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New England Sacred Harp Convention

Walpole Town Hall, Walpole, New Hampshire

September 29-30, 2012

Saturday, September 29

The 37th annual New England Sacred Harp Convention was called to order by Eliza Cavanaugh leading 37b. John Holbrook offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Carole Dempsey 52t; Linda Shea 371; John Davis 270; Margaret Graver 160b; Ian Ludders 28t; Sinead O’Mahoney 274t; Debby Moody 32b; Earl J. Kipp 548; Jeremy Galvagni 101t; Willis McCumber 77t; Scott Luscombe 430; Eric Hildebrant 551; Mary Skidmore 505; Cora Wareh 335; Sheila Kelley 475; Pat Callahan and Jennifer Revill 99; John Holbrook 354t; Pete Sutherland 315; Liz Cantrell 298; Sarah Galper 344; Gabriel Kastelle 108b; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 362; Martha Rogers 480; Jenny Wright 86; Terry Ryan 538.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Co-chairpersons—Eliza Cavanaugh and Paul Gauthier; Secretary—Carole Dempsey; Treasurer—Matt Wojcik; Resolutions Committee—Sally Langendorf and Aldo Ceresa; Memorial Committee—Kate Richardson, Sheila Kelley, and John Holbrook.


Emma Rose Brown called the class back together by leading 111b. Leaders: Joanna Lampert 560; Natalie Jablonski 134; Liz Patton and Eliza Cavanaugh 282; Ed Smith 556; Carly Goss 228; Bob Parr 528; Kelly House 236; Erin Johnson-Hill 59; Peter Green and Sam Green 142; Jean Seiler 492; Peter Golden 317; Deidra Montgomery 470; Neely Bruce 232; Eliza Cavanaugh 68b; Charles Cofone 66; Ann Flight and Pat Callahan 388; Ethan Parcell 390; Dennis O’Brien 297; Sally Langendorf 314; Yael Tarshish 203; Kenan Serenbetz 133; Mary Jo Shafer 72b; Leonard Spencer 245; Hannah Bureau and Linda Shea 69t; George Pomfret 391; Michael Kaye 547; Andal Sundaramurthy 67. John Holbrook offered grace.


Sinead O’Mahoney brought the class back to order by leading 299. Leaders: Deidre Montgomery 422; Tom Malone 187; Paula Picton 316; Larry Gordon 183; Susan Jaster 157; Ben Bath 411; Bill Holt 550; Tim Eriksen 69b; Carly Goss 385t; Bruce Voyles 163b; Christine Andrews 168; Corrone Bryant 73t; Anne Kazlauskas 220; Angharad Davis 472; Jean Seiler 192; Matthew Wojcik 436; Lyra O’Brien 440; Somen Goodman 347; Emma Rose Brown 498; Faiz Wareh 354b; Neely Bruce 380; Joanna Lampert 573; Robert Dove 474; Tarik Wareh 448t; Kelly House 30t; Chris DeFilipp 457; Andy J.S. Johnston 435; Amy Valladares 328.


Christine Andrews led 29t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Mary Jo Shafer 445; Peter Golden 36b; Debby Moody 189; Dennis O’Brien 353; Gabriel Kastelle 567; Sally Langendorf 229; Natalie Jablonski 564; Sarah Galper 454; Ed Smith 193; Yael Tarshish 384; Charles Cofone 569b; George Pomfret 84; Traci Gero 209; Dan Hertzler 340; Margaret Graver 154; Martha Rogers 146; Michael Kaye 553; Mary Skidmore 271t; Erin Johnson-Hill 268; Ben Bath 376; Amy Valladares 58; Tim Eriksen and Deidra Montgomery 442; Eric Hildebrant 532.

Matthew Wojcik led 46 as the closing song. John Holbrook offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Sunday, September 30th

The Sunday session of the New England Convention was called to order by Paul Gauthier leading 31t. John Holbrook offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Carole Dempsey 131b; Jeremy Galvagni 100; Ian Ludders 28b; Sinead O’Mahoney 148; Laura Krueger 538; Liz Cantrell 31b; Pat Callahan 466; Willis McCumber 34b; Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 276; Faiz Wareh 76t; Corrone Bryant 77b; Jean Seiler 87; Eric Hildebrant 362; Larry Gordon 272; Robert Stoddard 432; Scott Luscombe 436; Mike Nord 191; Lyra O’Brien 456.


Kate Richardson led 37b to bring the class back together. Leaders: Paula Picton 142; Molly Merrett 378b; Aldo Ceresa 182; Peter Golden 285t; Susan Jaster 326; Elizabeth Stoddard 283; Liz Patton and Lyra O’Brien 155; Ian Quinn 189; Leonard Spencer 254; Bob Parr 542; Jenny Wright 377; Terry Ryan 198; Laura Timmerman 460; Linda Chung and John Holbrook 415; Claire Hogan 312b; Bill Holt 112; Sheila Kelley 216; Angharad Davis 290; Somen Goodman 47b.


Sally Langendorf called the class back to order by leading 72b. Leaders: Peter Irvine 34t; Erik-Dardan Ymeraga 376; Bruce Voyles 496; Mary Skidmore 383; Nathan Bergmann-Dean 442; Martha Rogers 105; Tarik Wareh 410t; Anne Kazlauskas 207; Erin Johnson-Hill 270; Laura Krueger 504; Robert Dove 473.

Kate Richardson led 30t for the following sick and homebound: Jim Guinness, Eric Hildebrant, Audrey Wiscera, Leo Beaudoin, Stanley Rozinsky, Sylvia Kriebel, Jeremiah Crompton, Samantha Cornell, Dave Lang, Oliver Corrigan, Lydia Johnson, John Pratt, Jean Ayotte, Valerie Rogotzke, Georg Luck, and Hellen Daly.

Sheila Kelley spoke movingly about how the hollow square and our Sacred Harp tradition give us the opportunity to grieve and ponder our mortality together, as well as to heal together and strengthen our bonds of community. Sheila then led 481 in memory of the following deceased: Harrison Creel, Marie Ivey, and Travis Keeton—Alabama; Gerald Dodson—California and New York; Marjorie Lynn—Connecticut; Dr. Julietta Haynes—Tennessee; Ava Olsen Memmen—Indiana; Dora Miller—Iowa; Joseph Ost—Kansas; Danya Klie and Bruce Wallace—Maine; Evlin Delabar, Gil Dupre, Julie Holbrook, Dennis Linehan, Glenn Mairo, Jack O’Riley, Don Romano, Mike Wells, and William Whalen—Massachusetts; Jane Torrey—New Hampshire; Helen Nestler—New Jersey; Susan Accetta and James Wyllie—Pennsylvania; John Kochalka—Vermont; Violet Setford—England. John Holbrook offered the memorial prayer.

Leaders: Annamaria Irvine 400; Matthew Wojcik 512. John Holbrook asked the blessing for the noon meal.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Paul Gauthier leading 76b. Leaders: Andy J.S. Johnston 499; Bob Parr 546; Liz Cantrell 434; Pat Callahan 320; Ian Quinn 384; Joanne Fuller 121; Laura Timmerman 282; Aldo Ceresa 411; Molly Merrett 163t; Terry Ryan 193; Elizabeth Stoddard 196; Rick Johnston 448t; Peter Irvine 480; Nathan Bergmann-Dean 95; Angharad Davis 350; Scott Luscombe 506; Robert Stoddard 550; Sinead O’Mahoney 49t; Jeremy Galvagni 40; Margaret Graver 85; Masti-Denise Mayrand 335.

A business meeting was held to hear committee reports. Secretary Carole Dempsey reported that 195 people had registered for the convention, and that 93 leaders had led 203 songs. Treasurer Matt Wojcik reported that all expenses for the convention had been met. Sally Langendorf and Aldo Ceresa, the Resolutions Committee, thanked all those whose efforts had combined to make the convention both a success and a joy, especially coordinator Dan Hertzler. Announcements were made.


Carole Dempsey called the class back together by leading 162. Leaders: Bill Holt 288; Ron Woodland 178; Susan Jaster 486; Erik-Dardan Ymeraga 36b; Paula Picton 528; Bruce Voyles 523; Claire Hogan 459; Ian Ludders 327; Jenny Wright 313b; Mike Nord 296; Faiz Wareh 551; Lyra O’Brien 313t; Corrone Bryant 147t; Tarik Wareh 103; Willis McCumber 224; Anne Kazlauskas and Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner 217; Somen Goodman 269; John Holbrook and Robert Dove 38t; Dan Hertzler 235.

Paul Gauthier, Matt Wojcik, and Carole Dempsey led the closing lesson, 62. John Holbrook gave the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-chairpersons—Eliza Cavanaugh and Paul Gauthier; Secretary—Carole Dempsey