Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Berkshire Foothills Singing

Lenox Community Center, Lenox, Massachusetts

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The 5th annual Berkshire Foothills All-Day Singing opened with Allison Steel leading 30b. The opening prayer was offered by Natalie Shiras.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairperson—Jan-Erik Steel; Vice Chairperson—Joanne Fuller; Secretary—Eileen Willie. The business session was closed.

Leaders: Jan-Erik Steel 39t; Joanne Fuller 39b; Eileen Willie 32t; Linda Shea 230; Larry Bingham 47t; Mary Skidmore 29t; Katy Brown and Sally Langendorf 318; John Holbrook 34b; Margaret Bornick 327; Terry Ryan 373; Jean Seiler 87; Alex Jones 270; Elizabeth Stoddard 173; Michael Nord 276; Pat Callahan and Joel Morel 209; Julie Botnick and Nathalie Levine 319; Tom Malone 391; Sheila Kelley 216; Ines Lüttgen and Troad 402; Bill Holt 486; Lauren Hamilton and Leah Dagen 58; Emma Brown 89; L.H. Spencer 40; Dean Jens 229; Al McCready 84; Anne Kazlauskas 203.


The class resumed singing with Sally Langendorf leading 72b. Leaders: Laura Timmerman 228; Ian Quinn 371; Paula Picton 187; Tim Eriksen 367; Rachel Speer 312t; Liz Cantrell 538; Jeremy Galvagni 148; Joanna Lampert 142; Mary Andrews 168; Ron Bornick 178; Sheldon Finlay 182; Leah Dagen 183; Lynne deBenedette 426b; Amy Finlay 186; Martha Rogers and Ian Quinn 480; Andy Jonathan 294; Barbara Swetman 236; Andrew Magee 47b; Mary Jo Shafer 400; Christine Andrews 74b.


Kelsey Wessels brought the class back together by leading 171. Leaders: Don Herald 48t; Bill Holt 304; Eileen Willie 274t; Terry Ryan 198; Michael Nord 511; John Holbrook 503; Linda Shea 361; Paula Picton 475; Al McCready 282; Lauren Hamilton 312b; Ines Lüttgen and Troad 500; Sheila Kelley 285t (in memory of Margaret Bowen); Larry Bingham 99; Anne Kazlauskas 280; Tim Eriksen 385t; Joanne Fuller 439; Martha Rogers 76b; Ron Bornick 454; Leah Dagen 117. The mealtime blessing was offered by Natalie Shiras.


Allison Steel and Jan-Erik Steel called the class back to order by leading 384. Leaders: Jeremy Galvagni 440; Molly Merrett 481; Jean Seiler 315; Pat Callahan 245; Ian Quinn 269; Laura Timmerman 499; Lynne deBenedette 376; Alex Jones 479; Sheldon Finlay 112; Liz Cantrell 466; Joanna Lampert 441; Julie Botnick and Nathalie Levine 455; Tom Malone 197; Rachel Speer 176b; Amy Finlay 306; L.H. Spencer 260; Emma Brown 556; Mary Skidmore 547; Christine Andrews 108b; Mary Jo Shafer 101t; Dean Jens 445; Barbara Swetman 300; Katy Brown 494; Elizabeth Stoddard 134.


The final session began with Linda Shea leading 67. Leaders: Mary Andrews 542; Sally Langendorf 176t; Margaret Bornick 77b; Andrew Magee 512; Molly Merrett and Maggie Shar 33b; Rachel Speer and Dean Jens 564; Lynne deBenedette, Kelsey Wessels, and Jean Seiler 217; Joanne Fuller, Mary Skidmore, and Tarik Wareh 192; Alex Jones, Joanna Lampert, and Tom Malone 208; Pat Callahan and Paula Picton 299; Sheila Kelley and Laura Timmerman 323t; Ian Quinn and Emma Brown 327; Michael Nord and John Holbrook 347.

A business session was held for the purpose of hearing reports. A report was heard from Treasurer, John Holbrook. Secretary Eileen Willie reported that 107 songs were led by 54 leaders.

The Resolutions Committee (Joanna Lampert and Tom Malone) wished to thank the Lenox United Methodist Church, Berkshire Country Day School, the Lenox Community for allowing us to use their Community Center, and everyone who helped make the singing a success. Finally, we resolve to meet and sing again, Saturday, November 5, 2012, in Granville, Massachusetts.

Announcements were made. The officers led 62 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Jean Seiler.

Chairperson—Jan-Erik Steel; Vice Chairperson—Joanne Fuller; Secretary—Eileen Willie