Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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James River Convention

Richmond, Virginia

November 11-12, 2000

Saturday, November 11

The ninth annual James River Convention was held on the second Sunday and Saturday before in November. The Saturday session was held in Spence Hall, Second Baptist Church. The Sunday session was held at the Varina Masonic Lodge.

The class was called to order by Blake Morris leading song on page 32t. Gail Doss, outgoing Chairman, greeted the class and led song on page 84. The morning prayer was led by Chris Sepic.

Leaders: Patricia Temple 103; Mary Wright 270; Don Polaski 40; Brad Hunnicutt 35; Jo Schultz 198; Stephen Holland 99; Art Broadus 523b.

A business session was held with the following officers elected to serve: Chairman—Patricia Temple; Vice Chairman—Jim North; Secretary—Mary Wright; Treasurer—Sandra Hack Polaski.

Leaders: Chris Sepic 86; Mary Ann Daly 146; Doron Henkin 144; Kelly Macklin 157; Tom Ivey 504; Guy Bankes 497; Craig Baughan 178; Mary De Nys 229; Henry Bizzell 452; Stephen McMaster 142; Katharine Manning 545; John delRe 542; Paula McGray 459.


The class was called together by John delRe leading song on page 85. Leaders: Gail Doss 400; Brad Hunnicutt 148; John Daniel delRe 274t; Miriam Kilmer 378 (t? b?); Blake Morris 505; Tim Slattery 192; Stephen Holland 107; Leslie Alperin 268; Fred Beardsley 475; Katharine Manning 298; Frank Evans 300; Jo Schultz 532; Art Broadus 480; Mary Ann Daly 383; Chris Sepic 350; Tom Ivey 501; Joni Seidenstein 278b; Doron Henkin 203; Adrian Mariano 183; Sandra Hack Polaski 318; Craig Baughan 569 (t? b?); Mary De Nys 201. Carol Clarke offered the blessing for lunch.


The afternoon session was called to order by Guy Bankes leading song on page 155. Leaders: Fred Beardsley 474; Mary Wright 290; Henry Bizzell 127; Kelly Macklin 528; Paula McGray 291; John delRe 29t; Don Polaski 454; Stephen McMaster 446; Patricia Temple 566; Stephen Holland 282; Jo Schultz 503; Brad Hunnicutt 31 (t? b?); Katharine Manning 110; Blake Morris 57; Leslie Alperin 209; Art Broadus 515; Mary Ann Daly 74 (t? b?).


Chris Sepic brought the class to order leading song on page 287. Leaders: Frank Evans 38t; Tom Ivey 114; Sarah Davie 384; Joni Seidenstein 496; Adrian Mariano 430; Gail Doss 269; Doron Henkin 450; Guy Bankes 276; Henry Bizzell 49 (t? b?); Mary De Nys 267; Craig Baughan 66; Kelly Macklin 348t; Fred Beardsley 143; Don Polaski 217; Blake Morris 141; Sandra Hack Polaski 102; John delRe 360; Stephen McMaster 77b; Patricia Temple 313b.

Announcements were made. Carol Clarke dismissed the class with prayer.

A late afternoon session organized by Blake Morris featured new music and music from sources other than The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition.

Sunday, November 12

The Sunday session was called to order by Blake Morris leading song on page 73b. Don Polaski gave the opening prayer. Patricia Temple greeted the convention and led song on page 141.

Leaders: Guy Bankes 556; Donna Abrahams 496; Adrian Mariano 481; Tom Tucker 164; Lynda Hambourger 492; Tom Ivey 510; Cathy Tucker 327; Frank Evans 163b; Miriam Kilmer 479; Tim Slattery 171; Joni Seidenstein 148; John Fedderson 550; Paula McGray 83b; Doron Henkin 254; Sandra Hack Polaski 186; Henry Bizzell 45t; Mary De Nys 378b.


Joni Seidenstein brought the class to order leading song on page 40. Leaders: Kelly Macklin 365; Craig Baughan 117; John Daniel delRe 163t; Mary Wright 314; Gail Doss 567; Don Polaski 351; John delRe 83t; Blake Morris 228; Stephen McMaster 232; Patricia Temple 376; Guy Bankes 441; Donna Abrahams 260; Adrian Mariano 198; Peter Pate 203; Tom Tucker 189; Lynda Hambourger 347; Tom Ivey 66; Frank Evans 191; Miriam Kilmer 344; Cathy Tucker 480.


Don Polaski brought the class to order leading song on page 34b. Leaders: Tim Slattery 497; Joni Seidenstein 312b; John Fedderson 513; Doron Henkin 71; Sandra Polaski 168; Henry Bizzell 159; Mary De Nys 385b; John Daniel delRe 433; Kelly Macklin 218; Craig Baughan 229; John delRe 212; Mary Wright 354b. Don Polaski led the blessing for lunch.


The afternoon session was brought together by Kelly Macklin leading song on page 30 (t? b?). Leaders: Don Polaski 47b; Blake Morris 297; Stephen McMaster 180; Patricia Temple 312t; Guy Bankes 361; Donna Abrahams 28t; Adrian Mariano 542; Peter Pate 543; Tom Tucker 473.

Craig Baughan presented the memorial lesson and read a Civil War soldier’s prayer as encouragement to the sick and shut-in: Jonathan Hunter-Kilmer—Virginia; Anne Kilmer-Hillis—Florida; Peter Henkel—Michigan. Those who have suffered the loss of loved ones were urged not to look back as what is done is done, but instead look forward to unfading glory. The deceased who were remembered: Karen House—New York; Susan Garber—Connecticut; Mildred Smith—Virginia; Marie Davie—Minnesota; Jack Smith—Georgia; Bill Thun—Florida. The lesson was closed with the singing of song on page 122.

Leaders: Lynda Hambourger 448t; Frank Evans 87; Cathy Tucker 144; Gail Doss 440; Tim Slattery 52 (t? b?); Joni Seidenstein 504; John Fedderson 436; Sandra Polaski 268; Mary De Nys 335; Kelly Macklin 61; Mary Wright 495; John delRe 333; Don Polaski 128.

Sandra Polaski gave the Treasurer’s Report. Monies collected were enough to meet expenses.

Joni Seidenstein of the Resolutions Committee recognized those without whom the convention would not have been a success:

(1) The Lord for safe travel and the ability to sing;

(2) Pitching by Blake Morris, Paula McGray, Doron Henkin, John Fedderson;

(3) Arrangements by Stephen McMaster and John delRe;

(4) George Tutwiler for his exceptional efforts in the kitchen;

(5) Chaplains Chris Sepic, Carol Clarke, and Don Polaski;

(6) Facilities arrangements by Mary Wright for Second Baptist Church and Joe Norton for the Varina Masonic Lodge;

(7) Memorial lesson by Craig Baughan;

(8) Barbara Alexander for publicity; Norma Morris at the registration desk; and Judy North for bookmarks, fliers, and registration forms.

Leaders: Stephen McMaster 28b; Peter Pate 269; Donna Abrahams 114; Guy Bankes 474; Patricia Temple 315.

Chaplain Don Polaski gave the benediction. Song on page 62 was sung as a closing. The class was dismissed.

The James River Convention will meet next year on the second Sunday and Saturday before in November, November 10-11, 2001.

Chairman—Patricia Temple; Vice Chairman—Jim North; Secretary—Mary Wright.