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United Sacred Harp Musical Association

Shady Grove Baptist Church, Dutton (Jackson County), Alabama

September 8-9, 2001

Saturday, September 8

The ninety-eighth session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Association was called together by Rodney Ivey leading song on page 32t. Louis Hughes offered the morning prayer.

Rodney Ivey led song on page 101t, and then the following officers were called to lead: Henry Johnson 425; Max Berueffy 147b; Nora Parker 36b; Harrison Creel 123t. The Arranging Committee proceeded with the following leaders called: Cassie Franklin 73t; Don Bowen 59; Elene Stovall 76b; Mark Carroll 37b; Dennis George 56b; Cindy Tanner and Jackie Tanner 298; Aaron Wootten 270; Syble Adams 515; Rex Wilks 53; Mike Dunn 186; Norma Green and Nate Green 379; Sandie Scott 548; S.T. Reed 32b.


The class was brought to order by Rodney Ivey leading song on page 48t.

A business session was held to elect officers. Those elected and appointed to serve were: Chairman—Dennis George; Vice Chairman—Max Berueffy; Secretary—Nora Parker (Permanent); Chaplain—Louis Hughes; Arranging Committee—Bud Oliver, Cassie Franklin, and Scott DePoy; Memorial Committee—Mark Brown and Susan Harcrow; Resolutions Committee—April Hall and Linda Thomas; Location Committee—Coy Ivey, Jeff Sheppard, and Larry Ballinger; Finance Committee—Rodney Ivey and Don Bowen.

End of business session.

Leaders: Mattie Townsel 68b; Kiri Miller 112; Velton Chafin 522; Mary Ann Daly 479; Hershell King 317; Milton Oliver 314; Edith Tate 532; Lela Crowder 99; Janice Paulk 518; Mary Florence Smith 222; Kenneth DeLong 556; Duane Chesney 146; David Carlton 300; Linda Sides 277; Cheryl Foreman 209; Daryl Chesney 218.


The class was reassembled with Shane Wootten and Donna Wootten leading song on page 274t. Leaders: Scott DePoy 47b; April Hall 30t; Pauline Childers 269; Roy Turrentine 69t; Phil Summerlin 52b; John Plunkett 360; Darlene Dalton 454; Barbara Swetman 313b; Jeff Sheppard 321; Susan Harcrow 436; Betty Wright 410t; Bill Stewart 569b; Elsie Moon 456; Terre Schill 383; Keith Willard 144; Terry Wootten 201; Paula McGray 160 (t? b?); Judy Mincey 538; Laura Clawson 367.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Louis Hughes leading song on page 278b. Leaders: Ann Jett 546; Charlene Wallace 299; David Ivey 394; Wanda Capps 142; Lynne deBenedette 202; Floy Wilder 402; Reba Windom 216; Jeannette DePoy 475; Jerry Enright 168; Shelbie Sheppard 183; LaRue Allen 280; Jenny Willard 392; Karen Freund 77b; Judith Green and Coy Ivey 384; Flarce Creel and Danny Creel 182; Daphene Causey 434; Richard DeLong 302; Teenie Moody 217; Jarrod George 358; Linda Thomas 47t; Lou Cotney 196; Mark Brown “Sweet Beulah Land”; Freeman Wootten and Jewel Wootten 282; Karen Travis and Sandy Ivey 503; Jack Paulk 147t.


The class reassembled with Cassie Franklin leading song on page 171. Leaders: Christy Blevins, Ethan Blevins, Conner Blevins, and Scott Ivey 145b; Eloise Wootten 137; Jackson Harcrow 354b; Melvin Stiefel 138b; Loretta Smith and Amy Smith 39t; Charles McCravy 143 (in memory of Tommye Denson Mauldin); Ron Harper 107; Bob Simmons 40; Kenneth DeLong 492; B.M. Smith 225t.

After announcements were made, Dennis George and Max Berueffy led song on page 56t as the closing song. The class was dismissed with prayer led by Louis Hughes.

Sunday, September 9

The class on Sunday morning was called together by Dennis George leading song on page 82t. Louis Hughes offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Dennis George 57; Max Berueffy 177; Rex Wilks 47b; B.J. Harris 303; Ken Tate 426b; Scott DePoy 179; Nora Parker 394; Lamar Smith and Randall Smith 36b, 76b; Eddie Brown 312b; Ivalene Donaldson 204; Don Bowen 486t (WB); Mary Ann Daly 275 (t? b?); Evelyn Harris 39b; Mary Florence Smith 29t; Wilton Donaldson 285 (t? b?); Pam Wilkerson 424; Louis Hughes 408; Barbara Swetman 415; Betty Wright 347.


The class resumed singing with Shane Wootten leading song on page 299. Leaders: Cassie Franklin 193; Terre Schill 284; Judy Mincey 540; Larry Ballinger 224; Jason Wilks 99; Lela Crowder 442; Roy Turrentine 35; Cheryl Foreman 378b; Linda Sides 383; John Plunkett 450; Chris Ballinger 276; Brenda Carroll 384; Harrison Creel 512; Danny Creel 112; Bill Stewart 460; Aaron Wootten 101t; Syble Adams 498; Carol Chapman 126; Wayne Wootten 111b.


The class was called to order by Scott DePoy leading song on page 201. Leaders: Jerry Enright 77t; Lisa Geist 269; Pauline Childers 318; Myra Dalton and Darlene Dalton 309, 229; Chip Ward 336; Judith Green and Coy Ivey 142; Keith Willard and Jenny Willard 349; April Hall and Tim Dalton 33b, 277; Edith Tate 73t.

The memorial lesson was held at this time. Susan Harcrow conducted this lesson with these comments. “Each one of us here is a member of a family. We have immediate families, our church family, community family, and maybe even a work family. But today we are all members of a singing family, and our singing family is just like all other families. Each time we are together, it is just like a family reunion. Many of us only see each other on certain occasions, such as this, but we are always excited to see one another. We care about each other, we are happy over good news, sad when there’s bad, concerned when there is sickness, and we mourn when there is death. And, just like all families, our singing family changes. The appearance of this family has changed from what it was this time last year because there are those who are no longer with us. And, just like family homecomings, decorations, and memorial days, we pause now to honor their memory. Anytime we lose a member of a family, we are sad for a season. But, we hope that our singing family will be reunited to sing again. The Bible tells of David being grieved at the death of a son saying, ‘I know that he cannot return to me, but I can go to where he is.’ That place, I believe, is heaven, where our family will be reunited once again to sing our Savior’s praise forever and ever.” We sing today’s memorial lesson in memory of the following: Nobie Smith, Eloise Watkins, Grady Price, Woodie Walker, Barb Wiegold, Ruby Creel, Elmer Conwill, Gene Wakefield, A.C. McGough, Jerilyn Schumacher, Tommye Denson Mauldin, Mildred Ecrold, Alcie Craig, Jack Smith, Jack Corley, Mary K. Friday, Bob Todd, Joanna Sorlien, and Gene Munce. Mark Brown and Susan Harcrow led song on page 48t for the deceased.

Mark Brown led “It Is Well With My Soul” (WB) for the sick and shut-ins: Delorese Lee, Milford Brown, Liz Bryant, Mozelle Sheppard, Ruby Wilks, Margaret Keeton, Jap Walton, Joyce Walton, Dr. James L. Howell, Martha Howell, Lawrence Underwood, and Lula Underwood. Jason Wilks closed the memorial with prayer.

Rodney Ivey and Betty Shepherd led song on 216.


The afternoon session was brought to order by Max Berueffy leading song on page 445. Leaders: Terry Wootten 448t; Lynne deBenedette 436; Kiri Miller 455; Jeannette DePoy 387; Coy Ivey and Richard Ivey 559 (CB); Laura Clawson 430; Susan Harcrow 218; Richard DeLong 411; Daphene Causey 200; Shelbie Sheppard 195; Karen Freund 172; Elene Stovall 542; Jeff Sheppard 128; LaRue Allen 220; Reba Windom 196; Floy Wilder 297; David Ivey 499; Jackie Tanner 477; Betty Shepherd 299; Nate Green and Norma Green 143; Sarah Harcrow 186; Cindy Tanner, Cassie Franklin, Wanda Capps, Shelley Capps, and Emily Creel 72b.


The class was called to order by Cassie Franklin and Rodney Ivey leading song on page 300. Leaders: Tony Ivey and Hobert Ivey 29b; Amber Springfield 454; Lavaughn Ballinger 84; Loyd Ivey 89; Tresha McClain 345b; Marty Wootten 448b; Jenny Wootten Mann 148; Karen Travis 163 (t? b?); Scott Ivey 28b.

A business session was held for the purpose of hearing reports from various committees.

Resolutions Committee Report. We resolve to give God praise for the opportunity to meet at the ninety-eighth session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Convention. We thank the:

(1) Officers and committees for jobs well done;

(2) Singers and listeners who supported the convention, and we remember those who were unable to attend.

We resolve to love and encourage one another as we support the tradition of Sacred Harp. We are thankful to God, our unfailing companion on life’s journey, for His comfort, His amazing grace and unspeakable joy. Respectfully submitted by: April Hall and Linda Thomas.

Location Committee Report. The ninety-ninth session of the United Sacred Harp Musical Association will be held at Pleasant Hill Church (Johnson School House), Fayette County, Alabama, on Highway 44, Old Fayette Road, on the second Sunday and Saturday before in September 2002. Submitted by: Coy Ivey, Jeff Sheppard, and Larry Ballinger.

Finance Committee Report. Balance brought forward of $1,193.97; total expenses for this year’s convention was $419.27; a collection was received in the amount of $389.95; balance on hand $1,164.65. Submitted by: Nora Parker.

The business session was closed.

After announcements were made, Dennis George, Max Berueffy, and Mark Brown led song on page 46 as the closing song. Tony Ivey dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman—Dennis George; Vice Chairman—Max Berueffy; Secretary—Nora Parker.