Minutes of Sacred Harp Singings
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Rhode Island All-Day Singing
North Scituate Grange, North Scituate, Rhode Island
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The 7th annual Rhode Island All-Day Singing was called to order by Liz Cantrell leading 59. Tom Malone offered the opening prayer.
Leaders: Tom Padwa 145t; Lynne deBenedette 171; Reid Cooper 155; Jim Bean 168; Laura Borrelli 67; Charles Cofone 66; Zachary Marcus 271t; Sherry O’Brien 269; Mike Jastram 107; Rick Johnston 179; Emma Rose Brown 40; Robert Stoddard 113; Julian Damashek 39t; Rosalie Elkinton 29t; Joanna Lampert 544; Bob Parr 215; Kathleen Garland 186; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 205; Rosemarie Yntema 36b; Yael Tarshish 31t; Celia Devine 362; Paula Picton 486.
A business meeting was held and James Baumgartner was elected Vice Chairman.
James Baumgartner led 37b to bring the class back together. Leaders: Tom Malone 530; Kelsey Sunderland 441; Elizabeth Stoddard 144; Mary Gowins 546; Willie McCumber 396; Sharon Spell 159; Bob Elliott 106; Jennie Brown 500; Bradd Libby 163t; Joanne DeVoe 122; Linda Shea 318; Kelly House 282; Dana Borrelli 87; Kiri Miller 224; Diane Mennella 218; Sally Langendorf 378b; Anne Kazlauskas 532; Ines Lüttgen 402; Pat Callahan 200. Paula Picton offered the blessing for the noon meal.
Justin Levi brought the afternoon session to order by leading 145b. Leaders: Natalie Jablonski 542; Peter Golden 99; Aldo Ceresa 377; Deidra Montgomery 196; George Pomfret 538; James Baumgartner 181; Sally House 503; Al McCready 448t; Chris Holley 322; Tom Malone 507; Linda Shea and Magda Zapedowska-Eriksen 384; Duncan Vinson 207; Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg 495; Mary Seem 414; Ines Lüttgen 197; Terry Ryan 150; Kelsey Sunderland 328; Matt Wojcik 430; Bobbie Goodell 512; Joanna Lampert 336; Marianna Faircloth 408; Judith Kolb Morris 178; Joshua Garcia 308; Cindy Bean and Nate Bean 163b.
Rosemarie Yntema led 105 to call the class back together. Leaders: Kiri Miller 131t; Liz Cantrell 501; Elizabeth Stoddard and Robert Stoddard 522; Chris Holley and Peter Golden 385t; Julian Damashek 482; Deidra Montgomery 472; Aldo Ceresa and Diane Mennella 478; Bob Parr and Anne Kazlauskas 142; Kelly House 510; Matt Wojcik and Rosie Wojcik 460; Jim Bean, Cindy Bean, and Nate Bean 300; Willie McCumber 442; Emma Rose Brown, Kathleen Garland, and Yael Tarshish 335; Dana Borrelli and Laura Borrelli 76b; Al McCready 347; George Pomfret 515; Sally Langendorf 337; Zachary Marcus and Mary Seem 288; Bobbie Goodell 401.
Liz Cantrell called for officers’ reports. Bradd Libby, Treasurer, reported that all expenses had been met. The Secretaries reported the statistics for the day: 91 singers, with 61 leaders directing 89 lessons.
Liz Cantrell, James Baumgartner, and Tom Padwa led 62 as the closing song. Paula Picton closed the singing with a prayer, and the class was dismissed.
Chairman—Liz Cantrell; Vice Chairman—James Baumgartner; Secretaries—Tom Padwa and Joanne DeVoe-Padwa