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Henagar-Union Convention

Liberty Baptist Church, Henagar, Alabama

July 6-7, 2013

Saturday, July 6

The 97th session of the Henagar-Union Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama, on the first Sunday and Saturday before in July. The class was called to order by Shane Wootten leading 31b. The morning prayer was offered by Ron Harper.

Leaders: Richard Ivey 176b; Donna Wootten 330t; Scott Ivey and Jeff Adcock 32t; Cassie Allen and Daire O’Sullivan 288; Bea Aaron and Jim Aaron 503; Geraldine Sharpton 143; Karen Clark 466; Denney Rogers and Karen Rollins 153; Mark Godfrey, Leigh Cooper, and Cecil Godfrey 65; Bill Beverly and Martha Beverly 546; Anne Brantley 222; Michael Darby 133; Ben Sachs-Hamilton 36b; Sophie Dillard and Hannah Edwards 49t; Kyle Hearn 39t; Nicholas Thompson 270; David Killingsworth 277; Daniel Lee 82t; Linda Sides 225t; Daniel Bass, Holly Evans, Thomas Lockwood, Victoria Valle, and Faith Riley 448t; Jessica Harris and John Kelso 77t; Nathan Berry and Rachel Hall 132; Alvaro Witt Duarte and James Eldridge 99; Wyatt Denney and Phillip Denney 297; Nick Bergin 145t.


Blake Sisemore led 101t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Arlon Gardner 349; David Carlton 332; Rick Fretter 84; Myles Louis Dakan 421; Eli Hinton 268; April Watkins and Taylor Watkins 146; Ainslie Allen 142; Anna Hinton 300; Natalie Davis 63; Sierra Saylors 481; Mary Andrews and Anna Bowen 504; Barrett Patton 83t; Faiz Wareh 474; Sarah Beasley 340; Ron Harper 442; Micah Roberts and Wendy Futral 208; Laura Ann Russell 163t; Daryl Chesney and Deborah Holland 178; Blake Sisemore and Rachel Rudi 556 (for Jeff and Shelbie Sheppard); Kate Dallimore and John Kelso 47b; Molly Merrett and Amandeep Gill 42; Christine Andrews 72b.


The class was brought together by Richard Ivey and Jackson Harcrow leading 129. Leaders: Guy Bankes 315; Jesse Roberts 553; Tarik Wareh 95; Willis McCumber and Ellen Lueck 69b; Sasha Hzuczyk and Evangeline Schultz 313b; Adrian Eldridge and Virginia Eldridge 179; Matt Hinton and Erica Hinton 228; B. M Smith and Margie Smith 229; Marcus Whitman 201; Benny Harnish and Annalise Perone 480; Kevin Barrans 74t; Carol Huang 377; Susan Cherones and Kevin Dyess 209; Mark Davis 240; Ed Thacker and Margaret Thacker 100; Buell Cobb 52b; Tim Morton 98; S.T. Reed and Buell Cobb 131b; Rebecca Eldridge 213t; Michael Thompson, Kitty Forbes, and Katie Forbes 542.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Shane Wootten leading 171. Leaders: Ethan Schultz 40; Renata Pekowska 335; Ricky Harcrow 283; Jesse P. Karlsberg and Lauren Bock 73t; Kelsey Ivey, David Ivey, and Karen Ivey 564; Judy Caudle and Judy Batten 343; Nathan Rees and Jonathon Smith 165; Emma Rose Brown 500; Deidra Montgomery and Ben Bath 434; Scott Kennedy and Bridgett Kennedy 269; Elizabeth Kiser and Erik Schwab 105; Robert Raymond 385t; Tom George and Dennis George 456; Darrell Swarens and Reba Windom 182; Jim Patterson, Grace Patterson, and Sheila Patterson 274t; Samuel Sommers and Cindy Tanner 368; Julianna Jett and Ann Jett 327; Elene Stovall and Betty Shepherd 216; Ryan Bowman and Nicole Bowman 203; Aldo Ceresa 431; Jackson Fleder and Erika Martinez 296; Loyd Ivey and Susan Harcrow 426b; Becky Wright 422.


Richard Ivey led 317 to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Chris Green and Benny Green 383; Coy Ivey 384; Clint Davis and Cindy Tanner 68b; Teresa Saylors, David Saylors, and Sierra Saylors 328; Joe Nall and Hubert Nall 313t; Russ Pope 551; Roberta Strauss and Anne Drexler 282; Norma Green and Vella Dailey 66; Eloise Wootten and Marlon Wootten 441; Katherine Eldridge 30t; Erin Johnson-Hill and Amy Armstrong 440; Delone Cobbs and Jennifer Clay 348b; Henry Johnson 570; Hobert Ivey, Sylvia Ivey, Sandy Ivey, Scott Ivey, and Idy Kiser 278b.

David Ivey led 56t as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Jeff Adcock.

Sunday, July 7

The Sunday session of the Henagar-Union Sacred Harp Singing Convention was brought to order by David Ivey and Marlon Wootten leading 144. Samuel Sommers offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Shane Wootten 89; Cheyenne Ivey 31t; Cassie Allen, Richard Ivey, and Scott Ivey 411; Norma Green 314; Claudia Dean 176b; Robert Chambless and Judy Chambless 517; S.T. Reed 425; Grace Patterson and Jim Patterson 324; Judy Mincey 492; Tim Morton 558; Lela Crowder 500; Lindsey Kruse and Erin Johnson-Hill 329; Bridgett Kennedy and Nathan Berry 417; Henry Johnson 467; Ryan Bowman and Nicole Bowman 211; Jared Wootten, Hayden Wootten, and Jamey Wootten 475; Linton Ballinger, Gravis Ballinger, and Larry Ballinger 224; Jackson Fleder and Erika Martinez 30b; Lynn Wilson, Laurie Dempsey, and Cassie Allen171; Mark Davis and Natalie Davis 340; Erik Schwab and Eamon Hosey 416; Erica Hinton and Anna Hinton 40; Bill Beverly and Martha Beverly 547; Wendy Futral 339; Ethan Schultz and Evangeline Schultz 350.


The class was called back together by David Ivey leading 170. Leaders: Ann Drexler, Roberta Strauss, and Marcus Whitman 454; Phil Summerlin 312b; Kevin Dyess and Susan Cherones 300; Scott Kennedy and Hubert Nall 162; Virginia Eldridge and James Eldridge 402; Juliana Jett and Ainslie Allen 217; Annalise Perone and Benny Harnish 497; Eli Hinton and Matt Hinton 77t; Rebecca Eldridge and Darrell Swarens 507 (for Josie Hyde); Emma Rose Brown and Willis McCumber 138b; Tarik Wareh and Christine Andrews 168; Guy Bankes 569t; Sasha Hsuczyk and Mary Andrews 472; Eddie Mash 263; Charles Franklin 74b.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Shane Wootten and Reba Windom. Reba spoke on behalf of the sick and shut-ins and read the following list of names: Earl Burns, Breanne Lingo, Bess Fitzgerald, Loraine Bayer, Jeff Sheppard, Shelbie Sheppard, Felder Williams, Betty Hanf, Josie Hyde, Kermit Adams, Johnie Chafin, Penny Kujawinski, Betty Wright, Jim Hearne, Elder Charles Porter, W.M. Allen, Tat Bailey, Toney Smith and Sammie Oliver. She led 436.

Shane Wootten spoke in memory of the deceased and read the following list of names: Myrtle Ann Beasley, Bud Oliver, Lessie Dean Reed, Elder Bufrey Dean, Willard Wright, Gearl Ivey—Alabama; Nancy Yeager, Violet Thomason, Gertrude DeLong, Walter Thomas Robinson, Mike Dunn—Georgia; Kelly Day, Marjorie Sommers—Indiana; Eva Padgett—Florida; Clayton Ezell—Tennessee; Nellie Davis—Mississippi; Amy Phillips—Ohio; Langdon Smith—South Carolina. Shane Wootten and Loyd Ivey led 426t. Phil Summerlin offered prayer to close the memorial service.

Leaders: Jackson Harcrow and Aaron Wootten 39t; Robert Raymond 183; Faiz Wareh 477; Liz Kiser, Idy Kiser, and Tony Kiser 108b; Renata Pekowska 344; Alvaro Witt Duarte 388; Kevin Barrans 373; Drew Smith and Blake Sisemore 112; Linda Sides 215; Adrian Eldridge and Katherine Eldridge 512. The blessing before the noon meal was offered by Blake Sisemore.


The results of the election of officers was tallied by S.T. Reed and announced by Dennis George as follows: Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Shane Wootten; Secretary—Cheyenne Ivey.

The afternoon session of singing began with Richard Ivey and Nathan Rees leading 445. Leaders: Jesse P. Karlsberg and Kate Dallimore 209; Barrett Patton 67; Lisa Geist 273; Danny Creel 383; Jonathon Smith and Kelsey Ivey 196; Ben Bath and Rachel Rudi 522; Aldo Ceresa, Elene Stovall, and Michael Thompson 532; Dennis George and Ann Jett 172; Judy Caudle and Sam Sommers 54; Deidra Montgomery and Becky Wright 187; Molly Merrett and Amandeep Gill 81t; Sharon DuPriest and Daphene Causey 200; Jackie Tanner and Cindy Tanner 182; Tom George 80t; Nathan Rees and Daire O’Sullivan 298; Ellen Lueck and Carol Huang 432; Paula Oliver and Mattie Sue Prewett 282; Ricky Harcrow and Jackson Harcrow 142; Jake Wilson 274t; Daniel Lee 43; Rodney Ivey, Syble Adams, and Myra Dalton 47t; Tony Ivey, Sandy Ivey, and Mary Ruth Stiefel 408; Lilly Underwood and Anna Marie Bethune 354b; Allison Whitener and Karen Ivey 192; Marty Wootten and Lorrie Wooten 542; Loyd Ivey, Marian Biddle, Lilly Underwood, Martha Underwood, Teresa Bethune, Will Ivey, Doug Ivey, Callie Watkins, and Molly Ivey 424; Arlon Gardner 490; Marlon Wootten and Eloise Wootten 97; Andrew Mashchak 299; Sheila Patterson, Grace Patterson, and Jim Patterson 225t (for John and Loriane Bayer); Mark Carroll and Terry Wootten 480; Hobert Ivey, Sylvia Ivey, Jared Wootten, Hayden Wootten, Jamey Wootten, Scott Ivey, and Rachel Hunt 235; Levon Wootten, Dewayne Wootten, Claudene Townson, and Virginia Glass 348b.

Following announcements, David Ivey, Shane Wootten, and Tony Ivey led 146 as the song. The closing prayer was offered by Tony Ivey, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Shane Wootten; Secretary—Cheyenne Ivey