Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Pacific Northwest Convention - Oregon

Sellwood Community Center, Portland, Oregon

October 20-21, 2001

Saturday, October 20

The ninth annual session of the Oregon portion of the Pacific Northwest Convention was held on the third Sunday and Saturday before of October in the Sellwood Community Center, Portland, Oregon. Chairman Peter Irvine convened the class at 9:30 a.m. leading song on page 59. Tim Eriksen offered the opening prayer.

Officers for the convention were as follows: Chairman—Peter Irvine; Vice Chair—Tim Eriksen; Treasurer—Katharine Hough; Secretary—Marie Zaworski.

Chairman Peter Irvine introduced Eric Morgan from New Mexico who taught a singing school until noon. Eric Morgan shared many lessons learned from singing Sacred Harp and Harp of Ages with his family, including poignant memories of singing with his grandfather. Pastor David Zaworski asked the noon blessing, and the class was recessed.


Peter Irvine welcomed the class to the afternoon session. Officers, past and present, led: David Hough 32t; Tim Eriksen 131b; Marie Zaworski 82 (t? b?); Katharine Hough 480; Peter Irvine 270. Other leaders followed: Bruce Rowland 282; Reed Schilbach 146; Eric Morgan 340; Karen Willard 349; Gary Plouff 277; Kshama Ananthapura 495; David Wright 83t; Anna Maria Nygren 34b; Jack Lofton 37b; Joanne Hoover 365; Jim Brock 350; Eliza Cavanaugh 148; John Carson 324; Anne Huckins 497; Ken Cofield 49b; Carolyn Gilkey 503; Susan Helf 347; David Hough 448 (t? b?); Jill Accetta 48t; Jean Marcotte 66; Audrey Karabinus 74t; Will Marcotte 373; Sally House 31t; Linda Laing 312b; Peter Irvine 426b.


Joanne Hoover brought the class back leading song on page 72b. Leaders: Kathy Vlach 145b; Amy Davis 107; Pat Nida 45t; Tim Eriksen 442; Mary Lou VanLaanen 147t; David Wright 436; Kshama Ananthapura 384; Eric Holt 49t; Carolyn Gilkey 178; Jim Brock 479; Eliza Cavanaugh 81t; Reed Schilbach 65; Eric Morgan 142; Jean Marcotte 267; Gary Plouff 106; Callie Jordan 569b; Marie Zaworski 548; Will Marcotte 141; Anne Huckins 186; Katharine Hough 378b. Pastor David Zaworski led the closing prayer. Peter Irvine led song on page 68b, and the class was dismissed.

On Saturday evening, a social and informal singing from the Cooper Book, Harp of Ages, and Sacred Harp was held at the home of Marie Zaworski. About 30 singers attended.

Sunday, October 21

The class was called to order by Eric Morgan leading song on 448b. Kshama Ananthapura offered the opening prayer. Leaders: Marie Zaworski 39t; David Wright 27; Fran Ross 31t; Jack Lofton 276; Mary Lou VanLaanen 454; David Eisenbud 82 (t? b?); Tim Eriksen 328; Jean Murphy 504; David Hough 371; Meg Larson 49b; Bruce Rowland 75; Audrey Karabinus 369; Eliza Cavanaugh 318; Ken Cofield 86; Anna Maria Nygren 203; John Carson 40; Jill Accetta 383; Eric Holt 73b; Kathy Vlach 84.


Mary Lou VanLaanen called the class back leading song on page 540. Leaders: Gary Plouff 567; Kshama Ananthapura 430; Callie Jordan 107; Abraham Hardy 268; Ann Huckins 163b; David Landazari 155; Katharine Hough 376; Caleb Hardy 106; Pat Nida 235; Peter Irvine 319; Reed Schilbach 324; Ethan Hardy 26; Karen Willard 440; Joanne Hoover 74b; Susan Helf 34b; Tim Eriksen 83b; Kathy Vlach 344; Eliza Cavanaugh 318; Fran Ross 532.

The memorial lesson was presented at this time. Suzanne Denker opened the lesson remarking how illness can bring us a closer appreciation of life. Those remembered as sick or shut-ins included: Lowell Ballinger, Laura Anthony, Ann Schilbach, Martha Taylor, Freeman Wootten, Carol Elson, Steven Hough, Johnny Jeans, Muriel Plouff, Tom Helf, Mike Choppy, Neila Campbell, and Elizabeth McKinley. Suzanne Denker led song on page 180 in their honor.

Eliza Cavanaugh continued the lesson speaking of connections made with singers, past and present, and that whenever we sing with each other, we continue the connections with those singers gathered together and those who have passed on. Eliza Cavanaugh led 162 in memory of: Ruth Wright—Arkansas; Dee Ross and Olive Laing—Kansas; Dick Golden and Richard Hooke—Massachusetts; John Hartz—New Jersey; Vinnie Mendito and Bob McGowen—New York; Art Skipper, Jr., Bob Graves, Nick Cooney, Lucy Cooney, and Sue Turchan—Oregon; Bob Filley—Washington; Nettie Meulemans—Wisconsin; as well as those who lost their lives in the tragedies occurring on September 11, 2001.

Peter Irvine led 36b; Bruce Rowland asked the blessing for the noon meal, and the class was dismissed.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Jack Lofton leading song on 335. Leaders: Kshama Ananthapura 400; Craig Brandis 159; Sally House 448t; Gary Plouff 128; Fran Ross 198; David Wright 217; Eliza Cavanaugh 456; Tom Hardy 388; Jane Grant 380; Ken Cofield 183; Anna Maria Nygren 77t; John Carson 467; Reed Schilbach 39t; Caleb Hardy 455; Susan Helf 112; Bruce Rowland 427 (?); Joanne Hoover 477; Eric Holt 565; Audrey Karabinus 542; David Hough 137; Jean Murphy 66; Karen Willard 362; David Landazuri 47b; Anne Huckins 114; Eric Morgan 229.


Bruce Rowland reconvened the session leading song on page 213 (t? b?).

The convention went into a business session to hear committee reports.

Katharine Hough and Meg Larson, Finance Committee, reported that contributions were such that all expenses of the convention were covered.

Suzanne Denker gave the Resolutions Committee report with thanks and acknowledgements given to the following people:

(1) Those who prepared the food, took registrations, set up and cleaned up rooms and meals, and provided housing for our guests;

(2) Officers and committee members for their contributions in making the convention a success;

(3) Everyone who came to listen and sing both days; and

(4) Particular thanks to Eric Morgan in sharing his experiences and memories.

The Arranging Committee reported that out of 101 (t? b?) attending the convention, 65 were from Oregon, 29 (t? b?) from Washington, 3 from Massachusetts, and one each from Colorado, New Mexico, and Minnesota. Of those, 45 leaders were responsible for the singing of 123 songs.

A motion was made and carried that the reports be accepted and included in the minutes. Announcements of singings followed. The business session was closed.

Singing resumed with Jane Grant leading song on 147t. Leaders: David Eisenbud 80t; Pat Nida 72b; Tim Eriksen 399b; Sally House 426t; David Wright 30b; Marie Zaworski 549; Jack Lofton 290; Jill Accetta 192; Ken Cofield 61; Katharine Hough 236 (by request); Karen Willard 330b.

Peter Irvine led song on page 62 as singers took the parting hand. The convention was closed with prayer led by Tim Eriksen.

Chairman—Peter Irvine; Secretary—Marie Zaworski.