Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Central Ontario Singing

Wellington Street United Church, London, Ontario

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The 4th annual Central Ontario Singing was called to order by Tom Siess leading 66. Reverend Wendy Brown offered the morning prayer.

The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Tom Siess; Vice Chairperson—Gloria Thompson; Secretary—Henry Schuman.

Leaders: Tom Siess 474; Pleasance Crawford 91; Bill Beverly 297; Sarah Trumbore 117; Lynn Wilson 384; Ted Johnson 89; Anne Evers 547; Frank Griggs 475; Idy Kiser 49t; Steve Warner 171; Ann Miczulski 30t; Jo Schultz 107; Ginny Landgraf 506; Jan May 31t; Ann Heider 344; John Seaton 47t; Laurie Dempsey 503; Tom Siess 178.


Tom Siess called the class to order leading 82t. Leaders: Judith Nancekivell 36b; Steven Rogers 84; Ann Sleeva 155; Peter Trumbore and Sarah Trumbore 63; Thomas Evers 135; Martha Beverly 485; Ted Mercer 300; Chuck Crawford 378t; Gillian Inksetter 448t; Christina Ronzio and Tiffany Tremain 85; Henry Schuman 318.

Jo Schultz and Pleasance Crawford conducted the memorial lesson, and led 452. Pleasance Crawford read the list of names of the sick and shut-ins and the deceased. The sick and shut-ins included Amanda Denson, Raymond Hamrick, Pauline Childers, Lynda LaPeer, Hi-Ko Williams, and Linda Laing.

The deceased remembered were LaRue Allen, Flarce Creel, Wilton Donaldson, B.J. Harris, John Hyde, and Richard Mauldin, Sr.—Alabama; Mirjana Lausevic—Minnesota; Stu Allen—Ontario.

Leaders: Henry Schuman 340; Idy Kiser 312b; Steve Warner 168; Tom Siess 106.


Tom Siess called the class to order leading 324. Tom Siess led Happy Birthday to the tune of Lenox for all the August and September birthdays. Leaders: Ted Johnson “Boulder”; Ann Heider 236; Steven Rogers 86; Pleasance Crawford 232; Peter Trumbore 38b; Ann Miczulski 361; Thomas Evers 569b; Gillian Inksetter, Greg Jenkins, and Sabina Huesing 551, 34b; John Seaton 269; Christina Ronzio and Tiffany Tremain 159; Bill Beverly 441; Laurie Dempsey 268.


Tom Siess called the class to order leading 334. Leaders: Chuck Crawford 72b; Jo Schultz 501; Ted Mercer 272; Martha Beverly 77t; Jan May 99; Sarah Trumbore 282; Frank Griggs 504; Margaret Bornick 472; Ron Bornick 454; Ginny Landgraf 224; Ann Sleeva 68b; Lynn Wilson 143; Anne Evers and Maria Evers 122; Pleasance Crawford 436 (in memory of LaRue Allen); Ron Bornick 142; Ann Heider 528; Ted Johnson 368.


Tom Siess brought the class back together leading 146. Leaders: Ginny Landgraf 542; Steve Warner 148; Margaret Bornick 162; Ted Mercer 209; Sarah Trumbore 154; Chuck Crawford 535; Ann Sleeva 45t; John Seaton 37b; Ann Miczulski 335; Martha Beverly 218; Jan May 228; Jo Schultz 198; Gillian Inksetter 183; Henry Schuman 426b.

Announcements were made. Chairman Tom Siess led 347 as the closing song. Christina Ronzio dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Tom Siess; Vice Chairperson—Gloria Thompson; Secretary—Henry Schuman