Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Young People’s Singing

Shady Grove Church, Dutton, Alabama

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Chairman Jackson Harcrow opened the singing leading 32t and 82t. The morning prayer was offered by Dennis Hall. Vice Chairman Blake Sisemore led 30b. Laura Clawson was appointed to the arranging committee and led 29t.

Leaders: Mark Brown 75; Robert Walker 63; Dana Borrelli 42; Susan Allred 112; Bud Oliver 39t; Paul King 384; Syble Adams 45t; Rachel Allred 377; Marlin Beasley 349; Sandie Scott 408; James Wagner 480; Betty Wright 565; Scott Ivey 528; David Carlton 133; Myra Dalton 332.


Jackson Harcrow and Blake Sisemore brought the class back together leading 101t.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Matthew Brown; Vice Chair—Jennifer Allred; Secretary—Rachel Shavers.

Leaders: Dorothea McCowan 361; Ed Thacker and Blake Sisemore 202; Jim Helke 198; Elise Eskew 319; Will Allred 87; Mary Holcombe 343; Brad Bahler and John Bahler 117; Scott DePoy 179; Brittany Lea 59; Amy Finlay 217; Henry Johnson 418; Sharon DuPriest 189; John Plunkett 446; Victoria Eastland 344; Jewel Wootten 503.


Matthew Brown brought the class back to order leading 145b. Leaders: Cheyenne Ivey and Jessica Ivey 47b; Jeannette DePoy 306; Nate Green and Norma Green 513; Rachel Shavers and Rachel Ivey 106; LaRue Allen 215; Reba Windom 436; Louis Hughes 498; Rodney Ivey 500; Jerry Enright 458; Daphene Causey 391; Dennis George 564; Karen Freund 224; David Ivey 540; Cindy Tanner 220; Judy Caudle 26; Karen Ivey 222; Elene Stovall 142. Louis Hughes offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Matthew Brown brought the class back to order for the afternoon session leading 312b. Leaders: Jennifer Allred 269; Jenna Strizak 192; Ashley Brown and Andrew Brown 448t; Lauren Hall 376; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 430; Allison Ivey 475; Kelsey Wessels 99; Aaron Wootten 421; Drew Smith 328; Shane Wootten 203; Alex Makris 77b; Bradford West 426b; Bridgett Hill 209; Caleb Allred 196; Chris Carnell 300; Sheldon Finlay 168; John Bahler 128; Lela Crowder 272; Seth Allred 72b; Allison Schofield 277; Tim Dalton and Rodney Dalton 33b; Bobby Watkins 225t; Willie Mae Moon 460; Mike Thompson 532; Deborah Jones 454; DeVan Jackson 159; Kerrianne Wilkerson 39t.


Mark Brown brought the class back leading 345b. Leaders: Ashley Brown, Andrew Brown, Tim Dalton, and Rodney Dalton 59; Dana Borrelli, Brittany Lea, and Allison Ivey 76b; Chris Carnell, Deborah Jones, and Victoria Eastland 68t; Kelsey Wessels, Allison Schofield, and Jenna Strizak 276; Jerry Enright, Karen Freund, and Jim Helke 101b; Amy Finlay and Sheldon Finlay 228; Laura Clawson, Bradford West, and Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 362; Coy Ivey, Elene Stovall, and Linda Thomas 137; Jennifer Allred, Reba Windom, and Betty Shepherd 216; David Carlton, Dorothea McCowan, and Sandie Scott 64.

Following announcements, Matthew Brown and Jennifer Allred led 146, and the class was dismissed with prayer by Henry Johnson.

Chairman—Matthew Brown; Vice Chairman—Jennifer Allred; Secretary—Rachel Shavers.