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Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention

Sweetwater Chapel, Lawrenceville, Georgia

October 29-30, 2016

Saturday, October 29

The 148th session of the Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention was hosted by Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, on the fifth Sunday and Saturday before in October. The class was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by John Plunkett leading 52t. Bill Hollingsworth offered the morning prayer. Jeannette DePoy directed the introductory lesson leading songs on pages 418, 168, 73b, 378b, 119, 71, and 572.

Leaders: Helen Bryson 205, 328; Rachel Carlisle 318, 192; David Brodeur 85, 69b; Emmaleigh Calhoun 277, 47b; Bill Hollingsworth 180, 91; Eric Tweedy 68t, 276; Jerusha Wheeler 551; Nina Burris 335, 288; Jesse Karlsberg 289, 325; Rebecca Over 74t, 562.


John Plunkett called the class to order leading 167.

A business session was held with the following officers and committee members elected or appointed to serve: Chairman—Nathan Rees; Vice Chairman—Rachel Carlisle; Secretary/Treasurer—Helen Bryson; Resolutions Committee—Lisa Bennett and Rebecca Over; Memorial Committee—David Brodeur and David Smead; Arranging Committee—Jeannette DePoy and Andy Ditzler. A motion was made and carried to add John Plunkett as a second on the convention checking account.

Leaders: David Smead 296, 444; John Hollingsworth 236; Winfred Kerr 87, 500; Lisa Bennett 538, 186; Andy Ditzler 337, 407; Debora Grosse 114, 116; Nathan Rees 29b, 211; Michael Spencer 370, 393; Chris Tweedy 156, 70t; Tony Hammock 547, 275b; Chris Wilhelm 101b, 107.


Nathan Rees called the class to order leading 101t. Leaders: Susan Posey 312b, 228; Ann Riley Gray 439, 142; Sandra Wilkinson 40, 334; George Burnette 128, 129; David Brodeur 104; Rebecca Over 504; Nina Burris 198; Jesse Karlsberg 202; Andy Ditzler 416; Eric Tweedy 195; Emmaleigh Calhoun 146; Michael Spencer 191; Chris Wilhelm 494; Tony Hammock 112; Debora Grosse 460; David Smead 158; John Hollingsworth 240; Lisa Bennett 505 (in memory of Earlis McGraw); Winfred Kerr 388; Alice West 408, 73t; Jerusha Wheeler 454; George Burnette 117; Ann Riley Gray 316; Sandra Wilkinson 300.

Announcements were made. Nathan Rees and the other officers led 323t as the closing song. Bill Hollingsworth offered the closing prayer.

Sunday, October 30

Nathan Rees called the class to order leading 56t. John Plunkett offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Rachel Carlisle 275b, 145t; Helen Bryson 312t, 546; Andy Ditzler 132, 375; Jeannette DePoy 55, 457; David Brodeur 83b, 93; David Smead 467, 138b; Rebecca Over 50b, 461; Lisa Bennett 387, 512; Eli Hinton 146, 65; Scott DePoy 114, 179; Sandra Wilkinson 405, 73b; Matt Hinton 275t, 280; Jesse Karlsberg 110, 440.


Rachel Carlisle called the class to order leading 32t. Leaders: John Plunkett 85, 53; Trevor Goble 67, 86; Jim Neal 84, 496; Dan Edwards 47b, 448b; Isaac Green 24b, 73t.

David Smead and David Brodeur conducted the memorial lesson. David Brodeur read from Hebrews, chapter 12. The sick and shut-ins remembered were Susan Harcrow, Jack Paulk, Ben Price, Michael Appert, Donna Bell, Terry Wootten, Johnny Lee, and Tom Hanson. The deceased remembered were Earlis McGraw, B.M. Smith, Geneva Prichard, Loyd Landrum, Mary Lee Calhoun, John Thomas Lee, Sr.—Georgia; Hester Edwards, Toney Smith, Steve Adams, Kermit Adams—Alabama; Janelle Davis—Illinois; Tony Conrad—New York; and Thomas Z. Hart. They led 70t. Jim Neal closed the memorial lesson with prayer.

Leaders: Anna Hinton 209, 142; Samuel Williams 197, 163t: John Hollingsworth 354t, 415.


Helen Bryson called the class to order leading 81b. Leaders: Winfred Kerr 314, 354b; Erica Hinton and friend 228, 74b; Reba Windom 270; Julian Damashek 187, 131b; Shannon Primm 29b, 72t; Hayden Arp 408, 283; Lauren Bock 50t, 181; Amy Armstrong Wells 411, 278t; Oscar McGuire 163b, 229 (for Bentley McGuire); Malinda Snow 148, 107; Judy Mincey 465, 489; Anders Wells 89, 70b; Debora Grosse 333, 569b; Alice West 100, 119; Rebecca Over 516; Winfred Kerr 517.

The convention entered into a business session for the purpose of hearing reports. The Resolutions Committee reported the following: We, the singers and members of the 148th session of the Union Musical Sacred Harp Singing Convention, thank God for the many blessings he has given to us. We thank Him for Sacred Harp, for the joy of singing and for the opportunity for fellowship with friends from near and far. We thank Him for the composers of the music and for the poets whose words we sing. We give thanks for all those who have gone before and have handed this very special tradition down to us. We thank all those whose hard work made this wonderful weekend of singing possible, especially all who prepared the delicious food that we have enjoyed both days. We thank all who came to sing and to participate on both days. We thank all associated with Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Church, the hosts of the convention this year, and whose hard work and dedication over the years has made it possible for us to enjoy the pleasure of singing here at Sweetwater Chapel. May God be with each and every one of us and allow us to meet again next year on the fifth Sunday and Saturday before in October for the 149th session of this convention at Big Creek Primitive Church.

The Treasurer reported that convention expenses were met. The reports were approved, and the business session was closed.

Announcements were made. Nathan Rees and the other officers led 62 as the closing song. Jim Neal offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Nathan Rees; Vice Chairman—Rachel Carlisle; Secretary—Helen Bryson