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Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Town Hall, Murphy’s Landing, Shakopee, Minnesota

September 27-28, 2003

Saturday, September 27

The fourteenth Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention was called to order by Co-Chairs Eleanor Haase and Joan Fritz leading 171. Gordon Olsen offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Steven Schmidgall 59; Cathy Lutz 481; Matt Wells 501; Stephen Parker 32t; Jim Pfau 480; Stacey Berkheimer 388; Bill Waddington 350; Martha Henderson 456; Midge Olsen 454; Jim Goetz 312b; Jeanette Nelson 129; Katherine Katie Kocha 216; Steve Luttinen 56b; Jeff Bell 30t.


Steven Levine brought the class back to order leading 565.

A brief business meeting was then convened for the purpose of electing the Co-Chairs of next year’s convention, Stacey Berkheimer and Paul Wyatt.

Leaders: Michael Moore “America,” (lyrics by Isaac Watts and tune by Stephen Jenks); Robin Fox 203; Syble Adams “Song of Praise” (her own composition); Ted Mercer 131t; Ann Miczulski 569b; Charlie Obert 500; Carol Buche 196; Cindy Kissee 186; Robert Sullivan 299; Peter Irvine 282; Cathryn Baker 142; Doug Donley 198; Kiri Miller 224; Alex Dixon 274t.


Denise Kania brought the class back with 128. Leaders: Kathy Wallace 528; Thomas J. Willard 422; Val Eng 504; Scott Schroeder 87; Tim Eriksen 131b; Louis Hughes, Jr. 112; Julie Vea 426b; Kathy Kaiser 384; Eliza Cavanaugh 47b; Richard Green 137. Gordon Olsen offered prayer for the noon meal.


Matt Wells called the class back with 38t. Leaders: Cathy Lutz 276; Bob Dixon 82t; Darlene Dalton 503; Francis Gurtz 448 (t? b?); Jennifer Blair 335; Susan Green 157; Bernard Collard 217; Reba Windom 269; Jill Accetta 102; Keith Willard 99; Laura Clawson 215; Hans Guttman 270; Kit Pfau 218; Louis Hughes, Sr. 496; Kristin Irving 376; Laura Densmore 542; Gordon Olsen 277; Collette Miller 436.


Paul Wyatt brought the class back to order leading 74b. Leaders: Carolyn Deacy 72t; Guy Bankes 486; Jessica Beer 106; Christine Stevens 352; Margo McCreary with her father-in-law and Val Eng 523; Bill Beverly 547; Johanna Fabke 122; Todd Mitchell 86; Lisa Grayson 455; James Page 538; Martha Beverly 344; Kshama Ananthapura 72b; Jenny Willard 392; Claudia Egelhoff 556; Tim O’Brien 178; Jennifer Blecha 370; Mary Ann Evans 453.

Announcements were made. Eleanor Haase and Joan Fritz led 566 as the closing song, Gordon Olsen offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, September 28

Co-Chairs Eleanor Haase and Joan Fritz convened Sunday’s class leading 34b. The opening prayer was given by Gordon Olsen. Leaders: Steven Levine 475; Hans Guttmann 37b; Kit Pfau 47t; Paul Wyatt 391; Kristin Irving 499; Gordon Olsen 497; Laura Densmore 83t; Mary-Jean Minor and Tivey 49b; Martha Beverly 377; Paul Landskroener 347; Keith Willard 278b; Lynn Dixon 68t; Guy Bankes 151; Jan Ketelle 368; Bill Waddington 362.


Stacey Berkheimer reconvened the class with 354b. Leaders: Bill Beverly 191; Claudia Egelhoff 464; James Page 26; Kathy Kaiser 29t; Bob Dixon 163b; Laura Clawson 385b; Paul Figura 192; Julie Vea 327; Jim Goetz 52t; Jill Accetta 201; Michael Moore 36b; Kshama Ananthapura 445; Bernard Collard 300; Anna Pfau 178.


Jeanette Nelson reconvened the class with 66. Leaders: Val Eng 198; Jim Crawford and Carol Crawford 186; Lisa Grayson 528; Jennifer Blair 361.

Jeff Bell, Darlene Dalton, Martha Henderson, and Stephen Parker presented the memorial lesson. The list of those sick or shut-in included: Marlin Beasley, Jeff Sheppard, and Shelbie Sheppard—Alabama; Bill Burke and Marjorie Parker Burke—Arizona; Tricia Ryan, Marilyn Dareh, and Sara Curry—California; Margaret Peckman—Florida; Nick Pender—Georgia; Suzanne Checcia and Violet Stark—Illinois; Janet Bell—Maryland; Ann Taylor—Minnesota; Jo Henderson and Phil Henderson—Nebraska; James Z. Bell, Cindy Peters McKeel, and Clay Peters—Pennsylvania; Jane Spivey—Texas; Vern Handrick, Bob Scorgie, Bob Anderson, and Barbara Stansfield—Wisconsin; Bonnie Brasser—Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Alan Bates—London, England.

Jeff Bell talked about our need for healing, not just in body, but also in mind and spirit, then led 50b in honor of the sick and shut-ins.

Martha Henderson, reading the words to hymn 208 from the Lloyd’s hymnal, spoke eloquently about our always being within three feet of death and therefore of our need to appreciate the presence of those with whom we sing, then led 285t in memory of the deceased.

The list of those who have died included: Ruth Brown, Elder Donald Smith, and Leola Smith—Alabama; Freyda Epstein and Barbara Neal—California; Everette Denney—Georgia; Evan McCombs, Robert Sanders, Anthony Jeffries, and Dorothy Kunzer—Illinois; Howard Marty and John Beal—Iowa; Grace McCreary and David Lewin—Massachusetts; Nancy Hargrave, T. Egelhoff, Zell Deverell, Barbara Neal, Helen Stevens, and Marij Ellen Storms—Minnesota; Ruby Neely—Nebraska; Matt Hall and Hugh Anderson—New York; Virginia Bell—Pennsylvania; Cecilia Hauff—South Dakota; Bruce Ketelle—Tennessee; Dinah Breunig—Vermont; Vernon Sell—Wisconsin; Eldon Cheater—Manitoba, Canada; Gordon Ashman, Rosalind Oldham, and Arwen Lockley—United Kingdom. Stephen Parker closed the memorial with prayer. Gordon Olsen offered grace for the noon meal.


Cathy Lutz called the class to order with 128. Leaders: Matt Wells 318; Steven Schmidgall 473; Darlene Dalton 454; Cathryn Baker 340; Louis Hughes, Jr. 411; Kim Bahmer 107; Reba Windom 216; Tim Eriksen 171; Katie Kocha 112; Eliza Cavanaugh 270; Peter Irvine 100; Syble Adams 203; Robin Fox and Mary Rose O’Reilley 245; Denise Kania 142; Ted Mercer 421; Jenny Willard 434; Stephen Parker 31t; Kiri Miller 383; Steven Levine 474; Louis Hughes, Sr. 76 (t? b?).

The afghan crocheted by Eloise Jerome was raffled and won by Lara Andersen.


Carol Buche reconvened the class leading 209. Leaders: Jessica Beer 332; Aubrey Hemminger and Paul Wyatt 155; Carolyn Deacy 448b; Felicia Stevens 84; Johanna Fabke 150; Christine Stevens 542; Jim Pfau 430; Midge Olsen 218; Paul Wyatt and Stacey Berkheimer 99.

A business session was held for the purpose of hearing reports from various committees.

The Resolutions Committee, Laura Densmore, offered an eloquent and gracious resolution of thanks to all those who had a hand in organizing this year’s convention.

The Treasurer reported that we met our expenses.

The Arranging Committee reported that all leaders were called and that we lead 78 songs on Saturday and 65 on Sunday for a total of 144 lessons. The roll of states was taken, showing singers from 16 states, one Canadian province, and the United Kingdom: Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, Manitoba in Canada, and Oxfordshire, England.

Co-Chairs Joan Fritz and Eleanor Haase led 62 as the closing song, and all who wished took the parting hand. Gordon Olsen offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-Chairs—Eleanor Haase and Joan Fritz; Corresponding Secretary—Jim Pfau; Recording Secretary—Stephen Parker; Treasurer—Matt Wells.