Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Keystone Sacred Harp Convention

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church at Penn, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

January 23-24, 2016

Saturday, January 23

The 18th annual Keystone Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before in January. Due to Philly’s fourth largest blizzard to date, the convention was relocated at the last minute to St. Mary’s. With roads and most transportation shut down, the organizers were cheered by the large turnout of visitors when even many local singers found themselves unable to attend.

Ben Cocchiaro brought the class to order by leading 105. Kirsten Jensen offered the opening prayer. The following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Joel Bassett; Vice Chairperson—Ruth Wampler; Treasurer—Thomas Ward; Secretaries—Dann Pell and Bethany Towne.

Leaders: Joel Bassett 59; Ruth Wampler 279; Dann Pell 229; Doron Henkin 228; Kirsten Jensen 61; Julia Reischel 40; Dean Jens 276; Lamar Matthew 35; Stina Soderling 67; Charles Biada 87; Shani Aviram 440; Jason Steidl 485; Sasha Hsuczyk 177; Harry Scott 542.


Sam Kleinman called the class back together by leading 111b. Leaders: Bethany Towne 396; Nancy Britton 313b; Krista Guerrieri 159; Rachel Speer 121; Chris Wolf 275t; Corinne Ducey 43; Sarah Underhill 38b; Keillor Mose 222; Greg Vallette 503; Sophie Soloway 456; Chris Cotter 368; Emma Swartz 212; Patrick Friesen 220; Rachel Taylor 457; Andre Kuney 171; Abe Musselman 60; Carol Huang 445; Micah John Walter 77t.


Kirsten Jensen called the class back together by leading 134. Leaders: Alex Forsyth 383; Molly Bledsoe 436; Susan Loucks 480; Dan Hunter 513; Mike Nord 336; Gerald Clark 406; Thomas Ward 337; Jesse Vear 278b; Jesse Krikorian 245; Sara Lott and Gwen Gethner 56b; Claire Steiner 112; Nancy Mandel 540; Jesse Flynn 106; Sam Kleinman 434; Tristan Gordon 51; Chris Holley 448t; Mel Novner 411; Emma Rose Brown 313t. Kirsten Jensen offered the blessing before lunch.


Doron Henkin called the class back together by leading 53. Leaders: Rachel Hall 377; Kevin Beirne 444; Marilyn Murata 195; Tim Eriksen 442; Thom Fahrbach 398; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 153; David Wright 518; Chris Coughlin 39t; Steve Luttinen 379; Becky Wright 454; Betsy Jeronen 573; Aldo Ceresa 426b; Katy Hunter 498; Claire Hogan 79; Ina Shea, Thomas Ward, and Miriam Delirium 88b; Gwen Gethner 297; Patrick Friesen and Sophie Soloway 328; Jason Steidl 502; Rachel Speer and Corinne Ducey 30t; Stina Soderling 335; Emma Swartz and Sasha Hsuczyk 414; Andre Kuney 146.


Ben Cocchiaro called the class back together by leading 334. Leaders: Molly Bledsoe and Mel Novner 528; Jeff Begley 108b; Jesse Krikorian, Jesse Flynn, and Jesse Vear 274t; Charles Biada and Jasmine Mendoza 506; Rachel Taylor and Chris Holley 348b; Chris Wolf 430; Chris Coughlin and Alex Forsyth 197.

Joel Bassett led 323t as the closing song. Kirsten Jensen dismissed the class with prayer.

Keystone Convention Satellite Singing

Home of Chris and Laura Densmore, West Chester, Pennsylvania

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The class convened around the dining room table. Laura Densmore opened the singing leading 29t. Leaders: Judy Mincey 28t; Gina Balestracci 313b; Barbara Swetman 312b; Terry Ryan 38t; Laura Densmore 370; Judy Mincey 86; Gina Balestracci 469 (?); Barbara Swetman 71; Terry Ryan 157; Laura Densmore 156; Judy Mincey 279; Gina Balestracci 183; Barbara Swetman 297; Terry Ryan 362.

The class adjourned for lunch, singing 180 as a grace before a bountiful meal. Secretary—Judy Mincey

Sunday, January 24

The Sunday session of the Keystone Sacred Harp Convention was brought to order by Joel Bassett leading 467. Chris Holley offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Ruth Wampler 378t; Charles Biada 38t; Thomas Ward 201; Bethany Towne 187; Sam Kleinman 73t; Nancy Mandel 421; Kevin Beirne 101t; Jeff Begley 385t; Doron Henkin 192; Rachel Speer 460; Marilyn Murata 388; Jesse Krikorian 58; David Wright 189; Betsy Jeronen 564; Katy Hunter 97.


Gerald Clark called the class back to order leading 122. Leaders: Krista Guerrieri 117; Kirsten Jensen 412; Dann Pell 275b; Harry Scott 423; Chris Cotter 432; Dean Jens, Rachel Speer, and Calvin Jens 532; Stina Soderling 86; Lamar Matthew 384; Jason Steidl 497; Sarah Underhill 102; Aldo Ceresa 176b; Julia Reischel 306; Liora O’Donnell Goldensher 546; Gwen Gethner 417; Corinne Ducey 464; Nancy Britton 478.


Becky Wright called the class back to order leading 399b. Leaders: Dan Hunter 144; Emma Swartz 374; Ben Cocchiaro 327.

Steve Hoyt and Lynne Hoyt conducted the memorial lesson. Lynne Hoyt spoke and led 330b for the following sick and shut-ins: Stephanie Sandford-Colby, Michael Nelson, Syd Caldwell, Katie White, the Erie Singers, and all those who are snowbound and could not attend as planned.

Steve Hoyt spoke and read the list of deceased as follows: Betty Hanf, Oliver Kindig-Stokes, David Wampler, Eleanor Anderson, Timothy Floravit, Mary Mullen, Darcie Moloshok, and Joseph Kelley—Pennsylvania; Dwight Speer—Arkansas; Sarah Hauser, Renee Windsor, and Tammi Ziola—Oregon; Mike Shields, Joe Nishimura, Birdie Carter, Oscar Marin, Jim Sanchez, Zana Mokricki, Tom Fegan, Elle Ard, and Hilde Ward—California; Brendan Egan and Ann Henry—New York; Julia Reifel—Washington; Loraine Bayer—Ohio; Dan Adams—Connecticut; Larry Manahan, Clark Beyer, and Bea Reischel—Minnesota; Tom Robinson—Texas; David Strother—Maryland; Charles Reischel and Jemera Rone—Washington, DC; Leon J. Pulsinelle and Joe Neihmond—New Jersey; Kelly Beth Escoffery—Canada. He led 340 in their memory. Chris Holley closed the memorial session with prayer.

Leaders: Rachel Hall 436; Sasha Hsuczyk 267; Alex Forsyth 123t; Ina Shea 521; Ted Stokes 381; Chris Coughlin 48t; Carol Huang 315; Chris Holley 72b; Mel Novner 116. Dan Hunter offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session was called to order by Steve Luttinen leading 176t. Leaders: Keillor Mose 217; Sophie Soloway 288; Michael Nord 441; Claire Steiner 339; Susan Loucks 299; Chris Wolf 131t; Molly Bledsoe 162; Thom Fahrbach 132; Claire Hogan 445; Micah John Walter 319; Marilyn Murata 415; Jesse Flynn 129; Gerald Clark 30b; Patrick Friesen 168; Lynne Hoyt 490; Jesse Vear 74b; Steve Luttinen 500; Sara Lott and Aldo Ceresa 186; David Wright 49b.


Ted Stokes and Ruth Wampler called the class back to order leading 207. Leaders: Shani Aviram and Claire Hogan 504; Charles Biada 522; Emma Rose Brown 475; Julian Bender 34b; Rachel Taylor 39b; Becky Wright 416; Jeff Begley 55; Kevin Beirne 208; Sasha Hsuczyk and Alex Forsyth 499.

A report from the treasurer was given. Emma Rose Brown and Thom Fahrbach thanked everyone who made the convention possible, and resolved to reconvene in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for the 19th session in January, 2017. Announcements were made.

Joel Bassett, Thomas Ward, Ruth Wampler, Dann Pell, and Bethany Towne led 62 as the closing song. Ruth Wampler offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Joel Bassett; Vice Chairman—Ruth Wampler; Secretaries—Dann Pell and Bethany Towne