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Alaska Sacred Harp Convention

The See House, St. Peter’s By The Sea Episcopal Church,
Sitka, Alaska

October 21-22, 2016

Friday, October 21

The 9th annual Alaska Sacred Harp Convention was held at the See House of St. Peter’s by the Sea Episcopal Church in Sitka, Alaska, on Friday evening and Saturday before the fourth Sunday in October. Chris Brown of Elland, West Yorkshire, England, conducted a singing school Friday evening, focusing on the early texts contained in The Sacred Harp, and how they illustrate the beginnings and development of congregational singing in English.

Leaders: Chris Brown 28t; Steve Helwig 291; Charley Basham 126; Kari Lundgren 49t; Judy Whiting 273; Chris Brown 447; Marie Brandis 222; Steve Helwig 95; Campbell Longworth 32b; Cornelia Stanton 475; Sylvia Friske 330b; Steve Helwig 113; Marie Brandis 287; Amy Liu 277.

Saturday, October 22

Steve Helwig called the class to order leading 171. Charley Basham offered the opening prayer. A business meeting was held, and the following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Campbell Longworth; Secretary—Kari Lundgren; Treasurer—Denise Klingler; Arranging Committee—Joe Linden and Bob Hume.

Leaders: Campbell Longworth 87, 107; Kari Lundgren 99, 162; Cornelia Stanton 540, 466; Charley Basham 112, 38t; Robert Sullivan 66, 501; Tom Crane 159, 288; Lynn Basham 344, 196; Bob Hume 276, 268; Sylvia Friske 40, 31t; Pat Coghlan 142.


Kari Lundgren called the class back to order leading 448b. Leaders: Chris Brown 42, 108b; Judy Gangle 81t, 47b; Julia Smith 63; Judy Whiting 354t, 472; Amy Liu 209, 117; Sara Beaber-Fujioka and Alexandra Fujioka 157, 474; Joe Linden 122, 457; Marie Brandis 328, 347; Steve Helwig 48b, 51; Campbell Longworth 198, 218; Cornelia Stanton 490; Charley Basham 203, 523.

The memorial lesson was held. Steve Helwig led 425 for the following sick and shut-ins: Curtis Owen, Edith Owen, Johnny Lee, Delorese Lee, Karen Turner, Cath Tyler, Don Grimshaw, Nate Green, Norma Green, Melanie Hauff, Marilyn Murata, and Bruce Rowland.

The following deceased were named and Steve Helwig led 339 in their memory: Ken Klopf, Noah Mayo, and Rev. Sandra Hammett—Alaska; Chris Holloway—Germany; Ruth Steggles, Ian Whiting, and Ian Tilling—UK; Eileen McDougall—France; Earlis McGraw and B.M. Smith—Georgia; Bernice Williams Harvey, Gary Smith, Toney Smith, and S.T. Reed—Alabama; Jimmie Foreman and Tom Robinson—Texas. Charley Basham closed the memorial lesson with prayer.


Marie Brandis called the class back to order leading 72b. Leaders: Robert Sullivan 503, 312b; Tom Crane 86; 34b; Sara Beaber-Fujioka and Marifrancis Fujioka 388, 82t; Campbell Longworth 410t, 373; Lynn Basham 479, 455; Sylvia Friske 350, 49b; Bob Hume 84, 38b; Marie Brandis 168, 212; Pat Coghlan 492.


Steve Helwig and Sylvia Friske called the class back to order leading 178. Leaders: Julia Smith 277; Chris Brown 441; Chris Brown and Maria D’Agnostino 102; Charley Basham 515, 454; Amy Liu 448t; 39t; Steve Helwig 135, 145b; Judy Whiting 150, 521; Joe Linden 282, 155; Cornelia Stanton 480, 318; Kari Lundgren and Bill Davis 236 (for Nick and Tom); Pat Coghlan 272.

The business meeting was reopened, and committee reports were heard. It was resolved that the 10th annual Alaska Sacred Harp Convention will be held in Sitka, Alaska, on the same weekend in 2017.

Leaders: Chris Brown 229; Maries Brandis 89; Judy Whiting 208. Kari Lundgren led 122 as the closing song. Charley Basham offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Campbell Longworth; Secretary—Kari Lundgren