; Reba Windom 196; John Etheridge 348b; Karen Ivey and Allison Ivey 428, 31t; Jamie Wootten, Jarred Wootten, and Hayden Wootten 45t; Chris Green and Pam Green 129; Cassie Franklin 112; Jerry Enright 77t; Betty Shepherd 299; Earl Ballinger 40; Flora Skinner 434.


Rodney Ivey and Randall Smith called the class back together leading songs on pages 56t and 137. Leaders: Loyd Ivey, Teresa Bethune, and Marian Biddle 452, 501 (CB); Karen Freund and Lynne deBenedette 278 (t? b?); Arvid Holmes 460; Teenie Moody 84; Hobert Ivey, Tony Ivey, and Lorrie Wootten 511 (CB); Terry Wootten 116; April Hall 83t; Larry Ballinger 224; Lydia Baswell and Vella Dailey 300; Marty Wootten 445b; Amy Smith and Loretta Smith 551b; Chip Ward 348t; Freeman Wootten and Jewel Wootten 49b; Cindy Tanner 146; Robert Harper 63; Rodney Ivey and Lisa Geist 358 (by request).

Chairman David Ivey expressed the thanks of the convention to the Arranging Committee, Shane Wootten and Jackie Tanner, for a job well done.

Following announcements, David Ivey, Rodney Ivey, Shane Wootten, and Tony Ivey led song on page 62, and those who wished took the parting hand. The convention was dismissed with prayer by Pastor Tony Ivey.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairmen—Shane Wootten and Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Norma Latham Green.