Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Auburn Sacred Harp Singing

St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, Auburn, Alabama

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The 13th annual Auburn Sacred Harp Singing was held at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, Auburn, Alabama, on Saturday before the third Sunday in January. The class was called to order by Fred Hoerr leading 49t. Rev. John Wells Warren offered the morning prayer.

Leaders: Fred Hoerr 28b; Karen Clark 70t; Judy Chambless 318; Jim Carnes 288; Ann Gray 142; Bill Hogan 330b; Jack Nelson 524; Earl Ballinger 439; Chris Parris and Jillian Parris 159; Lisa Geist 269; Eugene Forbes 280; Edna Ruth Phillips 218; Judy Caudle 195; Theresa Westmoreland 192; Carly Westmoreland 59; Richard Mauldin 43; Bea Aaron 456; Carolyn Thompson 442.


Karen Clark brought the class back to order leading 87. Leaders: Jim Aaron 47b; Hubert Nall 47t; Stuart Ivey 212; Shane Wootten 114; Elizabeth Gentry 76b; Nicholas Thompson 402; Larry Ballinger 403; Chris Ballinger 344; Philip Denney and Phyllis Bickers 61; Nick Holmes 56t; Matt Hinton 131b; Erica Hinton 309; Eli Hinton 99; Jeannette DePoy 460; Adam Brasich 70b; Jim Goetz 503; Samuel Sommers 392; Will Fitzgerald 131t; Rebecca Over 372; Jesse Karlsberg 377; Andy Ditzler 513; David Broduer 304.


Fred Hoerr brought the class back to order leading 312b. Leaders: John Plunkett 391; Lisa Bennett 28t.

Robert Chambless conducted the memorial lesson leading 303 in memory of the following deceased: C.W. Garner, George Garner, Robert DePoy, Sandra Spradlin, Robert DuPree, Loraine Bayer, and Neal Prichard. He spoke and led 225t for the following sick and shut-ins: Earlis McGraw, Tommie Spurlock, B.M. Smith, Anne Chalker, and Floy Wilder. Judy Chambless offered prayer to close the memorial service.

Leaders: David Smead 295; Karis Askin 504; Philip Denney 535; Karen Rollins 220; Rebecca Over 445; Jim Goetz 282; Will Fitzgerald 102; Samuel Sommers 521; Adam Brasich 399b; Erica Hinton 349; Jeannette DePoy 217; Daphene Causey 222; Reba Windom and Shane Wootten 424; Sharon DuPriest 300; Jesse Karlsberg 511; Andy Ditzler 432; Fred Hoerr, Karen Clark, Cathy Lowe, David MacKay, and Linda MacKay 480.

The following officers were elected for next year: Chairman—Robert Chambless; Vice Chairman—Karen Clark; Secretary—Judy Chambless.

After announcements, Fred Hoerr led 62 as the closing song. Rev. John Wells Warren offered the closing prayer.

Chairman—Fred Hoerr; Vice Chairman—Karen Clark; Secretary—Judy Chambless