Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church

Near Bremen, Georgia

June 3-4, 2006

Saturday, June 3

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church was held on the first Sunday and Saturday before in June. The class was called to order by Charlene Wallace leading 59. Henry Johnson offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Charlene Wallace led 205 (in memory of H.N. McGraw); Carlene Griffin 73t; Mildred Patterson 141, 300; Phillip Langley 77t, 222; Earlis McGraw 284, 271t; Sharon Hamrick 460, 276; Jimmie Denney 155; George Burnette 117, 421; Donna Bell 481, 48b; Bud Oliver 196; David Killingsworth 32t, 160t; Carroll Lunsford 60, 403; Jeremy Shipp 123b, 313b; Richard Mauldin 36b, 84.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairlady—Charlene Wallace; Vice Chairlady—Carlene Griffin; Secretary/Arranging Committee—Judy Henry and Hugh McGraw; Chaplain—Richard Mauldin.


The class was called together by B.M. Smith leading 101t. Leaders: Joyce Walton 192, 436; Tim Cook 269, 320; Helen Bryson 418, 340; Mary Brownlee 556, 163b; Lonnie Rogers 389, 343; John Redman 38b, 242; Louis Hughes 378t; Ed Thacker 527, 39b; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 74b, 110; Bentley McGuire 146, 384; Karen Rollins 503, 34b; Jason Hollis 100, 344; Henry Johnson 123t, 570.


The afternoon session was called together by Tommy McGraw leading 475 and 58. Leaders: Andy Anderson 312b, 137; Raymond Hamrick 225t; Amanda Denson Brady and Judy Henry 216, 442; Buell Cobb 303; Sandra Wilkinson 215, 67; Michael Hinton 176b, 434; Martha Harrell 542, 211; Matt Hinton 112, 347; Henry Schuman 422; Harry Eskew 66; Bobby Jackson 568, 569b; Gaston White 99, 40; Mary Smith 383, 441.


Don Bowen brought the class back to order leading 510 and 76b. Leaders: John Plunkett 355; Judy Caudle 224, 201; Gene Pinion 72b, 270; Kathy Williams 142, 455; Oscar McGuire 573, 485; Lela Crowder 277; Reba Windom 186, 189; Erin Newton and Susanne Newton 472, 178; Faye Hollis 299; Tony Hammock 440; Andy Morse 210; Judy Mincey 474; Bobby Watkins 348b; Debora Grosse and Sarah Dodson 454.

Following announcements, Charlene Wallace and Lisa Webb led 46 as the closing song. Richard Mauldin offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, June 4

The class was called to order by Charlene Wallace leading 60. Chaplain Richard Mauldin offered the morning prayer. Leaders: Charlene Wallace 61; Carlene Griffin 159, 117; George Burnette 192, 129; Amanda Denson Brady, Michael Hinton and Richard Mauldin 333, 354b; Judy Chambless 570, 337; Don Bowen 516, 347; Mary Smith 283, 171; Mildred Patterson 87, 100; Erin Newton 377, 546; John Wall 350, 63; Malinda Snow 472, 52t; Henry Schuman 318 (for Pauline Childers); Floy Wilder 142, 441.


The class was called together by Charlene Wallace and Avery McWhorter leading 335. Leaders: Phillip Langley 542, 336; Oscar McGuire 54, 75; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 168, 345b.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Mary L. Smith. Mike Hinton led 146 in memory of the following deceased: Carolyn Huckeba, Donnie McGraw, Harvey Reid, Preston McClendon, and Sgt. Phil Dodson—Georgia; Teddy Creel—Alabama. Oscar McGuire led 285t in memory of Harold Bivins, Theron Bivins, Sherri Edwards, I.V. McWhorter, and Mrs. Horace (Nina) Hamrick—Georgia; Alice Edwards, W.L. (Bill) Green, Jap Walton, and L.E. Hannah—Alabama; Patty Griffith-Fallaw—South Carolina; Mrs. Billie Latham—North Carolina; Joyce Richards, Lynn Richards, and John Ozbirn—California.

Lela Crowder led 475 for the following sick and shut-ins: Mary Hackney, Josephine Denney, Felton Denney, Richard DeLong, Teenie Moody, Irvin Roberts, Jeffery Hulsey, and Katherine Benefield—Georgia; Edith Owen, Tammy Powell, Ophelia Matthews, and Myra Palmer—Texas. Lonnie Rogers led 348b; Henry Schuman led 340. The memorial lesson was closed with prayer by Richard Mauldin.

Leaders: Suzanne Newton 32t; Hugh McGraw and Edmund Golladay 143.


The afternoon session was called together by Hugh McGraw leading 145b. Leaders: Matt Hinton, Meredith Huddleston, and Holly Evans 42, 163b; Lela Crowder 278b, 430; Carroll Lunsford 162, 339; Laura Frey and Jenna Frey 401, 178; Mike Hinton 490, 294; Stanley Edwards 66, 530; Cecil Roberts 492, 284; Eugene Forbes 208, 203; Robert Chambless 503, 72b.


The class resumed singing with Charlene Wallace leading 79. Leaders: Audress Gurley 108t, 68b; Richard Mauldin 124, 378t (in memory of Teddy Creel); Eric Robinson 101b, 569b (for Junior Robinson); Scott DePoy 179 (for Richard DeLong); Glenda Collins 45t, 282; Lisa Webb 349 (for Mary Hackney), 155; Nick Griffin 551; Elder Homer Benefield 56t; Sheri Taylor 148, 163t; Ted Mercer 411, 217.

After announcements were made, Charlene Wallace and Elder Homer Benefield led 62 as the closing song. Elder Homer Benefield offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairlady—Charlene Wallace; Vice Chairlady—Carlene Griffin; Secretary—Judy Henry.