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East Midlands Sacred Harp Convention

Kegworth, Northwest Leicestershire, England

April 22-23, 2023

Saturday, April 22

The class was called to order by Anna Baldini and Sally Dunleavy leading 34b. Lee Dunleavy offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Lee Dunleavy 88b; Ian West 32t; Joe Vickers 77b; Mick Verrier 163t; Cath Saunt 171; David Moore 361; Inga Buckland 472 (for Hannah Land); Matthew Parkinson 511b (CB); Emily Verrier 99; Chris Brown 475; Vicki Elliott 29t; Derek Buckland 28b; Joan Nagy 49b; Robert Bentall 31b; John Sprackland 147t; Joshua Lant 204; Cath Saunt 276; David Moore 38t; Inga Buckland 39t; Lee Dunleavy 312b.


The class was brought back to order by Ian West, who led 500 (CB). Leaders: Emily Verrier 31t (for her mum, Sarah Wilcox); Chris Brown 268b (CB); Connie Baldini and Lottie Sumner 146; Matthew Parkinson 269 (CB); Anna Baldini 217; Mick Verrier 107; Vicki Elliott 216; Joe Vickers 98 (CB); Sally Dunleavy 178 (for Margaret Jones); David Moore 95; Joan Nagy 162; John Sprackland 86; Inga Buckland 273 (CB); Joshua Lant 210 (CB); Robert Bentall 324; Cath Saunt 300; Lee Dunleavy 410 (CB); David Moore 236; Ian West 559 (CB). Lee Dunleavy asked a blessing before the meal.


The afternoon session began with Vicki Elliott leading 277. Leaders: Chris Brown 392; Matthew Parkinson 400; Connie Baldini, Lottie Sumner, and Emily Verrier 299; Joe Vickers 454 (for Hannah Land); Derek Buckland 206; Anna Baldini 117; Robert Bentall 481; Cath Saunt 556; John Sprackland 47b; Ian West 500; Emily Verrier 200; Lee Dunleavy 72b; Inga Buckland 163b (CB); David Moore 40; Mick Verrier 142; Joan Nagy 504; Joshua Lant 423; Joe Vickers 38t (CB); Matthew Parkinson 39 (CB); Anna Baldini 503.


The class was brought back together by Joshua Lant leading 113. Leaders: Derek Buckland 29b; Chris Brown 95b (CB); Lee Dunleavy 41; Vicki Elliott 198; Cath Saunt 228; Joan Nagy 56b; Inga Buckland 27 (for Lublia); John Sprackland 313t; David Moore 189; Mick Verrier 209; Emily Verrier 227; Joshua Lant 30b; Matthew Parkinson 460; Joe Vickers 465 (CB) (for Hannah Land). Anna Baldini and Sally Dunleavy led 287 as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Lee Dunleavy.

Sunday, April 23

The class was called to order by Anna Baldini and Sally Dunleavy leading 59. John Baldini offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Rachel Jordan 47t; Mick Verrier 106 (CB); Sheila Girling Macadam 50b (CB); Joan Nagy 48t; Joshua Lant 50t; Lottie Sumner 56t; Edwin Macadam 148 (CB); John Sprackland 457; Inga Buckland 65; Nick Hall 116 (CB); Werner Ullah 503; Jacoba Bruneel 392 (CB); Derek Buckland 70t; Sam Carter 39 (CB); Sheila Girling Macadam 369 (for her son-in-law); Emily Verrier 340.


John Sprackland led 547 to bring the class back together. Leaders: Joan Nagy 87; Nick Hall 587 (CB); Mick Verrier 272; Jacoba Bruneel 71; Anna Baldini 324; Edwin Macadam 540; Inga Buckland 443 (CB); Rachel Jordan 565; Joshua Lant 271b.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Lee Dunleavy. He talked about keeping time quoting lines from hymns and led prayers. He read the following list of the sick and housebound: Hannah Land, Daniel Oldham, David Elliott, Ushi Nolte, David Adler, Ian Lamb, Seth Dickens, and Tricia Entwhistle.

He then read the following list of names of the deceased: Mark Jones, Pat Lucy, Cheryl Foreman, Marlon Wooten, Hubert Nall, Norma Green, George Burnette, Philip Denney, Mike Cooper, Ian Holloway, Declan Collier, Lydia Lewallen, Dave Thorpe, Ted Mercer, Teresa Cavallar, Anna Zamboni, Richard Drane, Juanita Beasley, John Heptinstall, and Brigid Hurn. Lee Dunleavy closed the lesson by leading 566.

Leaders: Werner Ullah 278t; Derek Buckland 341; Emily Verrier 284 (for her mum, Sarah Wilcox); Sam Carter 68b; Edwin Macadam 273 (CB). John Baldini asked a blessing before the meal.


The afternoon session began with Anna Baldini and Sally Dunleavy leading 34b (for Penny Verrier). Leaders: Edwin Macadam 350; Inga Buckland 276; Nick Hall 279; Anna Baldini 182 (for Hannah Land); Derek Buckland 101b; Sheila Girling Macadam 353; Lee Dunleavy 47b; Jacoba Bruneel 201; Joshua Lant 463 (CB) (for Hannah Land); Sam Carter 38t (CB); Rachel Jordan 474; Mick Verrier 344 (for Jean Barton); John Sprackland 178; Joan Nagy 36b; Werner Ullah 77t; Emily Verrier 319; Connie Baldini and Lottie Sumner 146.


Nick Hall brought the class back together leading 105. Leaders: Jacoba Bruneel 349; Edwin Macadam 236; Sheila Girling Macadam 299; Rachel Jordan 269 (for Mike Cooper); Sam Carter 504 (CB); Inga Buckland 28t; Mick Verrier 383; Joan Nagy 268; Joshua Lant 458 (CB); Emily Verrier 546; Werner Ullah 313b; Lee Dunleavy 505 (CB); Anna Baldini 209; John Sprackland 454; Derek Buckland 48b; Joan Nagy 523; Jacoba Bruneel 288; Sam Carter 134.

Anna Baldini and Sally Dunleavy led 347 as the closing song. John Baldini offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-Chairmen—Anna Baldini and Sally Dunleavy; Secretary—Sally Dunleavy