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Garden State Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Montclair, New Jersey

May 20-21, 2006

Friday Evening, May 20

The fourteenth annual session of the Garden State Sacred Harp Singing Convention was held at Montclair Friends Meetinghouse in Montclair, New Jersey. The class was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Gina Balestracci, who led 66, then offered the opening prayer.

Officers for the convention were as follows: Chair—Gina Balestracci; Vice Chair—Susan Bingham; Treasurer—Dick Levine; Secretary—Cindy Sadler.

Leaders: Susan Bingham 30t; Roland Hutchinson 28t; Liz Pagan 481; Claire Simon 47t; Ron Bornick 178; Cindy Sadler 312b; Dick Levine 569t; Eileen Metzger 383; Guy Bankes 350; Margaret Bornick 228; Thom Metzger 131t; Barbara Swetman 127; George Seiler 159; Dennis Leipold 300; Ted Stokes 58; Diane Mennella 540; Jim Helke 95.


Roland Hutchinson brought the class back to order with 50t. Leaders: Miriam Kilmer 378b; Nathan Rees 428; Jean Seiler 200; Tim Slattery 168; Rachel Speer 328; Terry Ryan 299; Elizabeth Stokes 324; Hal Kunkel 434; Claire Chapin 510; Laura Densmore 102; Gina Balestracci 419; Susan Bingham 455; Roland Hutchinson 250; Liz Pagan 84; Claire Simon 270; Ron Bornick 155; Cindy Sadler 384; Dick Levine 99; Eileen Metzger 101t; Guy Bankes 486; Margaret Bornick 162; Thom Metzger 260; Barbara Swetman 313t; George Seiler 183; Carol Werba 535; Dennis Leipold 475; Ted Stokes 375; Diane Mennella 349; Jim Helke 336; Miriam Kilmer 344; Nathan Rees 141; Jean Seiler 82t; Tim Slattery 34b; Rachel Speer 34t; Elizabeth Stokes 146; Claire Chapin 276; Hal Kunkel 100; Terry Ryan 369; Laura Densmore 368.

Gina Balestracci led 114 as the closing song, and the class was dismissed with prayer.

Saturday, May 21

Gina Balestracci called the class together leading 77t. Ginny Landgraf offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Susan Bingham 38t; Claire Simon 107; Ginny Landgraf 218; Ron Bornick 334; Cindy Sadler 298; Michael Kaye 547; Guy Bankes 350; Barbara Barry 42; Dick Levine 175; Barbara Swetman 91; Terry Ryan 163b; Anna Mayes 312b; Thom Metzger 448t; Charlotte Ehrman 340; Paula Picton 546; Violet Krumbein 181; George Seiler 68b; Eileen Metzger 282; Ted Stokes 378b; Inga Knets 379; Claire Chapin 497; Dean Jens 556; Margaret Bornick 217; Roland Hutchinson 242; Miriam Kilmer 191; Gina Balestracci 71.


Dennis Leipold led 145b to bring the class back to order. Leaders: Carol Werba 31t; Nathan Rees 436; Patricia Geritz 523; Jim Helke 157; Rick Johnston 392; Aldo Ceresa 216; Jean Seiler 236; Brenda Peña 548; Doron Henkin 464; Tim Slattery 66; Rachel Speer 318; Dennis Leipold 224; Elizabeth Stokes 48t; David Boyle 47t.

Ron Bornick and Margaret Bornick conducted the memorial lesson. Ronald Bornick read the following list of sick and shut-ins and led 86 in their honor: Everett Silvia, Chris Robinson, James Wortman, T.K. Moffatt, Cheryl Henry, Deborah Kilmer, John Hillis, and Beverly Lathrop.

Margaret Bornick led 315 for the following deceased: Mark Lincoln Seiler—Maine; Lucy Simpson, Marian Ryan, Peter Bordicri, Sr., Jim Armstrong, Nancy Levy, and Patrick Giles—New York; Vi Stark and Al Frank—Illinois; Dean Slaton—Indiana; Norma Koenig and Tiffany Mason—Pennsylvania; May DeGennaro—Florida; Phillip Dodson—Georgia; Fred Beardsley—Virginia; Stuart Lucas—New Jersey; Harriet Raphael Hutchinson—California; Ron Miola—Massachusetts; Teddy Creel—Alabama. Ginny Landgraf concluded the memorial session with prayer.

Leaders: Laura Densmore 304; Hal Kunkel 362; Ginny Landgraf 162; Rick Johnston 213t; Barbara Barry 567; Michael Kaye 448b; Louise Luger 143; Anna Mayes 267. Ginny Landgraf offered the blessing for the noon meal.


Aldo Ceresa brought the class back to order with 105. Leaders: Brenda Peña 549; Dean Jones 486; David Boyle 47b; Inga Knets 326; Doron Henkin 564; Patricia Geritz 501; Jim Helke 43; Crystal Burnham 209; Aldo Ceresa 442; Lynne deBenedette 203; Nathan Rees 440; Paula Picton 411; Dennis Leipold 112; Rachel Speer 426b; Thom Metzger 274t; Cindy Sadler 173; Hal Kunkel 528; Elizabeth Stokes 302; Guy Bankes 327; Barbara Swetman 542.


Gina Balestracci brought the class back to order with 40. Leaders: Roland Hutchinson 543; Eileen Metzger 182; George Seiler 480; Margaret Bornick 504; Ted Stokes 134; Claire Chapin 49b; Ron Bornick 454; Miriam Kilmer 306; Jean Seiler 472; Tim Slattery 228; Laura Densmore 201; Gina Balestracci 245; Paula Picton 300; Lynne deBenedette 73t; Lauren Bock 384; Charlotte Ehrman 58.

Gina Balestracci led 62 as the closing song as the class took the parting hand. Ginny Landgraf dismissed the class with prayer.

Chair—Gina Balestracci; Vice Chair—Susan Bingham; Secretary—Cindy Sadler.