Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Darien Primitive Baptist Church Singing
and Homecoming

Tallapoosa County, Alabama

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The annual Sacred Harp singing at Darien Primitive Baptist Church in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, was held on the fourth Sunday in May. Bill Thomas welcomed everyone and opened the singing with prayer. Don Clark led 34b.

A business session was held with the following officers elected or appointed: Chairman—Don Clark; Vice Chairman—Gaylon Powell; Secretary—Donna Bell.

Leaders: Don Clark 36b; Carol Buche 99, 143; Judy Chambless 129, 501; Fred Hoerr 565, 288; Wendy Futral 35, 100; Lindsey Wiggins 385t, 440; Floy Wilder 382, 187; Virginia Futral 569b, 145b; Sonny Erwin 441, 454; Cheryl Foreman 42, 77t; William Futral 340, 341; Robert Chambless 70t (in honor of John Plunkett and in memory of deceased Sacred Harp singers), 480; Guy Bankes 481, 350; Tammy Powell 222, 189; Laura Densmore 485, 50t; Gaylon Powell 111b, 505.

At this time, a homecoming address was given by Bill Thomas. A short business meeting for the Cemetery Trust Fund was held and reports were given by Steve Welsh, followed by a brief church history by Claire Bishop Caldwell. Wayne Cotney gave the devotional, and in observance of Memorial Day, recognized all the veterans present and thanked them for their service to our country. Wayne Cotney blessed the noon meal.


The afternoon session began with Karen Clark leading 505 (CB), 430 (CB) (in memory of Etta Sims Hall, a member of Darien Church who died last October shortly before her 104th birthday); Frank Bell Reaves and Gaylon Powell 274t (in honor of Irene Hodnett Knight), 339; Donna Bell 358 (by request), 503; Charlotte Bishop 229 (CB), 511 (CB); Sharon Whitehead 112, 164; Linda Fagan 335 (CB), 488 (CB); Nell Estes 120, 172; Marty Hoerr 159, 312b; Wayne Cotney 45t, 59; Jason Sanders and Laura Densmore 294; Carol Buche 178; Tammy Powell 163b; Cheryl Foreman 475; Lindsey Wiggins 318; Sonny Erwin 113; Guy Bankes and Laura Densmore 549.

Following announcements, Don Clark led 56t as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer offered by Bill Thomas

Chairman—Don Clark; Vice Chairman—Gaylon Powell; Secretary—Donna Bell