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Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Calvary Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota and
The Landing, Shakopee, Minnesota

September 22-23, 2012

Saturday, September 22

The 23rd session of the Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention was called to order by Thea Johansen and Paul Landskroener leading 52t. Kevin Bullock offered the opening prayer.

The following officers were previously elected or appointed to serve: Co-Chairpersons—Thea Johansen and Paul Landskroener; Arranging Committee—Noelle Copeland and Jim Pfau; Chaplain—Kevin Bullock; Memorial Officer—Donna Gunderson-Rogers; Secretary—Tivey; Treasurer—Matt Wells.

After opening announcements, Anna Pfau led 40. Leaders: Nathan Berry 63; Steven Levine 344; Jane Wells 313b; Jim Pfau 228; Noelle Copeland 192; Gordon Olsen 277; Stacey Berkheimer 479; Lincoln Richardson 350; Donna Gunderson-Rogers 434; Francis Gurtz 448t; Barb Patterson 145b; Hans Guttmann 480; Leslie Williamson White 171; Pop Wagner 99; Hannah Lutz 209; Dick Patterson 566; Denise Kania 203.


Steven Schmidgall brought the class back together by leading 333.

Leaders: Claudia Egelhoff 380; Scott Schroeder 178; Roberta Strauss 441; Kevin Bullock 195; Sheila Patterson 29t; Michael Moore 216; Colette Miller 436; James Page 297; Karen Edwards and Dan Edwards 148; Steve Luttinen 411; Bonnie Ambrosi 31t; Paul Wyatt 440; Elise delMas 472; Leon Pulsinelle 362; Eleanor Haase 373; Myles Alexander 328; Jeanette Nelson 168; Robin Fox 163t; Angie Payne 77t.


Kit Canright led 39t to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Valerie Stoehr 133; Bill Waddington and Liz Pauly 474.

A business session was held. Finances were discussed. Charlie Obert and Angie Payne were elected co-chairpersons for the 2013 Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention. Jim Goetz and Barb Patterson were elected co-chairpersons for the February 2013 Minnesota Midwinter Cooper Book Singing.

Leaders: Martha Henderson 374; Richard Popp 300; Cecelia Kramer 157; Kristine Peterson 84; Steven T. Schmidgall 473; Laura Densmore 522; Kat Kohorst 348t; Christine Stevens 379. After grace, which was offered by Noelle Copeland, the class was dismissed for lunch.


Anna Pfau recalled the class leading 114. Leaders: Charlie Obert 217; Evelyn Lamb 196; Lisa Cohen 485; Jean Murphy 186; Ben Copenhaver 562; Kit Canright 475; Chandler Yorkhall 383; Wendy Popp 392; Grace Patterson 542; Michael Shewmaker 117; Janell Draper 121; Carol Buche 122; Melanie Hauff 306; Cathy Lutz and students from Saint Thomas University 218; Matt Wells 456; Ellen Lueck 193; Kris Wiggins 234; Julie Vea 378b; Ted Mercer 291.


Noelle Copeland brought the class back to order leading 32t. Leaders: Kim Bahmer 162; Anne Drexler 282; Ann Sleeva 269; Rochelle Lodder 34b; Jenny Willard 36b; Jeff Bell 208; Carol Crawford 61; Alexa Copeland and Stephanie Argo 352; Midge Olsen 454; Judy Hauff 536; Karen Swenson 455; Priscilla Wiggins 365; Lisa Grayson 384; Jim Crawford 546; Paul Landskroener 155.

Thea Johansen and Paul Landskroener led 146 to close. The class was then dismissed with prayer offered by Charlie Obert.

Sunday, September 25

The Sunday session of the 23rd Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention was called to order by Thea Johansen and Paul Landskroener leading 171. After initial announcements, Anne Drexler offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: Angie Payne 33b; Charlie Obert 34b; Barb Patterson 86; Midge Olsen 66; Bill Waddington 481; Ann Sleeva 448t; Gordon Olsen and Aaron Victorin-Vangerud 547; Grace Patterson 47b; Hans Guttmann 37b; Janell Draper 89; Jeff Bell 528; Sheila Patterson and Jim Patterson 324; Lara Andersen Wells and Matt Wells 318; Wendy Popp 215.


Nathan Berry brought the class back to order by leading 274t. Leaders: Lincoln Richardson 347; Rochelle Lodder 313b; Scott Schroeder 87; Charlie Obert “Fairview”; Kris Wiggins 176b; Pop Wagner 268; Carol Buche 300; Anne Drexler 277; Donna Gunderson-Rogers 460; Kat Kohorst 230; Cecelia Kramer 191; Ted Mercer 236; Priscilla Wiggins 34t.


Noelle Copeland brought the class back together leading 145b. Leaders: Paul Wyatt 149; Jenny Willard 480; Melanie Hauff 271t.

The memorial lesson was conducted by Priscilla Wiggins and Donna Gunderson-Rogers. Priscilla Wiggins reminded us that, as singers, we feel an instant connection to other singers and a spiritual connection to God. Each singer fills a space that no one else can fill, and so we remember these who are sick or shut-in and cannot be with us today. The following list of names was read: Don Buswell, Anita Buswell, Joan Trout, Skip Trout, Val Eng, Earl Burns, Jim Helke, Gin Peabody, Curtis Owen, Ed Hauff, Diana Zweig, Jim Herne, Sandy Bandli, Sharon Owens, Allan Grant, Sue Sherman, Bob Scorgie, and Bob Anderson. Priscilla Wiggins led 107.

Donna Gunderson-Rogers asked us to remember those who have gone before us in the past year. She observed that we want to hear the names of our departed because of our profound sense of community, because we are part of each other, because we have been together in the past and will be together in heaven. Those remembered were John Grant—Arkansas; Lonnie Rodgers—Georgia; Anne Dhu McLucas and Eric Miller—Oregon; Ross Bunnell—Washington; Bob Struck, Joan Fritz, Margaret Peterson, Roberto Arroyo, Leo Kohorst, Jim Seaton, and Verna Henke—Minnesota; John Merritt—Mississippi; Howard Billian—Arizona; Sophie T. Grayson, Evelyn Koozniar, and Phil Trier—Illinois; Tom Schultz—Ontario, Canada; Paul Wagner, John Patterson, Lela Patterson, and Sam Thomas—Ohio; Marie Sherman—Missouri; Phyllis Heiser Hartwig—South Dakota; Arthel “Doc” Watson—North Carolina; Jane Arp and Mary Yousten—Wisconsin; Harrison Creel and Marie Ivey—Alabama. Donna Gunderson-Rogers led 176t. Bonnie Ambrosi offered a prayer in memory of those named during the lesson. At the conclusion of the memorial lesson, Paul Wyatt offered the blessing for the noontime meal.


Jim Pfau led 106 to bring the class to order. Leaders: Claudia Egelhoff 269; Kevin Bullock 276; Anna Pfau 532; Myles Alexander 129; Julie Vea 419; Laura Densmore 377; Ben Copenhaver 383; Evelyn Lamb 272; Ellen Lueck 189; James Page 188; Christine Stevens 542; Roberta Strauss 384; Richard Popp 71; Eleanor Haase 142; Carol Crawford 569b; Nathan Berry 273; Cathy Lutz and Ray Cott-Meissel 362; Jeanette Nelson 503; Steve Luttinen 349; Judy Hauff 313t; Steven Levine 496; Lisa Grayson 340; Steven T. Schmidgall 270.


Paul Wyatt brought the class back to order leading 49b. Leaders: Michael Moore 50t; Bonnie Ambrosi 448b; Leon Pulsinelle 43; Martha Henderson 396; Robin Fox 203; Kit Canright 159; Leslie Williamson White 549; Carol Crawford and Jim Crawford 351; Noelle Copeland 425; Elise delMas 335; Denise Kania 500; Dick Patterson 385b; Paul Landskroener 207; Alexa Copeland and Will Gilman 315; Karen Swenson 442; Karen Edwards and Dan Edwards 99.

Upcoming singings were announced. A business session was held for the purpose of hearing reports. Treasurer Matt Wells reported that we had met expenses for this weekend.

Over the two days of the 23rd session of the Minnesota State Sacred Harp Singing Convention, 164 songs were led. Singers came from thirteen states and from two provinces of Canada. The singers recognized and thanked the many volunteers responsible for the success of the weekend.

Thea Johansen and Paul Landskroener led 566 as the closing song. Kevin Bullock offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Co-Chairpersons—Thea Johansen and Paul Landskroener; Secretary—Tivey