Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Pacific Northwest Sacred Harp Convention (Washington)

Seattle Labor Temple, Seattle, Washington

February 14-15, 2009

Saturday, February 14

The 18th annual session of the Pacific Northwest Sacred Harp Convention—Washington, was held at the Seattle Labor Temple on the third Sunday and Saturday before in February. Anne Huckins and Bill Walters opened the convention by leading 171. Reed Schilbach offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Erika Wilson 73t; David Wright and Linda Jweinat 64; Reed Schilbach 297; Darlene Simpson-Brown 368; Bob Schinske 187; Shannon McGuire 137; Jack Lofton 276; Jinx McGuire 86; Susan Helf 112; Tom Yeager 107; Anna Stoerch 49b; Ken Cofield 47b.


Erik Schwab called the class to order leading 565. The class entered into a business session and approved the following officers: Chairman—Bill Walters; Vice Chairperson—Erika Wilson; Secretary—David Wright; Treasurer—Linda Jweinat. The business session was closed.

Leaders: Steve Helwig 528; Mryka Hall-Beyer 277; Gaea Singer and Karen Willard 376; Thom Fahrbach 143 (by request, for Leta Marshall); Bruce Rowland 282; Alice Poinier 193; Greg Mulkern 214; Marilyn Murata 506; Arcana Ferschke 192; Lynne Hyerle 178; Dan Thoma 518; Jane Grant 373; Eric Burton 383; Marcia Stedman 36b; Dorothy Robinson 275t; Michael Walsh 45t.


Jinx McGuire brought the class back together by leading 40. Leaders: Karen Stingle 254; Steve Cackley 77b; Meg Larson 323b; David Kreiss-Tomkins 82t; Cornelia Stanton 150; Scott Kennedy 547; Lucinda Saue 163b; Harlan Walker-Young 332; Tammi Ziola 455; Jean Murphy 82b. Reed Schilbach offered prayer for the noon meal.


Anne Huckins opened the afternoon session by leading 448b. Leaders: Tamara Harris 434; Cornelia Stanton 350; Greg Saue 99; Mary Ditson 532; Betsy Jeronen 328; Carol Selleck 499; Jordan Singer 285t; Katharine Hough 269; Carolyn Gilkey 474; Karen Willard 550; Martha Sherwood 53; David Wright 168; Alice Poinier 454; Bill Walters 313b; Dorothy Robinson 456; Thom Fahrbach 419; Marilyn Murata 200; David Kreiss-Tomkins 385b; Mryka Hall-Beyer 327; Greg Mulkern 553.


Steve Helwig called the class back to order leading 270. Leaders: Kathy Vlach 280; Eric Burton 504; Erika Wilson 500; Darlene Simpson-Brown 39b; Bruce Rowland 551; Meg Larson 452; Arcana Ferschke 216; Dan Thoma 324; Cornelia Stanton 217; Scott Kennedy 228; Susan Helf 198; Greg Saue and Lucinda Saue 535; Tammi Ziola 480; Harlan Walker-Young 51; Carolyn Gilkey 475; Anna Stoerch 84; Reed Schilbach 318; Shannon McGuire 441. All singers were invited to a social at the home of Bill Walters on Saturday evening.

Bill Walters and Erika Wilson led 157 (CB) as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Abe Miller.

Sunday, February 15

Bill Walters and Erika Wilson began the second day of the convention by leading 49t. Reed Schilbach offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Kathy Vlach 48t; Lucinda Saue 49b; Erik Schwab 187; Karen Willard 46; Ken Cofield 313b; Marcia Stedman 180; Darlene Simpson-Brown 207; Steve Cackley 124; Karen Stingle 475; Jinx McGuire 148; Jean Squires 268.


Karen Willard called the class to order leading 30t. Leaders: Martha Sherwood 117; Betsy Jeronen 440; Tom McTighe 70b; Kathryn Eastburn 159; Bruce Rowland 426b; Sophia Schinske 384; Jack Lofton 215; Harlan Walker-Young 42; Mary McDonald-Lewis 110; Bob Schinske 411; Tamara Harris 542; Mary Ditson 146; Elizabeth Riggs 479; Anne Huckins 142; Mryka Hall-Beyer 68b; David Kreiss-Tomkins 59; Reed Schilbach 344; Bill Walters 348t; Fran Ross 350; Susan Helf 497.


The class was brought back to order by Erik Schwab leading 426t. Leaders: Greg Saue 448t; Marilyn Murata 80t; Thom Fahrbach 197; David Wright and Henry Schuman 234 (in memory of Pauline Childers); Chris Cotter 212; Arcana Ferschke 134.

Anne Huckins and Jinx McGuire conducted the memorial lesson. Jinx McGuire led 473 for the following sick and shut-ins: Laura Anthony, Mother Felicitas Curti, Leta Marshall, Dorothy Herival, Bruce Rye, Arthur Denker, Helen Schley, Liz May, Debbie Hodges, Christina Robinson, Ned Cantrell, Winnie Cantrell, Magda Costantino, Shisue Sukimoto, Fumie Murata, Brooksie Stanton, and Phyllis Pere.

Anne Huckins led 66 for the following deceased: Santiago El Mundo, Bruce Phillips—California; John Etheridge—Florida; Jayne Bull, Pauline Childers, Ann Schilbach—Michigan; Elder Gerald Hand—New Mexico; Dagmar Branson—New York; Scott Carpenter, Ruby Little, Jean Marcotte—Oregon; Kim Carpenter, Sandra Dennis, Tracy McGuire—Texas; Quincy Coleman, David Fuentes, Steve Hale, John Huckins, Denis Daniel Murphy, Jack Stephenson—Washington; Jane Rule—Canada. Scott Kennedy closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Jordan Singer 320; Anna Stoerch 122. Scott Kennedy offered the blessing on the noon meal.


Bill Walters called the afternoon session to order by leading 35. Leaders: Dan Thoma 300; Robert Fleming 277; Steve Helwig 302; Erik Schwab 272; Tamara Harris 428; Jessica Beer 522; Henry Schuman 299; Erika Wilson 203; Greg Mulkern 292; Tammi Ziola 406; Katharine Hough 236; Meg Larson 549; Carol Selleck 379; Scott Kennedy 347; Tigre Lusardi 284; Audrey Karabinus 503; Jean Murphy 504; Steve Cackley 274b; Mary Ditson 312b; Jen Morris 89; Mryka Hall-Beyer 569b; David Kreiss-Tomkins 410t; Cornelia Stanton 472; David Hough 101t.


Bob Schinske called the class back to order leading 145t. Leaders: Carolyn Gilkey 38t; Karen Stingle 274t; Martha Sherwood 29t; Hazel Rickard 162; Mary McDonald-Lewis 547; Chris Cotter 250; Tom McTighe 228; Shannon McGuire 358; Marilyn Murata 218; Thom Fahrbach 316; Betsy Jeronen 546; Jessica Beer 82t; Carol Selleck 401; Linda Jweinat 149; Tigre Lusardi 144; Robert Fleming 276; Audrey Karabinus and Liz May 496; Lea Kouba 76b; Carmen Doerge 235.

The class entered into a business session for the purpose of hearing committee reports. The Treasurer, Linda Jweinat, reported that all expenses had been met. The Arranging Committee, David Wright and Kathy Vlach, reported that 134 singers from ten states and Canada were registered and 158 lessons had been led during the weekend. Erik Schwab and Henry Schuman gave the Resolutions Committee report, thanking all the officers, workers, cooks, and singers who contributed to the success of the convention. All reports were accepted as read and the business meeting was closed. Announcements of future singings were made.

Bill Walters and Erika Wilson led 36b while singers took the parting hand. Abe Miller closed the convention with prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Bill Walters; Vice Chairperson—Erika Wilson; Secretary—David Wright