Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Minnesota Sacred Harp Singing Convention

St. Paul and Shakopee, Minnesota

September 14-15, 1996

Saturday, September 14

Merriam Lexington Presbyterian Church, St. Paul

The Seventh Annual Minnesota Sacred Harp Singing Convention was called to order by Co-Chairs Kathy Wallace and Stephen Levine at 9:30 a.m. sharp, and were accompanied by Stephen Parker and Denise Kania in leading song on page 34b. Chaplain Myles Alexander offered an opening prayer. After brief announcements, the singing resumed with the following leaders called: Stephen Levine 344; Walter Graff 39b; Denise Kania 352; Mark Ellenberger 288; Jennie Willard 171; Gordon Olsen 163b; Kit Pfau 276; Myles Alexander 36t; Mary Rose O’Reilly and Robin Fox 481; John Bailey 270; Midge Olsen 299; Jerry Enright 383; Eleanor Haase 312b; Paul Landskroener 313b; Maryann Corbett 146; Paul Wyatt 365; Karen James 503; Gary Gronau 362.The class adjourned for a morning break at 10:20 a.m.


The class was called back to order by Kathy Wallace leading song on page 29 (t? b?). Leaders: Jeff Bell 217; Johanna Fabke 163t; John Rebischke 102; Julie Vea 441; Stephen Parker 547; Janet Borman 155; Ted Mercer 77t; Val Eng 528; Pat Forsberg-Smith 68b; Wendy Lee 335; Bob Parr 228; Judy Hauff 203; Richard Popp 240; Karen Hojnacki 384; Charles Wells 569b; Carol Buche 143; Ted Johnson 283. The class was adjourned for a break at 11:20 a.m.


The singing was resumed with Robin Fox leading song on page 497. Leaders: John Seaton 269; Val Dunagan 475; Daryl Mayberry 454; David Ivey 428; Susan Green 350; Sherry Minnick 65; Melanie Hauff 421. A brief business meeting was held just before lunch. Jim Pfau and Bill Waddington were elected Co-Chairs of the 1997 convention by acclamation.


The class was called back into session following the lunch break by Denise Kania leading song on page 40. Leaders: James Page 268; Carol Crawford 290; Francis Gurtz and Colette Miller 380; Christine Stevens 107; Jim Parsons 100; Dick Levine 178; Keith Willard 39t; Becca Green and Allison Grate 49t; Kathy Wallace 315; Ted Mercer 485; Bob Parr 260; Jenny Willard 108 (t? b?); Pat Forsberg-Smith 277; Ted Johnson 369; Judy Hauff 464; Robin Fox 542; David Ivey 182; Meg Parsons 209; Daryl Mayberry 213 (t? b?); Jerry Enright 300.


Following the afternoon break at 1:55 p.m., the class was called back into session by Jim Pfau leading song on page 82t. Leaders: Mark Ellenberger 172; Richard Popp 218; Melanie Hauff 415; Richard Green 99; Julie Vea 106; Steven Levine 358; Janet Borman 66; Gary Gronau 434; Jean Carhart 566; John Bailey 340; Margo McCreary 47 (t? b?); Paul Landskroener 168; Val Dunagan 278t; Charles Wells 38b; Denise Kania 126. The class was adjourned for the day at 2:55 p.m. by singing song on page 347,“Christian’s Farewell”, led by Steven Levine and Kathy Wallace. The class was dismissed with a closing prayer by Chaplain Myles Alexander.

Sunday, September 15

Town Hall, Murphy’s Landing, Shakopee, Minnesota

The class was called back into session by Co-Chairs Stephen Levine and Kathy Wallace leading song on page 52t. Chaplain Myles Alexander offered an opening prayer. Morning leaders were: Keith Willard 74b; Robin Fox 150; Paul Wyatt 551b; Stephen Parker 47t; Bill Waddington 209; Karen Hojnacki 220; Richard Green 137; Karen James 421; John Seaton 48t; Eleanor Haase 84; Dick Dunagan 30b; Margo McCreary 497; Jeff Bell 452; Johanna Fabke 122; Myles Alexander 510; Carol Crawford 89; Gordon Olsen 86. The class adjourned for a morning break at 10:25 a.m.


Jenny Willard brought the class back to order leading song on page 145b. Leaders: James Page 284; Wendy Lee 392; Berkley Moore 114; Becky Browne 142; Anna Pfau 415; Melanie Hauff 445; Gretchen Pfau and Rebecca Gereen 178; Ted Johnson 48b; Susan Green 35; Gloria Krusemeyer 268; Scott Schroeder 149; John Bailey 454; Mary Rose O’Reilly 203; Dick Levine 147t; Kit Pfau 81t; Anthony Park 299; Val Eng 500. The class adjourned at 11:30 for a brief recess.


After the break the class was reconvened by Stephen Levine leading song on page 32 (t? b?). The floor was then given to Keith Willard, chair of the Memorial Committee who explained the tradition to those new to the convention and read the list of sick and shut-ins: Don Johnson, Sara Curry, Florence Becker, Marjorie Parker, Annie B. Wyatt, Barrett Ashley, Lawrence and Lula Underwood, Viola Smith, Ruth Wyatt, Louise Wallace, Jeanette Lowry, Lisa Grayson, Ed Keuper, Norman Wersan, Maurice Faubion, Rodney Willard, Virgil and Ruby Phillips, and Vester and Flossie Jones. The song on page 348 (t? b?) was sung for their healing. David Ivey of Huntsville, Alabama spoke eloquently of the tradition of remembering those who have passed on. The longer we sing, the more of these names we come to know . He then read the list of those who have passed on: Gerrit van Egsden, Tommy Creel, Irvin Creel, Dillie Creel, Robert and Camilla Haase, Chris Whiting, Dewey Williams, Al Levin, Mike McDonald, Bruce Johnson, Roberte Gruber, Ed Latham, Ester Reed, Evelyn Browne, Joyce Smith, Colbie Allen, Floyd Stiefel, Andrew Stiefel, Kelsey Wootten, Agnes Hocutt, Hazel Cagle, Guy Parker, Aver Crider, Joe Smith, Eula Stallings, Cleve Blevins, Oscar Berlin, Christopher Lee, Patrick Riley, and Bill Monroe. The song on page 285 (t? b?) was sung for their memory. Walter Graff then offered a prayer of thanks for the companionship of all of these friends.


The class was called back into session following the lunch break by Jim Pfau leading song on page 59. Leaders: Midge Olsen 455; Bob Parr 502; Felicia Stevens 84; David Ivey 328; Daryl Mayberry 212; Ted Mercer 216; Meg Parsons 440; Jerry Enright 442; Judy Hauff 472; Gary Gronau 110; Jenny Willard 383; Mark Ellenberger 28 (t? b?); Jan Ketelle 163t; Jim Parsons 444; Denise Kania 479; Richard Popp led “Seeley” by Richard Popp 1995; Julie Vea 419; Charles Wells 49b; Janet Borman 34b; Steven Levine 192. A break was called at 2:00 p.m.


The class was called back together by Keith Willard leading song on page 29t. The roll of states represented was called and there were people from: Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, New Jersey, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. In all, 14 states were represented. Diana Zwieg, Colleen Zwieg, and Maggie led song on page 186, followed by the raffle drawing. Eloise Jerome made a beautiful afghan that was won by Judy Hauff. Leaders: Pat Forsberg-Smith 341; Donna Latifa 117; Martha Henderson 290; Walter Graff 441; Carol Buche 504; Tineke Stevens 501; Francis Gurtz and Colette Miller 183; Robin Fox 47b; Richard Green 198; John Seaton 171; Karen Hojnacki 145t; Kathy Wallace 189. A brief business session included announcements of future singings, and the Treasurer’s Report that expenses ran $1,388 and contributions of $1,576. The Secretary, Stephen Parker, reported that 157 tunes were led. Resolutions Committee Chair Julie Vea and Karen Hojnacki offered the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted: “The Minnesota Convention is a model of cooperation with the local singers working cooperatively and efficiently, but most of all, happily and with grace. Rarely are there so many willing workers for the jobs that must be done. We thank them and the spirit with which they lent their hands. We resolve that the Minnesota tradition of co-chairing the convention so aptly maintained by Kathy Wallace and Steven Levine be continued and that next year’s weather be as cooperative as this year’s. Resolved that the Minnesota Convention be known for the efficient cooperation between members of committees and the greatest number of committee members: Locating Committee of Jenny Willard; Publicity; Graphics; Housing; Child Care Coordinator; Arranging Committee; Secretary; Pitching; Chaplain; Registration; Setup and Take-down; Refreshments; Food; Financial; Memorial; Clean-up; Raffle; Saturday’s Party; Singers; Chairs. This convention has been run like a fuguing tune, with each person in their proper station.” The class adjourned this year’s convention by taking the “Parting Hand”, 62.

Chairmen—Stephen Levine and Kathy Wallace; Secretary—Stephen Parker.

1997 Chairmen—James Pfau and Bill Waddington.