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Chattahoochee Convention

Wilson’s Chapel, Carrollton, Georgia

July 31-August 1, 2010

Saturday, July 31

The 158th session of the Chattahoochee Convention was held on the first Sunday and Saturday before in August at Wilson’s Chapel, near Carrollton, Georgia. John Plunkett opened the convention by leading 52t. Matt Hinton offered an opening prayer.

Leaders: Sheri Taylor 209; Donna Duke 276; Matt Hinton 176b; Karen Rollins 354t; Richard DeLong 214; Eddie Mash 411; Laura Frey 47b; Nathan Rees 435; Oscar McGuire 283; Jeannette DePoy 183; Aldo Ceresa 396; Lori Goode 358; Shannon Primm 65. Chairman Plunkett appointed the following nominating committee: Helen Bryson, Lela Crowder, and Charles Woods.


John Plunkett called the class to order by leading 76t. The nominating committee announced the selection and election of officers: Chairman—John Plunkett; Vice Chairman—Sheri Taylor; Secretary—Donna Duke; Chaplain—Matt Hinton; Arranging Committee—Robert Kelley and Jane Spencer; Finance Committee—Molly Ellis and Aldo Ceresa; Resolutions Committee—Erica Hinton and Michael Walker; Memorial Committee—Jeannette DePoy and Nathan Rees.

Leaders: Sheri Taylor 86; Jane Spencer and Rachel Rudi 302; Richard Mauldin 378t; Sue Bunch 378b; Michael Spencer 386; Harry Eskew 128; Jim Aaron 503; Charles Woods 188; Faye Hollis 373; Wendy Futral 491; Andy Morse 99; Jeff Sheppard 431; Shelbie Sheppard 142; Hubert Nall 168.


Sheri Taylor and Laura Frey bought the class back to order leading 178. Leaders: Hayden Arp 434; Kelsey Campbell 159; B.M. Smith 350; Sarah Ward 504; Morgan Bunch 106; Bryan Black 206; Carolyn Thompson 196; Darrell Swarens 198 (in memory of Martha Coke); Kathy Willis 218; Henry Guthery 456; Helen Bryson 454; Bea Carnathan 472; George Burnette 81t; Lauren Bock 532; Ian Quinn 193.


John Plunkett opened the afternoon session by leading 167. Leaders: Robert Kelley 321; Sharon Strong 195; Richard Ivey 208; Reba Windom 328; Benjamin Bath 500; Eugene Forbes 280; Michael Walker 145t; Nora Dunn 379; Jesse Pearman Karlsberg 377; Carly Gross 440; Kelsey Sunderland 522; Blake Sisemore 380; John Cole “Wilson’s Chapel”; Lela Crowder 272; Juniper Hill 245; David Fetcho 564; Tom Ivey 254; Peter Golden 441; Susan Fetcho 474; John Kelso and Molly Ellis 76b; Christy Willis 155; Erica Hinton 270; Robert Stoddard 393.


The class was brought back together by Sheri Taylor leading 215. Leaders: Michael Thompson 182; Jenna Frey 401; Rachel Rudi 406; Lisa Webb 222; Christian Webb 294; Elizabeth Stoddard 463; Kathy Williams 107; Judy Mincey 501; Steve Taylor 108b.

John Plunkett led 46 as the closing song. Matt Hinton closed the Saturday session with prayer.

Sunday, August 1

The Sunday session of the Chattahoochee Convention was brought to order by John Plunkett leading 60. Matt Hinton offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Sheri Taylor 29t; Matt Hinton and David Kowalski 28t; Robert Kelley 158; Lela Crowder 39b; Molly Ellis 39t; Aldo Ceresa 56t; Jeannette DePoy 448b; Nathan Rees 285b; Michael Walker 69t; Lori Goode 551; Robert Chambless 523; Tony Hammock 544; Bentley McGuire 240; Eric Tweedy 58; Louise Holland 374; Hayden Arp 522.


Sheri Taylor called the class to order leading 66. Leaders: Judy Chambless 501; John McCutcheon 268; Lauren Bock 123b; Eddie Mash 97 (for Bud Oliver); Charlene Wallace 220; Kathy Williams 472; John Kelso 101t; Cecil Roberts 283; Sandra Wilkinson 405; John Hollingsworth 230; Shannon Primm 312t; Malinda Snow 96; Mark Noonan 347.


The class was brought back to order by John Plunkett leading 413. Leaders: Henry Johnson 206; Karen Rollins 389; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 298; Myron House 473; Christy Willis 274t.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Jeannette DePoy and Nathan Rees. Jeannette led 499 for the following deceased: Jerry Enright—Illinois; Reba Norton, Clinton Ivey, Japeth Jackson, Corene White, Charlotte McCarn—Alabama; Ray Tate—Arkansas; Myra Palmer—Texas; Jimmie Denney, Sheila Farmer Smith, Erlene Johnson Powers—Georgia; Bette Douglas—California; Martha Coke—Kentucky; Sandra Goss, Victoria Bolles—Massachusetts.

Nathan Rees led 414 for the following sick and shut-ins: Lonnie Rogers, Jetha Brooks, Walter Hartley, Clarence McCool, Leona Haynes, George Seiler, Violet Thomason, Bob Meek, Phyllis Bruce, Bud Oliver, Sammie Oliver, Pam Wright, Mark Albers, Irma Tiller, Nell Wilson, Bobby Cole, Mary Cole, Mary Lambert Smith, and Teenie Moody. Henry Johnson closed the memorial session with prayer.

Leaders: Jenna Frey 294; Christian Webb and Mary Elizabeth Goode 25; Lisa Webb 269; Laura Frey 163b; Bill Hollingsworth 236.


The afternoon session was called to order by John Plunkett leading 540. Leaders: Stuart Ivey 316; Kelsey Sunderland 392; Rachel Rudi 319; David Ivey 507; Reba Windom 192; Richard Ivey 411; Richard DeLong 395; Michael Thompson 318; Benjamin Bath 362; Carly Goss 442; Nora Dunn 447; Peter Golden 477; Karen Ivey 217; Blake Sisemore 556; Juniper Hill 528; Ian Quinn 137; Ed Thacker 532; Elizabeth Stoddard 546; David Fetcho 383; Gabe Pline 345t; Robert Stoddard 93.


Sheri Taylor, Laura Frey, and Lisa Webb called the class together by leading 203. Leaders: David Carlton 377; Sharon Strong 113; Susan Fetcho 114; Tom Ivey 282; Teresa Willis 50t; Earlis McGraw 284; B.M. Smith 384.

A business session was held and committee reports were read. Aldo Ceresa, Finance Committee, reported all expenses of the convention were met. Michael Walker, Resolutions Committee, gave the following resolution: “We, the committee on resolutions, beg leave to make this report: First, be it resolved that members of this Chattahoochee Sacred Harp Musical Convention offer thanks to our creator for the blessings of life, of music, of family and friends, and for these two days of fellowship and singing. Second, be it resolved, that the visitors express an appreciation to the church and to the descendants of the Wilson family for their generous and cordial hospitality. We are particularly grateful to the many who have furnished us with an abundant and delicious dinner over the two days of singing. We ask God to bless the homes of those that have been so kind to us. Third, be it resolved, that we thank the officers and committees for their efficiency and forethought, and let us not forget those who have keyed the music for us.” Motion was made and carried that the reports be accepted as read, and added to the minutes.

Announcements were made. John Plunkett and Sheri Taylor led 62 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Matt Hinton.

Chairman—John Plunkett; Vice Chairman—Sheri Taylor; Secretary—Donna Duke