Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings

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Emory Sacred Harp Singing

Cannon Chapel, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The annual Emory Sacred Harp Singing was held in Cannon Chapel on the Emory University campus, Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday before the second Sunday in February. David Brodeur led 36b to bring the class to order. John Kelso offered the opening prayer.

Leaders: David Brodeur 384; Lauren Bock 37b, 204; Laura Akerman 404, 405; John Plunkett 448t (for Philip Langley), 67; Andy Morse 176b, 168; Tony Hammock 60, 61; Jeannette DePoy 339, 129 (for friend Paula); Jerusha Wheeler 348t, 107; Malinda Snow 369, 28b; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 313b, 125; Debora Grosse 73b, 198; Susan Firestone 84, 504.


The class returned with David Brodeur leading 32t. Leaders: Jessica Kelso 74b, 48b; David Smead 89, 476; Scott Ivey 88b, 82b; Ann Gray 282, 318; Martha Ann Stegar 59, 347 (in memory of her husband); Kathy Smith 159, 277; Dan Edwards 312b, 49t; Tom George 115, 141; Lela Crowder 124, 274t.

A business session was held and the following officers were elected: Chairman—Lauren Bock; Vice Chairman—Megan Friddle; Secretary—Laura Akerman.


Lauren Bock and Megan Friddle brought the class back together by leading 105. Leaders: John Kelso 433, 203; Nathan Rees 272, 447; Lisa Bennett 501, 503; Megan Friddle 340, 330b; Hayden Arp 292, 234; Susan Posey 300, 148; Sandra Wilkinson 334, 176t; Shannon Primm 372, 26; Matt Hinton and Eberhard Voit 472, 142; Eli Hinton 277; Anna Hinton 40; Laura Akerman 549; Andy Morse 189; Tony Hammock “Talietha-Cumi”.


The class returned with Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg and Rob Dunn leading 275b. Leaders: Lela Crowder 90; Ann Gray 480; Tom George 306; Scott Ivey 418; Nathan Rees 417; Jerusha Wheeler 112; John Kelso and Jessica Kelso 227; Shannon Primm and Donnie Ray Benton 77t; David Smead and Lisa Bennett 268; Susan Firestone 344; Debora Grosse 37t; Sandra Wilkinson 345t.

Lauren Bock led 45b as the closing song. Scott Ivey offered the closing prayer, and the class was dismissed.

Chairman—Lauren Bock; Vice Chairman—Megan Friddle; Secretary—Laura Akerman