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Midwest Sacred Harp Convention

Pulaski Field House and Irish-American Heritage Center,
Chicago, Illinois

April 28-29, 2012

Saturday, April 28

The Saturday session of the 28th meeting of the Midwest Convention was held at the Pulaski Field House in Chicago, Illinois. The class was called to order by Carol Mosley and Michael Mosley leading 171. The invocation was offered by Herb Schroeder.

Leaders: Randy Neufeld and Susan Geil 52t; Ann Sleeva 49t; Lincoln Richardson 276; John Seaton 47t; Nick Pasqual 114; James Page 188; Rochelle Lodder 344; Jeff Breting 155; Anna Pfau 454; Mark Dawson 236; Bob Sullivan 503; Michael Appert 84; Jim Swanson 377.

A business meeting was held and the following officers were elected: Co-Chairpersons—Randy Neufeld and Susan Geil; Vice Chairmen—Ted Johnson and Marcia Johnson; Secretary—Ann Sleeva.


Randy Neufeld brought the class back together by leading 63. Leaders: Debbie Barford 378b; J. R Hardman 473; Sharon Spanogle 159; Bill Waddington 362; Melissa Kelley 532; Julie Vea 419; Beth Todd 501; Stephanie Argo 274t; Joe Todd 125; Lisa Cohen 485; Johanna Fabke and Pamela Lawry 122; Lisa Grayson 340; Anne Missavage 217; Kelly Kennedy 502; Paul Wyatt 328; Donna Gunderson-Rogers 549; Elizabeth Barlow 535. Susan Geil announced the following appointments: Assistant Secretary—Ginny Landgraf; Chaplains—Herb Schroeder and Jeannine Oakes; Memorial Committee—Kathy Williams and Kelly Kennedy; Finance Committee—Ryan Wheeler, Evelyn Lamb, Michael Appert, and Paul Wyatt.


Susan Geil brought the class back to order by leading 31t. Leaders: Bill Beverly 191; Rachel Adelstein 218; Anne Heider and Joan Maxwell 455; Petrina Patti 186; Lori Graber 472; Kim Bahmer 163b; Peter Bradley 228; Martha Beverly 428; Nicoletta Rogers and Judy Hauff 533 (?); Leslie White 29t; Peggy Mistak 105; Paul Landskroener 201; Marcus Whitman 277. Prayer before the noon meal was offered by Herb Schroeder.


The class was brought back together by Ted Johnson and Marcia Johnson leading 123b. Leaders: Charlotte Ehrman 365; Jim Helke 198; Aldo Ceresa 411; Judy Mincey 538; Michael Darby 77t; Laura Ann Russell 300; Kathy Williams 42; Christine Stevens 270; Pleasance Crawford 550; Steven Schmidgall 73b; Daniel Hunter 492; Samuel Sommers 522; Cathy Lutz 500; Ginny Landgraf 547; Jim Pfau 430; Scott Kennedy 162; Denise Kania 384; Doug Stapleton 440; Shawn Fenton 163t; Paula Picton 286; Herb Schroeder 211; Finance Committee 480.


Ann Sleeva led 34b to call the class back to order. Leaders: Ryan Wheeler 56b; Laura Mae Noble 178; Carol Crawford 89; Cecelia Kramer 174; Douglas Fower 385b; Marian Mitchell 71; Gillian Inksetter 456; Jim Crawford 546; Eleanor Haase 352; Jason Steidl 33b; Steve Rogers 368; Stacey Berkheimer 297; Hanna Barlow 40; Bob Borcherding 215; Steve Warner 475; Grace Scrimgeour 216; Evelyn Lamb 245; David Barford 113; Sue Kessell 442.

Announcements were made. Randy Neufeld and Susan Geil led 347 as the closing song. The closing prayer was offered by Herb Schroeder.

Sunday, April 29

The Sunday session of the Midwest Sacred Harp Convention was held at the Irish-American Heritage Center in Chicago, Illinois. The class was called to order by Randy Neufeld and Susan Geil leading 34b. The opening prayer was offered by Carol Munro Mosley.

Leaders: John Seaton 68b; Ginny Landgraf 383; Jim Helke 512; Lincoln Richardson 313b; Anne Missavage 268; Evelyn Lamb 565; Lori Graber 210; Steve Warner 40; Peter Bradley 344; Nick Pasqual 116; Michael Appert 270; Anna Pfau 542; Melissa Kelley 421; Joe Todd 373; Jeff Breting 63; Michael Darby 335; Laura Ann Russell 318.


The class was brought back together by Kathy Williams leading 310.

Leaders: Kathy Williams 273; Ryan Wheeler 67; Denise Kania 216; Julie Vea 327; Rochelle Lodder 148; Ann Sleeva 107; Johanna Fabke 350; Marian Mitchell 189; Beth Todd 284; Bob Sullivan 49b; David Barford 66; James Page 193; Paul Landskroener 506; Megan Jennings 481; Edith Berger 384; Jim Pfau 474; Jim Swanson 488; Carol Crawford 94; Molly Whedbee 288.


Grace Scrimgeour brought the class back to order by leading 504.

Leaders: Lisa Grayson 192; Shawn Fenton 39t; Hannah Barlow 117.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Kelly Kennedy and Kathy Williams. Kelly Kennedy said that as a community we welcome people as they are; we take care of each other. We visit, call, or write letters to singers on the sick and shut-ins list, and even when we do these things it is still hard to find words to express what we feel and what this community means to us. That is why we take the time to sing for those we are separated from. It brings us closer and takes away the distance. Kelly read the following names on the sick and shut-ins list: Grace Alverez, Bob Anderson, Cathryn Bearov (Cathryn Bearov’s mother), Rose Biondi, Anita Buswell, Don Buswell, Richard Delong, Owen Doss, David Ellis, John Grant, Hanson Grell, Gary Gronau, Phyllis Heiser Hartwig, Tom Hunter, Josie Hyde, Bill Jenkins, Holly Jorgenson, Gloria Rosen Kaplan, Danya Klee, Waneba Martin, Mary Martin, Doris Martin, Bud Oliver, Sammie Oliver, Caroline Presnell, Carl Schroeder, Bob Scorgie, Emilia Sherman, Peggy Simes, and Mary Vimmerstedt. Kelly led 330t.

Kathy Williams told the class that the memorial lesson is always poignant for her and more so this year as her father is on the deceased list. She shared stories of her father, George Holland, and Lonnie Rogers. She said that she knows when memorial lists are read, stories will be remembered by everyone present, and she loves to tell the stories. It makes her smile and it makes her remember. Kathy read the following names on the deceased list: Christine Gandy, Marie Ivey, Ernie Jett, Travis Keeton, John Merritt, Ernestine Pipkin, Cecil Sanders, Melvin Stiefel, Bill Tanner—Alabama; Teri Lennon, Jack Olive, Mary Olive—California; Richard Homme, Tom Shultz—Canada; Ola Valentine Epting—Florida; George Holland, Lonnie Rogers—Georgia; Ginny Blair, Ray Boin, Walt Holdanpf, Rita Janusz, Frank Juarez, Sr., Norman Mark, Lorraine Mueller, Charles Pietri, Becky Schildman, Dennis Schilling—-Illinois; Betty Moomau Browder—Illinois/California; Diane Nelson—Indiana; Betty Mosley—Kentucky; Joan Fritz—Minnesota; Dr. Charles William Landgraf, Jr.—Nebraska; Joshua Plaut—New Jersey; Rev. Dr. Hugh Smith, III.—New Jersey/Pennsylvania; John Klein, Robert John Landgraf, Sam Thomas—Ohio; Steve Collins—UK; Dr. Julietta Haynes—Tennessee; Frank Evans—Virginia; Joyce Anderson, Robert E. McKee—Wisconsin. Kathy led 472 in memory of the deceased.

Jeannine Oakes closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leader: Michael Mosley 475.


Randy Neufeld led 36b to bring the afternoon session to order. Leaders: Laura Lee Earles 448t; Ted Johnson “Boulder”; Bob Borcherding 569b; Anne Heider 528; Aldo Ceresa 280; Judy Hauff 434; Judy Mincey 468; Cathy Lutz 99; Ted Mercer 320; Stacy Berkheimer 157; Eleanor Haase 32t; Jim Crawford 49t; Kelly Kennedy 447; Paula Picton 404; Marcia Johnson 348b; Christine Stevens 352; Carol Mosley 269; Sue Kessell 236; Daniel Hunter 204; Dan Nickel 442; Finance Committee 198.


Lisa Grayson and members of Hyde Park Chicago Children’s Choir brought the class back together by leading 228. Leaders: Nicoletta Rogers 558; Melanie Hauff 203; Scott Kennedy 454; Gillian Inksetter 196; Tim Eriksen 379; Pleasance Crawford 371; Steven Schmidgall 496; Jeannine Oakes 155; Douglas Fower 299; Cecelia Kramer 497; Paul Wyatt 176 (t? b?); Elizabeth Barlow 457; Donna Gunderson-Rogers 52t; Leslie White 376; Charlotte Ehrman 401; Steve Rogers 48b.

Committee reports were made. The Finance Committee reported that expenses were met. The Resolutions Committee resolved that thanks be given for all aspects of this Midwest Convention. The Secretary’s report stated that there were 170 registered singers for the convention. Announcements were made.

The officers led 62 as the closing song, and those who were able took the parting hand. The closing prayer was offered by Jeannine Oakes.

Co-Chairpersons—Susan Geil and Randy Neufeld; Vice Chairmen—Marcia Johnson and Ted Johnson; Secretary—Ann Sleeva