Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Henagar-Union Convention

Liberty Church, Henagar, Alabama

July 1-2, 2000

Saturday, July 1

The eighty-fourth session of the Henagar-Union Sacred Harp Convention was called to order with Chairman David Ivey leading song on page 82t. The morning prayer was led by Pastor Tony Ivey.

Vice Chairman Rodney Ivey led song on page 101t. Leaders: Loyd Ivey 97; Marlon Wootten 59; Secretary Norma Latham Green 371; Jackie Tanner 182.

Jackie Tanner and Cindy Franklin were appointed as the Arranging Committee.

Leaders: Shane Wootten 56t; Rex Wilks 53; Ashley Keeton 196; B.M. Smith 475; Josie Hyde 434; Mike Thompson 178; Ivalene Donaldson 426t; Velton Chafin 573; Tommy McGraw 30t; Cassandra Franklin 217; Travis Keeton 179; Martha Henderson 497.


The singing resumed with Tony Ivey leading song on page 176b. Leaders: Mike Dunn 137; Wilton Donaldson 37b; Allison Dodson 348b; Louis Hughes, Jr. 112; Teenie Moody 384; Martha Beverly 274t; Johnny Humber 268; Judy Hauff 172; John Hyde 297; John Plunkett 545; Glenn Keeton 222; Flarce Creel and Cassandra Franklin 546; Teresa Ballinger 110; Judy Mincey 464; Chip Ward 74b; David Ballinger, Lavaughn Ballinger, and Jimmy Ballinger 168; Shelbie Sheppard 148 (requested for Rodney Ivey); Danny Creel 383.


Dennis George brought the class back together leading song on page 277. Leaders: Amanda Ballinger and Buddy Ballinger 399b; Ted Johnson 404; Eschol Hughes 235; Joe Nall 430; Pauline Childers 480; Jenny Willard 318; Jeff Sheppard 316; Melanie Hauff 34t; Pam Nunn 218; Edwin Ballinger 124; Louis Hughes, Sr. 378b; Wanda Capps 298; Mary Florence Smith 91; Earl Ballinger 331; Marilyn Burchett 29t; Harrison Creel 498; Jessie Roberts and Micah Roberts (grandson) 460.


The afternoon session opened with David Ivey leading song on page 203. Leaders: Hershell King 373; Sandie Scott 408; Ann Jett 327; Lomax Ballinger and Linton Ballinger 81t; Flora Skinner 426 (t? b?), 436; David Carlton 86; Hannah Roberts 146; David Lee 63; Allison Ivey and Richard Ivey 270; Jessica Davis 45t; Sarah Harcrow 299; Amber Springfield 389; Stuart Ivey, Sumner Ellis, Worth Ellis, and Michael Seeley 87; Jarrod George 300; Don Bowen, Randall Smith, and Coy Ivey 454; Karen Davis 282; Allen Fannin, Gayle Dyer, and Allison Dyer 39t; Virginia Douglas 49b; Henry Johnson 267; Kelly House 362.


The singing resumed with Hobert Ivey and Rodney Ivey leading song on page 47t. Ivey Ellis, Karen Ivey, and Pam Nunn led 236 (for Pam Ivey Ellis). The results of the election were announced at this time: Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairmen—Shane Wootten and Rodney Ivey; Secretary—Norma Latham Green.

Leaders: Nate Green and Norma Green 70t; Laura Clawson 542; S.T. Reed 568; Karen Freund 496; Max Berueffy 328; Susan Harcrow 269; Jerry Enright 349 (for Aunt Woodie Walker); Reba Windom 224; Sam Sommers 473; Joyce Walton 455; John Etheridge and Kelly House 456; Elene Stovall 142; Lynne deBenedette 532.

Following announcements, David Ivey led song on page 46, and the Saturday session was dismissed with prayer by Louis Hughes, Sr.

Sunday, July 2

The Sunday session was called to order with Chairman David Ivey leading songs on pages 32t and 57. The morning prayer was led by Loyd Ivey.

Leaders: Vice Chairman Rodney Ivey 48t; Vice Chairman Shane Wootten 37b; Secretary Norma Latham Green 491 (for Mattie Townsel who was unable to attend); Jackie Tanner 144; Linda Sides 285t; Lamar Smith 76b; Genny Whitworth and Homer Whitworth 290; Eloise Wootten 234; Charles Franklin 342; Kshama Ananthapura 69t; Diane Mennella 312b; John Henry Busby “Jesus Died For Me” (WB); Edward Howton 434 (in memory of Mae Seymour).


David Ivey brought the class together leading song on page 200 (for Marie Aldridge, who was ill). Leaders: Joan Aldridge 192; Dewayne Wootten 283; Betty Wright 347; Beth O’Dell 546; Allen Fannin 513; Lynne deBenedette 42; Boyd Scott 58; Lavaughn Ballinger and Loyd Ivey 358; Edith Tate 436; Richard Ivey 343; Cassie Franklin and Jarrod George 384; Lisa Geist 327; Don Clark 350; Cindy Franklin and Cassie Franklin 485; Larry Ballinger 151; Jackson Harcrow 63; Elsie Moon 68b.


The singing resumed with Shane Wootten leading song on page 155. Leaders: Max Berueffy 556; Betty Shepherd 216; Jerry Enright 77t; Donna Wootten and Shane Wootten 74b; Karen Buche 421; Levon Wootten 441; Brenda Merritt 56b.

The Memorial Committee, Henry Johnson and Susan Harcrow, presented the memorial lesson. Henry Johnson quoted from the song “Fleeting Days”, then read the names on the sick and shut-in list: Hershell Wooten, Marie Aldridge, Sheila Moon, Mozelle Sheppard, Jap Walton, Ruby Phillips, Lawrence Underwood, Lula Underwood, Ruby Wilks, Mattie Townsel, Woodie Walker, Mary Stiefel, and Gerlene Gilbert, then led song on page 418.

Susan Harcrow talked about how we miss our friends and loved ones that we have lost and read from 1 Peter 5:10, “That after you have suffered a while, I will make you perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” Susan Harcrow then read the names of the deceased: Virgil Phillips, Lindberg Lacy, Ester Wall Brown, J.V. Gilbert, Karen House, Karen Hamilton, Julia White, John Cawley, Allene Stanford, Dollie Hudgins, Sherry Thomas, Hazel O’Dell, Patrick Waddell, Rosa Hughes, Horace Batchelor, and Howard Rush, and led song on page 503. Phil Summerlin closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Marty Wootten, Jarred Wootten, Hayden Wootten, and Jamie Wootten 551.


Rodney Ivey, Jackie Tanner, and Betty Shepherd opened the afternoon session with song on page 186. Leaders: John Merritt 240; Jeffrey Wootten 542; Flora Skinner 434; Gravis Ballinger 300; Coy Ivey, Karen Ivey, and Allison Ivey 559 (CB); Sam Sommers 528; Brenda Carroll 442; Loyd Ivey, Doug Ivey, Teresa Bethune, Marian Biddle, Candace Bethune, Lindsey Bethune, Martha Underwood, and Lillie Underwood 454, 501 (CB); Phil Summerlin 196; Kelly House 419; Bud Oliver 145t; Karen Freund 411; Tony Ivey and John Etheridge 410t; Darlene Dalton and Cassie Franklin 277; Martha Henderson 383; Mary Ruth Stiefel 268.


Shawn Carroll called the class together leading song on page 28b. Leaders: Laura Clawson and Cassie Franklin 328; Don Bowen and Rodney Ivey “Trusting” (WB); Reba Windom 572 (CB); Freeman Wootten and Jewel Wootten 565; Jenny Wootten and Britt Mann 85; Syble Adams 336 (CB); S.T. Reed 457 (by request).

Following announcements, David Ivey, Rodney Ivey, Shane Wootten, and Tony Ivey led 146 as the closing song, and those who wished took the parting hand. The convention was dismissed with prayer by Elder Tony Ivey.

Chairman—David Ivey; Vice Chairmen—Rodney Ivey and Shane Wootten; Secretary—Norma Latham Green.