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Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Alpharetta City Hall, Alpharetta, Georgia

September 29-30, 2018

Saturday, September 29

The 150th session of the Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held in the Alpharetta City Hall, Alpharetta, Georgia, on the fifth Sunday and Saturday before in September. Throughout the convention, singers shared their memories of attending this convention in previous years and what it has meant to them. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Faye Holbrook leading 81t. John Plunkett offered the morning prayer. Faye Holbrook led 75.

Leaders: Jeannette DePoy 31t, 171; Helen Bryson 217, 274t (in memory of Allan Lambert); David Brodeur 339, 323b; Andy Ditzler 180, 504; Tony Hammock 495, 112; Winfred Kerr 40, 516; Lauren Bock 72b (remembering the Isbell family), 172; David Smead 160b, 27; John Plunkett 147t, 385t. Janice Paulk, who had attended the 100th session of this convention, led the introductory lesson with the following songs: 478, 384, 448b, 541, 274b.


David Brodeur called the class to order leading 330b. Leaders: Lisa Bennett 77b (for Charlene Wallace), 155 (for her friend Zee’s family); Jesse Roberts 536, 201.

A business session was held and the following officers and committee members were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Jeannette DePoy; Vice Chairman—Rebecca Over; Secretary/Treasurer—Helen Bryson; Arranging Committee—Jesse Karlsberg and Lauren Bock; Memorial Committee—Nathan Rees and Andy Ditzler; Locating Committee—David Brodeur, John Plunkett, and Oscar McGuire; Resolutions Committee—Lisa Bennett and David Smead; Finance Committee—Eli Hinton and Anna Hinton; Chaplains—Jesse Roberts and Andy Ditzler. There was discussion about how the Union Convention should proceed in the future. To that end, the following items were passed: a locating committee will be appointed and future Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Conventions may be held at any location in Georgia. Also discussed was whether the date for next year’s convention should be changed to June as there is a conflict. It was voted to keep the September date for 2019 (the fifth Sunday and Saturday before in September).

Leaders: Jerusha Wheeler 203, 157; Jesse Karlsberg 88t, 285b; Phillip Langley 272, 283; Richard DeLong 544 (in memory of Doris DeLong), 109 (in memory of great grandmother Corley); Rachel Carlisle 204, 480; Anna Hinton 455, 142; Bob Hume 276, 45t; Sandra Wilkinson 168, 300; Matt Hinton 234, 212.


Rebecca Over called the class to order leading 106. Leaders: Pat Temple 162, 195; Jose Comacho-Cerna 528, 306; Nathan Rees 181, 444; Evelyn Lamb 99 (in memory of Barbara Losse), 446; Robert Kelley 565, 150; Keillor Mose 420, 222; William Cleary 137, 227; Emily Stutzman 154, 503; Nicholas Thompson 216, 304; Rebecca Over 123b, 562; Mary Wright 146, 477; John Plunkett and friends 49b; Keillor Mose 28b; Evelyn Lamb 492; Bob Hume 268; Nicholas Thompson 336; William Cleary 215; Emily Stutzman 159; Jose Comacho-Cerna 149; Robert Kelley 105.

Announcements were made. Jeannette DePoy, Rebecca Over, and Helen Bryson led 323t as the closing song. Jesse Roberts offered the closing prayer.

Sunday, September 30

The Sunday session of the Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held in the Alpharetta City Hall, Alpharetta, Georgia. Jeannette DePoy called the class to order leading 56t and 89. Evelyn Lamb offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Rebecca Over 59, 465; Helen Bryson 505, 313b; Jesse Karlsberg 353, 351; Lauren Bock 76t, 123t; David Smead 235, 170; Nathan Rees 44, 93; Lisa Bennett 410t, 410b; Andy Ditzler 453 (for Charlene Wallace), 85; Jerusha Wheeler 87, 271t; Rachel Carlisle 145t, 155.


Rebecca Over called the class to order leading 131b. Leaders: John Plunkett 467, 354t; Faye Holbrook 542, 196 (in memory of Ms. Leola Wright); David Brodeur 399t, 385b; Oscar McGuire 475, 556; Malinda Snow 468, 466; Emily Stutzman 270, 178; Vaudie Sherer 101t, 480 (in memory of John Hocutt).


Jeannette DePoy called the class to order leading 421. Leaders: Janice Paulk 136, 317; Winfred Kerr 314, 36b; Ateven Snderson 108b, 192; Matt Hinton 100, 109; Mary Wright 312t, 312b.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Andy Ditzler and Nathan Rees. Andy spoke of the sense of separation that singers feel when they are sick and/or shut-in. It can feel like being in exile in another country. This is when our compassion comes in as we sing and remember these singers and their caregivers as well. Andy led 390 for the following sick and shut-ins: Jack Paulk, Ottis Sides, Velton Chafin, Ann Jett, Charlene Wallace, Karen Rollins, Don Bowen, Norma Mincey, Concetta Branson, and Lynne deBenedette.

Nathan shared his experience as one day he was at the Sacred Harp Publishing Company headquarters scanning pictures when he came across a picture of Hugh McGraw sitting at the same desk in the same chair where Nathan was seated. Nathan shared that at this time he felt a range of emotions. Two of the strongest were grief, and then gratitude to Hugh as he and other singers have created space for singers who came later and are still coming and learning about Sacred Harp. The deceased we remember today are part of a large group. Nathan led 48t in memory of the following deceased: Allan Lambert, Agnes Roberts, Daniel Evans, Thomas Sanders, Wawena Entrekin Miles, Louise Holland, Ruth Ayers, Audrey Ruth Garner, Florice Akin, and Hollis Gentry—Georgia; Julie Vea—Wisconsin; Ann Sleeva and Berkley Moore—Illinois; Amy Denison and Mel Rosenbaum—Texas; Darrell Swarens—Indiana; Steve Helwig-Oregon; Michael Kaye—New York; Barbara Losse—Utah; Barbara Isbell, Daphene Causey, Willodean Barton, Mike Jones, and Floy Wilder—Alabama; Susan Carr—United Kingdom; Elizabeth Rechenberg—Ohio. John Plunkett closed the memorial lesson with prayer.


Rebecca Over called the class to order leading 82t. Leaders: Michael Spencer 370, 382; Evelyn Lamb 486, 228; Anna Hinton 203, 383; William Cleary 386, 232; Bob Hume 38b, 472; Nicole Scott 39b, 84; Eli Hinton 186, 299; Jesse Roberts 66, 328; Pat Temple 457; Pat Temple and Richard DeLong 33t; Dan Edwards 56b, 73t; Lottie Hinton 32t; Laura Akerman 543, 124; Richard DeLong 348b, 72b; Evelyn Lamb 371; Ateven Snderson and Daren 344; William Cleary and Bob Hume 448t.

The convention entered into a business session for purpose of hearing reports. Lisa Bennett and David Smead of the Resolutions Committee reported the following: We, the singers and members of the 150th session of the Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention, thank God for the many blessings he has given to us. We are filled with gratitude for Sacred Harp, for the joy of singing and for the opportunity for fellowship with friends from near and far. We give thanks for all those singers who have gone before us, and those who have kept this tradition alive and growing. We thank all the singers who participated, who came from near and far to join us in the fellowship. We are grateful to all whose work made for a wonderful weekend of singing. We resolve to meet on the fifth Sunday and Saturday before in September, 2019, for the 151st session of the Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention at a location to be determined. Addendum: We thank Alpharetta Councilman Donald Mitchell for arranging the availability of the Alpharetta City Hall for this year’s convention. The Treasurer reported that the convention expenses were met. The Locating Committee reported that arrangements will be finalized within =30 (t? b?) days for the 2019 location and will be communicated to the Secretary. The reports were approved and the business session was closed. Announcements were made.

Jeannette DePoy, Rebecca Over, and Helen Bryson led 146 as the closing song. Jesse Roberts offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Jeannette DePoy; Vice Chairman—Rebecca Over; Secretary—Helen Bryson