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Golden Gate Singing

Pacifica and Port Costa, California

April 27-28, 2024

Saturday, April 27

The Golden Gate Double All-Day Singing was held on the fourth weekend in April. JT Harechmak brought the class to order by leading 31t. Susan Fetcho offered the opening prayer.

In a business meeting, Hannah Blair and Ellen Lueck were elected as co-chairpersons. They then appointed the following slate of officers for both days: Vice Chairman—Dave Barber; Secretaries—Leah Coffin, Leigh Cooper, and Linda Selph; Treasurer—Joel Chan; Arranging Committee—Mark Godfrey, Heather Purdy, Jenny Solheim, and Maggie Zhou; Chaplains—Susan Fetcho and Sumie Arnold. The business meeting was closed.

Leaders: Hannah Blair and Ellen Lueck 171; Heather Purdy 70b; Dami Osoba 33t; Hannah Blair 312b (in memory of George Allen); Rachel O’Leary 270; Dave Barber 35; Linda Selph 475; Leigh Cooper 474 (for Arnold Zwicky); Ellen Lueck 30b; Mark Godfrey 344; Lindy Groening 351 (for Pat Coghlan); Leah Coffin 397; Paul Kostka 377; Jenny Solheim 29t; Susan Fetcho 315 (in memory of David Fetcho); Rebecca Edwards 440.


Wren Hyde called the class back to order leading 565. Leaders: Janis Mercer 77t; Carolyn Deacy 349; Hugh McGuire 286; Inder Khalsa 272; Jim Solheim 299; Sumie Arnold 39t; JT Harechmak 38b; Aisha Morgan 135; Jeremy Knight 112; Eric Gu 56b; Shelley Phillips 58 (in memory of her father); Jamie Ross 372; Thom Fahrbach 295; Bob Schinske 187; Alexander Cotton 472; Fred Wilkey 515 (in memory of Jeff Begley); Peter Schinske 505; Mitchell Gustin 86; Kevin Barrans 338.


Rebecca Edwards called the class back to order leading 114. Leaders: Annalise Veliz 33b; Dave Barber 64; Esteban Veliz 448t; Wren Hyde 214; Ellen Lueck 500; Dami Osoba 442; Leigh Cooper 225t; Leah Coffin 287; Heather Purdy 67; Hannah Blair 51; Rachel O’Leary, Maggie Flanagan, and Evan Cabrera 215; Lindy Groening 217; Mark Godfrey 216; Linda Selph 426b; Paul Kostka 528; Susan Fetcho 464; Jenny Solheim 269. Susan Fetcho offered the blessing before dinner on the grounds.


The afternoon session began with Jonathan Schor and Shelley Phillips leading 288. Leaders: Joel Chan 59; Sumie Arnold 178; Aisha Morgan and Hugh McGuire 82t; Jamie Ross 83t; Kevin Barrans 383; Mitchell Gustin 540; Carolyn Deacy 421; Peter Schinske 542; JT Harechmak 400; Thom Fahrbach 483; Maggie Zhou 83b; Bob Schinske 391; Inder Khalsa 300; Jim Solheim 378b; Fred Wilkey 236; Annalise Veliz 328; Eric Gu 532; Peter Ross 163b; Shelley Phillips 47b; Janis Mercer 324.


Peter Schinske led 31t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Esteban Veliz 455; Jeremy Knight 436; Jonathan Schor and Heather Purdy 204; Rebecca Edwards 422; Wren Hyde 142; Joel Chan 61; Maggie Zhou 406; Alexander Cotton 40; Peter Ross and Jamie Ross 99; Jim Solheim and Mitchell Gustin 192; Aisha Morgan, Sumie Arnold, and Rachel O’Leary 501; Thom Fahrbach, Kevin Barrans, Peter Schinske, and Bob Schinske 56t; Carolyn Deacy, Linda Selph, Susan Fetcho, Shelley Phillips and Hugh McGuire 146. Announcements were made. Hannah Blair and Ellen Lueck led 347 in closing, and Susan Fetcho offered the closing prayer.

Sunday, April 28

The Sunday session of the Golden Gate Double All-Day Singing began with Hannah Blair and Ellen Lueck leading 81t. Sumie Arnold offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Lindy Groening 34b; Heather Purdy 34t; JT Harechmak 276; Linda Selph 68b; Jeremy Knight 32b; Susan Fetcho 147b; Leah Coffin 108b; Lizzie Sanders 227; Dave Barber 105; Aisha Morgan 277; Mark Godfrey 283; Yarrow Syskine 162; Jim Solheim 318; Rachel O’Leary 290; Paul Kostka 334; Inder Khalsa 131t; Hannah Blair 278t; Peter Schinske 166; Carolyn Deacy 430; Sumie Arnold 207.


Rachel O’Leary and Lucy O’Leary brought the class back to order leading 35. Leaders: Wren Hyde 103; Jenny Solheim “Moonlight” (original composition), Jim Solheim “Tachyon or Payne’s Jubilation” (original composition), Hugh McGuire 137; Jamie Ross 89; Dami Osoba 193; Kevin Barrans 482; Dill Ma 182; Shelley Phillips 504; Mitchell Gustin 503; Eric Gu 358; Pat Coghlan 492; Ellen Lueck 111b.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Sumie Arnold and JT Harechmak. Sumie Arnold spoke about the sick and shut-ins, read their names, and led 172. JT Harechmak spoke about the memorial lesson, read the names of the deceased, and led 65. Sumie Arnold offered a prayer to bring the memorial lesson to a close.

Leaders: Maggie Zhou 171; Leigh Cooper 212; Lucy O’Leary 528; Bob Schinske 439; Lizzie Sanders 209; Hannah Blair 454; Dave Barber 362; Inder Khalsa 313b; Paul Kostka 198; Linda Selph 172 (in memory of David Fetcho); Jeremy Knight 440; Susan Fetcho 556; Heather Purdy 319. Sumie Arnold offered a blessing before dinner on the grounds.


The afternoon session began with Mark Godfrey leading 32t. Leaders: Dami Osoba 85; Mitchell Gustin 543; Hugh McGuire 79; Carolyn Deacy 485 (for Ted Johnson), Jamie Ross 37b; Peter Schinske 502; Lucy O’Leary 532; Pat Coghlan 351; Kevin Barrans 170; Ellen Lueck 112; Jenny Solheim 384; Bob Schinske 91; Wren Hyde 296; Dill Ma 547; Aisha Morgan 339; Shelley Phillips 270; Lindy Groening 201; Leah Coffin 200; Dave Barber and Leigh Cooper 196.

The business meeting was reopened and reports heard. Joel Chan, treasurer, reported that expenses were met. Maggie Zhou, secretary, reported that forty-one singers on Saturday and thirty-six singers on Sunday led one hundred sixty-two total songs. Singers came from California, Washington State, New Mexico, Oregon, and Quebec, Canada. The Resolutions committee resolved to meet at the same time of month next year. After the business meeting closed, announcements were made. Hannah Blair and Ellen Lueck led 323t and invited singers to take the parting hand. Sumie Arnold dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairpersons—Hannah Blair and Ellen Lueck; Vice Chairman—Dave Barber; Secretaries—Leigh Cooper, Leah Coffin, and Linda Selph