Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Henagar-Union Convention

Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama

July 5-6, 1997

Saturday, July 5

The eighty-first session of the Henagar-Union Sacred Harp Convention was called to order with Chairman David Ivey leading song on page 75. The morning prayer was led by Lamar Smith.

David Ivey then led 76b. Leaders: Marlon Wootten 48t; Norma Latham 34b; Loyd Ivey 49b; Rex Wilks 37b; Bud Oliver 39b; Jackie Tanner 42; Lamar Smith 36b; Henry Johnson 338; S.T. Reed 389; Louis Hughes 480; Shane Wootten 82t; Keith Willard 29t; Earl Ballinger 176t; Sam Sommers 369; Don Bowen 47t; Kathy Lee 39t; Judy Mincey 540; Don Clark 448b.


The singing resumed with Rodney Ivey leading song on page 384. Leaders: Steven Levine 373; Marcia Johnson 48b; Cindy Franklin 362; B.M. Smith 475; Jenny Willard 99; Beverly Enright 415; Max Buereffy 276; Velton Chafin 549; Edith Tate 35; Kelsey Taylor 77t; Anna Taylor 274t; Chris Richardson 217; Jackson Harcrow 63; Larry Ballinger 282; Ruth Brown 101t; Paula McGray 270; Mae Seymour 189.


Wayne Wootten brought the class together leading song on page 47b. Leaders: Phil Summerlin 348b; David Ballinger 59; Thomas Willard 224; Charlie Derleth 28b; Carla Smith 67; Karen Hojnacki 198; Cassie Franklin 528; Maxine Lacy and Edward Howton 146; Kathy Manning 275b; Gary Gronau 163 (t? b?); Jeanette Lowery 168; Dave Ressler 298; Woodie Walker 378t; Barbara Swetman 485; Nancy Crawford 40.


The afternoon session was called together with David Ivey leading song on page 300. Leaders: Betty Shepherd 216; Willie Mae Moon 568; Louis Hughes, Jr. 347; Regina Clark 182; Myra Dalton 542; Melanie Hauff 277; Stanley Smith 454; Clarke Lee 48t; Tommy Spurlock 430; Becky Browne 137; Mary Elizabeth Lee 361; Jerry Enright 383; Ginnie Ely 502; Bob Parr 428; Susan and Richard Green 350; Susan Harcrow 200; Henry Schuman 102; Lavaughn Ballinger 84; Pearl Guier 49t; Johnny Lee 31t; Lomax and Tim Ballinger 45t; Coy Ivey and his grandsons, Richard Ivey, Stuart Ivey, Zack Ellis, Sumner Ellis, and Worth Ellis 82t, 222; Johnny Humber 340.

The results of the election were announced at this time: Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Norma Latham.


Linton Ballinger, Jimmy Ballinger, and Gravis Ballinger brought the class back together leading song on page 186. Leaders: Judy Caudle 245; J. L. Hopper 438; David Lee 452b; Reba Windom and Eloise Wootten 269 in memory of Mae Holt; Daniel Hopper 34t; Hershell King 97; Melvin Stiefel 512; Grady Price “Trusting”; Arvid Holmes 460; Milton Oliver 321; Terry Wootten and Jeff Sheppard 116, 556; Shelbie Sheppard, Jeff Sheppard, and Terry Wootten 448t; David Ivey and Rodney Ivey 56t.

The Saturday session was dismissed with prayer led by Elder J. L. Hopper.

Sunday, July 6

The Sunday session was called to order with Chairman David Ivey leading songs on pages 31b and 120. The morning prayer was led by Pastor Tony Ivey.

Vice Chairman Rodney Ivey led song on page 235. Leaders: Secretary Norma Latham 418; Loyd Ivey 426t; Wayne Wootten 155; Riley Lee 361; Jackie Tanner 299; Aaron Wootten 128; Mary Elizabeth Lee 45t; Rex Wilks 334; Levon Wootten 101t; Lamar Smith 76b; Hershell King 176b; Phillip Wootten 215; Reba Windom 192; Dewayne Wootten and Hayden Wootten 40; Charles Franklin 176t.


Loyd Ivey brought the class together leading song on page 108t. Leaders: Tyler Wilks 117; Anna Taylor 354 (t? b?); Kelsey Taylor 53; Freeman Wootten 385t; Marie Guthrie 434; David Robertson 196; Phil Summerlin 278t; Eldagene Robertson 142; Mel Kersey and Johnny Lee 566 and “My Country Tis of Thee”; Jewel Wootten 340; Brenda Carroll 442; Thurman Nall 146; Kathy Manning 491; J.A. Mosley 450; Billy Williams 231.


The singing resumed with Coy Ivey leading song on page 56t. Leaders: Brian Lee 123b; Joan Aldridge 300; Marty Wootten 66; Betty Shepherd 216; Ginnie Ely 454; Becky Browne 203; Dave Ressler 419.

The convention recognized with special appreciation two of our senior citizens for their lifelong support of singings at Liberty: Mrs. Ruby Wilks and Mrs. Bob Greeson.

The memorial committee, Eloise Wootten and Linda Thomas, then presented the memorial lesson. Linda read II Corinthians 5:1,2,6-8: “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an House not made with hands eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from Heaven.... Therefore, we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord. (For we walk by faith, not by sight.) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and be present with the Lord.”

Linda continued with the following comments. “When God breathed the breath of life into man, he became a living soul. Death cannot touch that inner man. Death will touch the house we live in, but only until the resurrection when we will have a new body. We live in an ever changing world. God’s Word and his promises change not. His Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Eloise read the names of the remembered deceased: Ed Latham, Mae Holt, Bonnie Ashley, Delta Wootten, Silas Lee, Jimmy Causey, Tom Harper, Hazel Cagle, Buddy Tindal, Merle Etheridge, J. T. Conn, Ernest Phillips, Tommy Creel, Toni Beville, Edith Garner, Neal Hulsey, Kenneth Brandon, Julian Bruner, Clarke Wilson, Peggy Hickory, Hulan Newman, Aaron Creel, Charles Derleth, Mary Derleth, and Sue Brooks. David Ivey led song on page 490 for Ed Latham and song on page 212 for Mae Holt. Terry Wootten led “We Will Sing With the Angels There” for the remaining deceased.

Coy Ivey and Linda Thomas led song on page 122 for the following sick and shut-in: Jap Walton, Barrett Ashley, Lawrence and Lula Underwood, Ruby Phillips, Vester and Flossie Jones, Elmer Cordell, Hadyn Creel, and Antionette Swetman. Elder Phillip Wootten closed the memorial lesson with prayer.


David Ivey opened the afternoon session leading song on page 309. Leaders: Clarke Lee and David Lee 201, 159; Jeffrey Wootten 448t; Karen Ivey 475 for Virgil Phillips; Alice Mosley 127; Bob Parr 492; Teresa Bethune, Candice Bethune, Lindsey Bethune, Marian Biddle, Loyd Ivey, Will Ivey, and Jessica Ivey “That Beautiful Land”; Olivia Allen and Myra Dalton 400; Kathy Lee and Rachel Lee 171; Jeanette Lowery, Gary Gronau, and Charlie Derleth 137; Jenny Wootten 148; Jamie Dalton 209; Allison Ivey, Richard Ivey, and Stuart Ivey 270, 29t; Barbara Swetman 125; Cassie Franklin and Rodney Ivey 186; Max Buereffy 112; Sam Sommers 513; Karen Travis 147t; Loyd Ivey and Lorrie Wootten 424 and “Trusting” by request.

The convention recognized Loyd and Louise Ivey and Marlon and Eloise Wootten with deep appreciation and sincere thanks for their extraordinary efforts in maintaining and improving the building and grounds of Liberty Church and for making the church a comfortable and pleasant place for its Sacred Harp singings.

Loyd and Louise Ivey and Marlon and Eloise Wootten led song on page 99.


Terry Wootten called the class back together leading song on page 279. Leaders: Marshall Avery 106; Syble Adams 36b; Bud Laney and Tony Ivey 108t, 170; Darlene Dalton 535; Eloise Avery 138b; Bud Oliver and S. T. Reed 73t; Jerry Enright 271t; Karen Ivey, Barbara Isbell, and Laura Patterson “Sweet By and By”; Cindy Franklin 198; Jenny Wootten and Cassie Franklin 559 (Cooper) by request. Chairman David Ivey thanked the arranging committee, Shane Wootten, Loyd Ivey, and Coy Ivey, for a job well done. Announcements were given. The Chairman and Vice Chairman led song on page 62, and those who wished took the parting hand. Rev. Tony Ivey dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairman—Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Norma Latham.