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New York State Regional Singing

Old Songs Community Arts Center, Voorheesville, New York

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Albany area New York State Regional Singing was held at the Old Songs Community Arts Center, Voorheesville, New York. The class was called to order by Mary Skidmore leading 481. The opening prayer was offered by Pattie Wareh.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairlady—Mary Skidmore; Secretary—Joanne Fuller; Arranging Officer—Tarik Wareh.

Leaders: Joanne Fuller 32t; Tarik Wareh 186; Jean Seiler 47t; Pattie Wareh 157; Pat Geritz 501; Dennis Leipold 59; Sally Langendorf 87; Faiz Wareh 523; Eileen Metzger 419; Sheila Kelley 448b; Erik-Dardan Ymeraga 30b; Dean Jens 565; Cora Wareh 367; Terry Ryan 182; Denise Morris 184.


Jeremy Galvagni led 274t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Julia Reischel 33b; Thom Metzger 536; Liz Cantrell 300; Jan May 540; Laurie Dempsey 39t; Dev Crasta 163b; Ivy Hauser 197; Barbara Swetman 196; Linda Shea 55; Leah Velleman 404; Vicki Hayes 56b; George Sigut 146; Nina Zanetti 122; Sarah Underhill 324.


The class was brought back to order by Nancy Mandel leading 105. Leaders: Keillor Mose 284; Martha Rogers 76b; Walter Keeley 66; Paula Picton 89; Becky Wright 453; Jeremy Galvagni 440; Allison Steel 564; Jean Seiler 106; Lauren Keeley 178; Rachel Speer 179; Terry Ryan 198; Sarah Underhill 77t; Sheila Kelley 216; Dean Jens 102; Vicki Hayes and Paula Picton 344; Julia Reischel 542; Joanne Fuller 500. Pattie Wareh offered the blessing before the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Thom Metzger leading 99. Leaders: Sally Langendorf 297; Dev Crasta and Sari Harriot 47b; Ivy Hauser 217; Nancy Mandel 475; Leah Velleman 426b; Liz Cantrell 466; Erik-Dardan Ymeraga 172; Jan May 454; Linda Shea 430; Eileen Metzger 423; Brian Tanedo 282; Faiz Wareh 183; Allison Steel 54; Barbara Swetman 127; Dennis Leipold 548; Paula Picton 522; Gabriel Kastelle 100; Mary Skidmore and Mary Jean McCarthy 270; Jeremy Galvagni 29t; Rachel Speer 340; Becky Wright 327; Rebeka Racher-Craster 162.


Gabriel Kastelle called the class back to order leading 108b. Leaders: Pattie Wareh 358; Martha Rogers and Vicki Hayes 480; Keillor Mose 49b; Denise Morris 371; Walter Keeley 350; Pat Geritz 479; George Sigut 277; Brian Tanedo 75; Nina Zanetti 347; Cora Wareh and Allison Steel 191; Lauren Keeley 117; Nancy Mandel 487; Tarik Wareh 414; Thom Metzger 329; Jean Seiler 299; Rachel Speer 82b; Linda Shea 75; Liz Cantrell 171; Sheila Kelley 556.

After announcements, Mary Skidmore led 62 as the closing song. Pattie Wareh offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed, with thanks to all who helped.

Chairlady—Mary Skidmore; Secretary—Joanne Fuller