Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Elder and Mrs. Jason Davis Memorial

Harmony Primitive Baptist Church, Calhoun, Georgia

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The annual Sacred Harp singing held in memory of Elder and Mrs. Jason Davis on the third Sunday in November was called to order by Judy Mincey leading the traditional opening song on page 59. Elder Kelly Smith offered the invocation.

Leaders: Ed Smith 299, 358; Nathan Rees 39b, 374; Wanda Queen 45t, 47b; Michael Thompson 47t, 30b (in memory of Lee Rogers); Charlene Wallace 99, 217; Bob Mitchell 348b, 282; Shannon Primm 479 (in memory of Lee Rogers), 42 (in honor of absent friends); Kelly Smith 35, 68b; Eddie Mash 54, 327; Coy Coggins 354b, 100.


Judy Mincey called the class back to order leading 142. Leaders: B.M. Smith and Betty White 350, 123t; Suzie Smith 460, 274t; John Plunkett 459, 111t; Rory Smith 370, 81b; Henry Johnson 81t, 406; Laramie Smith 112, 61; Ed Thacker 275b (in honor of Bud Oliver), 538; Karen Clark 143, 566; Kenn Smith 340, 58; Andrew Mashchak 146, 277.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed to serve: Chairlady—Judy Mincey; Vice Chairman—Elder Ed Smith; Secretary—Judy Mincey; Arranging Committee—Margie Smith.

Ed Thacker offered prayer before the noon meal.


Judy Mincey called the afternoon session to order by leading 224. Leaders: Jane Spencer 151, 298; Tony Hammock 570, 83b; Martha Ann Stegar 276, 268; Molly Ellis 95, 500; David Smith 240, 236; Sandra Wilkinson 177, 176t; Rachel Rudi 129, 160b; Sara Lynch-Thomason 288, 155; Dan Huger 45b, 36b; Jennifer Kerns 107, 31b; Judy Mincey 459 (in memory of Catherine Worthington); Henry Johnson 345b; Ed Thacker 475; Rachel Rudi 548; Karen Clark 569t; Dan Huger 349; Sarah Lynch-Thomason and Rachel Rudi 504; Eddie Mash 528; Nathan Rees 359.

The class sang 62 and took the parting hand. Elder Ed Smith offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairlady—Judy Mincey; Vice Chairman—Elder Ed Smith; Secretary—Judy Mincey