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Golden Gate Singing

Oakland and Point Reyes Station, California

April 22-23, 2023

Saturday, April 22

The 17th annual Golden Gate Singing was held at Omni Commons in Oakland, California, on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in April. The class was called to order by Maggie Zhou leading 81t. Linda Selph offered the opening prayer.

A business meeting was held and the following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairperson—J.T. Harechmak; Vice Chairpersons—Hannah Blair and Sumie Arnold; Secretary—Lindy Groening; Chaplain—Linda Selph; Treasurer—Joel Chan; Memorial Committee—Maggie Zhou and Leah Coffin; Arranging Committee—Leigh Cooper and Heather Purdy; Resolutions Committee—Mark Godfrey and Kate Fine. The business session was closed.

Leaders: J.T. Harechmak 36b; Sumie Arnold 313b; Hannah Blair 277; Lindy Groening 135; Leigh Cooper 89; Heather Purdy 63; Leah Coffin 56b; Mark Godfrey 274t; Mary O’Reily 33b; Linda Selph 172 (in memory of David Fetcho); Dennis Aman 114; Paul Kostka 528; Carolyn Deacy 215; Alexander Cotton 38b; Susan Fetcho 171; Dave Barber 284; Jenny Solheim 500; Wren Hyde 370. Announcements were made.


Lindy Groening brought the class together leading 39b. Leaders: Bryan Hillebrandt 268; David Graff 31t; Jonas Powell 162; Pat Coghlan 214; Joel Chan 72b; Kate Fine 532; Hans Guttmann 282; Janet Herman 475; Rachael Geary 39t; Hugh McGuire 321; Bob Schinske 492; Thom Fahrbach 404; Betsy Jeronen 392; Alex Forsyth 337; Kevin Barrans 203; Hannah Blair 117.


The class was brought back to order by Leah Coffin leading 29t. Leaders: Joel Chan 59; J.T. Harechmak 165; Anne Caswell 540; Mark Lambert 46; Mary O’Brien 385b; Leigh Cooper 273; Alexander Cotton 297; Sumie Arnold 47t; Wren Hyde 142; Heather Purdy 384; Dennis Aman 455; Paul Kostka 236; David Elsenbroich 479.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Maggie Zhou and Leah Coffin. Maggie encouraged appreciation of health and compassion for the ill or absent. She led 134 for the following sick and shut-ins: Eileen Forsyth, Betty Herman, David Herman, Hannah Land, Reginald Rhodes, Brian Umeki, and Arnold Zwicky.

Leah spoke of the community of singers we hold dear and our heartache at their loss. She led 65 in memory of the following deceased: Hubert Nall, Boyd Scott, Norma Green, and Claudene Townson—Alabama; Steve Damonte, and David Green—California; Philip Denney—Georgia; Ted Mercer—Illinois; Douglas Solberg—Indiana; Lydia Lewallen—North Carolina; Cheryl Foreman—Texas; Pete Sutherland—Vermont. Linda Selph led a prayer to close the memorial lesson.

Leaders: Mark Godfrey 425; Dave Barber 97; Jonas Powell 95; Jenny Solheim 189. Linda Selph offered a blessing before the meal.


The afternoon session began with Janet Herman leading 48b. Leaders: Susan Fetcho 464; Linda Selph 309; Pat Coghlan 351; Rachael Geary 430; Hans Guttmann 480; Thom Fahrbach 302; Bob Schinske 349; Alex Forsyth 546; Betsy Jeronen 436; Hugh McGuire 512; Kevin Barrans 55; Carolyn Deacy 182; Kate Fine 426b; Maggie Zhou 112; David Elsenbroich 217. Announcements were made.


Wren Hyde brought the class together leading 30b. Leaders: David Graff 209; Peter Ross 146; Andrea Tzvetkov 414; Janet Herman 440; Alexander Cotton and Alex Forsyth 275b; Kevin Barrans and Lindy Groening 121; Leah Coffin, Leigh Cooper, Hannah Blair, and Thom Fahrbach 567; Paul Kostka and Peter Ross 503; Carolyn Deacy and Betsy Jeronen 472; Jonas Powell and Jenny Solheim 377.

A business meeting was held in order to hear reports from various committees. J.T. Harechmak reported on behalf of the treasurer that expenses had been met through onsite donations and funding from Bay Area Sacred Harp. Lindy Groening gave the Secretary’s report stating that fifty-two people from four states attended, and thirty-nine leaders led eighty-four songs. Mark Godfrey and Kate Fine of the Resolutions Committee thanked keyers, cooks, and volunteers. They resolved to meet again next year. The business meeting was closed, and announcements were made.

J.T. Harechmak, Hannah Blair, and Sumie Arnold led 347 as the closing song. Linda Selph offered the closing prayer. The class was dismissed.

Sunday, April 23

The Sunday session of the Golden Gate Singing met at The Church at The Dance Palace, Point Reyes Station, California. The class was called to order by J.T. Harechmak leading 503. The morning prayer was offered by Susan Fetcho.

Leaders: Leah Coffin 275t; Dave Barber 426t; Leigh Cooper 283; Bob Schinske 409 (in memory of David Fetcho); Carolyn Deacy 224; Paul Kostka 334; Rachael Geary 101t; Jonas Powell 318; Betsy Jeronen 225t; Alex Forsyth 32t; Sumie Arnold 178; Jenny Solheim 163t; Hannah Blair 271t; Pat Coghlan 272; Maggie Zhoe 460 (in memory of Lydia Lewallen); Kevin Barrans 119; Susan Fetcho 61; Thom Fahrbach 483.


Lindy Groening led 171 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Mary Anne Ciavonne 56b; Paul Kostka 198; Mark Godfrey 456; Joel Chan 34t; Jenny Solheim 168; J.T. Harechmak 29b; Sumie Arnold 375; Alex Forsyth 376; Carolyn Deacy 480; Bob Schinske 204; Leigh Cooper 53; Jonas Powell 269; Maggie Zhou 192; Wren Hyde 495; Kevin Barrans 30t; Rachael Geary 319; Dave Barber 383; Betsy Jeronen 494; Hannah Blair 385t; Leah Coffin 193; Thom Fahrbach 317.


The afternoon session began with Wren Hyde leading 81t. Leaders: Pat Coghlan 550; Lindy Groening 566; Jack Zeigler 39t; Sumie Arnold 47b; Jonas Powell 448t; Rachael Geary 37b; Thom Fahrbach 553; Leigh Cooper 316; Bob Schinske 439; Jenny Solheim 527; Dave Barber 208; Leah Coffin 328; Alex Forsyth 396; Hannah Blair 209; Carolyn Deacy 112; Joel Chan 67; Betsy Jeronen 422; Mary Ann Ciavonne 159; J.T. Harechmak 106; Maggie Zhou 185; Kevin Barrans 434; Susan Fetcho 288 (in memory of David Fetcho); Wren Hyde 421.

J.T. Harechmak led 499 as the closing song. Susan Fetcho offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairperson—J.T. Harechmak; Vice Chairpersons—Hannah Blair and Sumie Arnold; Secretary—Lindy Groening